its a joke right?

I dont have it, you must be a moron.
Yeah was raised in the admin forum this morning, transitional period, give it time to get things sorted properly [hopefully!].
i cannot remember any of my polite pms to the admin staff were useful :P except pms to Conor "foonr" Oberst... !
I dont have it, you must be a moron.
It bothers me so much.
::::::D very nice , and adblock works well
Still all the content is pushed down by like 4 inches
not on mine :/
block the frame as well :) might be it
or mine, i need all the inches i can get hahaha ;)
I dont have it, you must be a moron.
how do i adblock the flash thingie
right click or just click on it , and find the url.
Crossfire 3.0 - An Advertisement Community
I dont have it, you must be a moron.
have it aswell, aargh:(
I dont have it, i love you.
i love you too, but i have it! :)
its a Austria jok3
advertisements ftw
adblock addon!
it's a conspiracy to force the people to use firefox as adblocking is so much easier there!
its sounds well you know? as i use IE now and fucked with ads
i use chrome and is fucked with ads @ crossfire
I use firefox and :XDDD
i thought that to but i installed ie7 PRO (extension) because theres a adblock function into it. to many other options so i disabled those. and everything works fine now without adding urls by myself (it has a giant blockurllist).
you barely notice it once u get used to it :P
Quoteyou must be a moron
oh yeah, I finally installed adblock! thank you the xfire crew!
Crossfire 3.0 - A cashcow Community
made me laugh :x
yes i'm very funny
I dont have any ad here.. try to stop using IE shit
I dont have it, you must be a moron.
you need flashblock for those
tard -__-
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