m!das just for u....

hey lads & bois,

m!das just came back from the club. hes bored at home now and called me 2times allrdy at work >BUT my boss arrived so i havent enough time for that. :p

post funny, exciting stuff. nude pics, flash games, music, ur plans

just a question i have in my mind...:
which old et players/teams u miss who arent active anymore?! sheep/one4one

Post some nude pics schnee!
2lazy2google?! ;)
im at school! that will look suspicious! :D
im at work!
Ok, i wont make further comments on this! :DDD
I miss Spain SIC

I am gonna win the lottery tomorrow. Gonna buy crossfire then. nice weekend!
yeah srsly i am fkn boring at home but i am phoning with the hotline of my bank right now with a very nice telephony (female) and flirt a bit!! omg how wierd!!

thx to schnee for this journaly! <3
i miss Finlandmystic ofc!!!!!11
I miss:
Finland mAke
Finland loder
Finland wix
Finland tatia
Finland naxi
Finland BIGsmile
Finland Deffis
Finland Jekkis
Finland Exalt
i miss Germany amino and the old unknown reality lineup! it was always a pleasure to speak to all of them and paly ofc!
idd!! we r just chatting at studivz ;) goood old times rly. all the nights i spent with them..
i remember i met u first in their teamspeak but i was kinda shy :DD
no need2 be milady <3
ya now i know <3 :)
amino ftw! <3
wanted is awesome!! and death race is good aswell!! jason statham ftw!
transporter 3 ftw xD
snatch, transporter, bank job, war and last but not least revolver "ganz großes kino" (its a fkn phrase dont delete it!!)
war was just awesome!
best movie in 2008 imo
waiting for my car , then off to shcool until 12.25 ... then to the shop .. get 24 beers and a 2 litres of vodka , do absolutly nothing until about 5 or 6 and then drink till early hours of saturday morning and then fall a sleep :P xD

HF at work btw :D i was at school yesterday from 9 - 4 and then work from 5 - 10 .. it SUCKED ..
alcohol is evil!!
look whos talking^^
yez i know what alcohol can do to ya! :D
say that again nd i will KO u :D
going to my exam in few min :)
i would like to see in action old reload team?;p (mAx,shewie,ganon,tsu,asy,tsu,etc)
just returned from school..got my report etc..now mh sport, later party probably
- ya midas speaks from experiences xD
hm in et I miss my brother "kain" and some random players (from 2.55 f.ex^^)
wow that semi-nude is amazing...souce? XD ok i sherlocked...erin phillips is a basketball player....x(
I miss:

Netherlands Diazz
Netherlands Lopezz
Belgium 4th
Belgium Lefty
Netherlands Dartmaster

I miss Benelux KKC :<<<<<
You're still here.
Lies, I'm long gone...!
Austria FanaT!C, what a pity he doesnt play anymore, one of the greatest guys i met in et.
i miss PARODIA :<
Polandzamot & PolandrustY ;(
I miss Germany junky !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hes here i guess
where is he? Oo
ye sheep would be great to see back again,
also miss darky and rapture :<
you want me to post some nude pics from me? thats not gonna happen lady ;)
nice flag :D
haha just changed it :D i tought already you would like it ;)
lol that flag is confusing :'( though schnee was suggesting to do an evilynn :'( but no, its you :'(
im very hot you know, but i wont share nude pics from me @ the inet :D
attended the opgezwolle optreden @ Veenendaal Escape couple of months ago? I was there :)
Crowd was goin crazy :) Stood in the middle for 2 minutes, got 2 headbangs on my forehead (accidental though) + I was bit ill, so I stood in the back for the rest of the show haha, but was nice to see them perform live, they did well!
couldnt agree more..will he ever be unbanned? already 3 months or sth
haha ja, friend of me wants to go to opposites, maybe I will join him. Depends....
i dont miss anyone.
myssee kovasti kaipailisin.
I wull let joe no if I will bie der!
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