far distance :x


i have a prob with my cfg...i cant see enemies in a far distances on radar :/

is there a command for that ? how can i fix that :( rly annoying tbh

image: u2yiisnc
image: 46ax7gik


need fovchanger for mouse2 !

first click fov 90, second click on mouse2 = fov 106

reinstall et :XD
isnt it like that for every one :x
dnno but i see often player on ettv who aim from that radar spot to the cp for example ...
well gnajda is an exeption
Increased view on long distance? Higher resolution, lower fov, and perhaps lower AA and AF if u got it pumped up
I see longer in game than in ettv :O
Quotednno but i see often player on ettv who aim from that radar spot to the cp for example ...

once you hit your enemy you can try to 'follow' him... because of hitsounds..
Ingame you see the enemies better from far distance then an ETTV Replay/Match or an Demo
i meant i see the players who can see them but i cant.........................................
ye, cg_fov 90
everybody has it xD
:) its rather annoying, they should fix this problem in the etace or what ever its called :)
its not a problem.
it is because if you turn slightly to the left or right, you can see further, but if you look straight on you cant :/
thats quakes engine. you're not supposed to see the whole map anyways. you can always enable wolffog for some nice decrease of fps but which would you rather have?
depends if your computer hold it, i mean mine might be able to hold ok on radar, but you know :)
even if comp would hold it(which in most cases is the case) pb will do harm do your fps. and even if its no matter of fps, I'd rather have it like that.
As far as i know it's cheatprotected !
im talking generally.
I believe your existance is within a box ingame. When you turn the corners of this box will stick out more and extend your view.
r_depthbits 32
because of this shit view i couldnt hit /see you guys yesterday -.-
r_wolffog 0 if its on
gonna try it
haxprotected :)
lol can i use it or not
well, ofc you wont get pbbanned or smth, since its a cvar generated by et, but you cant use it on server which use the cb/esl cfg, but on pub servers without cfg or modified ones
bind mouse2 "+vstr aids1 aids2"
set aids1 "cg_fov 90;
set aids2 "cg_fov 106;

here you are
it works , but with this settings you have to hold mouse2 and then you have fov 90 . If you don't push in mouse2 you have fov 106
u also can use

bind mouse2 "+vstr mofucker1 mofucker2"
set mofucker1 "cg_fov 90;
set mofucker1 "cg_fov 106;

I play radar with fov 120 since ever. Maybe thats why i sucks ohlol :D

ps: Hi sexy boy!
:D fov 106 everywhere ;) only with rifle @ 120 fov
bind mouse2 "vstr tog_fernkampf"
set tog_fernkampf "vstr tog_fernkampf_1"
set tog_fernkampf_1 "set cg_fov 95; echo ^wFernkampf ^?1;set tog_fernkampf vstr tog_fernkampf_0"
set tog_fernkampf_0 "set cg_fov 110; echo ^wFernkampf ^?0;set tog_fernkampf vstr tog_fernkampf_1"
set near "seta cg_fov "90"; set ftoggle vstr far; echo ^0Fernkampf;seta cg_crosshairsize "50""
set far "seta cg_fov "106"; set ftoggle vstr near; echo ^1NahKampf;seta cg_crosshairsize "50""
set ftoggle "vstr far"

bind mouse2 "vstr ftoggle"
bind mouse2 "vstr fov"
set fov90 "cg_fov 90; set fov "vstr fov106""
set fov106 "cg_fov 106; set fov "vstr fov90""
set fov "vstr fov90"

edit: lil late, care. say thanks anyway -_-
thanks anyway -_-
loled :D
look a little bit to the right or to the left, you can see futher on both edges of your screen, just spot one, aim on him ,hit him on hitsounds ;)
Member For: 1 year, 9 months and 6 days

And u never played radar before? such a shame
format c:
A+ journal, would read again
bind CTRL vstr fov1
set fov1 vstr optik
set optik "cg_fov 103; set fov1 vstr optik2"
set optik2 "cg_fov 90; set fov1 vstr optik"
dunno on what servers you're playing on, but on servers with cb/esl cfg it is.
what ze fock, gnajda shared or w00t?
on CB configs its disabled, on some publics its not, so u have to set it off
its not a cheat its a cvar like r_drawfoliage
ofc i know that it's not a cheat :p and who plays on such pubs anyways?
bio has it ^^
lol really?oO
i rarely play pub at all, so i dont know about it :p
DAMN YOU!!!!!!! =DDD
All I can think of is looking with the corner of your screen.

image: -----------------------------test
Ineed, best option!
r_zfar 99999
razzah iz new to ET!
do you need spawnselector? :DDD
dont need spawnselector ^_^
use binoculars!
you need lvl 1 battle sense for that
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