oh my god...

What a night :<
I got a delivery time for today morning.
My new washing machine was supposed to be delivered today between 6 and 10 am.
according to my luck you already know that they ve already been here exactly on 6am and not a single minute late...
i went to bed 3 and a half hours befor and now that they re gone, i m sitting here... not knowing what to do...
atm i feel pritty good but i think later on i m gonna be fucked up :P

currently watching morning television here...
later on i m gonna study some coding C, in the evening i ll go to the japanese restaurant as every friday with my gf.
After dinner i m gonna meet up witih Austria potter at some pokertournament....
Sounds like a day with nothing to do for me :>
On saturday my mom plans some dog sledding... (ye also here in austria :DD) where my gf and i are invited to...
on sunday i actually dont know what plans my gf has made for us..

tell me your plans for today and the upcoming weekend :)
wish u all a nice day and i hope u ve slept more than me :<
going for an exam in 30 minutes, slept yesterday 12-20 so I'm kinda still up, but it's hard to say whether it's not already up :D

anyway, if I were you, I would just go sleep some more if there's nothing you MUST do :P
ye but then i m sleeping away the whole day again and i ususally train myself to not sleep the whole morning until lunchtime...
well i gotta try :>
gl with ur exam
thanks a lot :D

If you think you could made it without sleeping during the day, it definetely makes sense since sleeping once during daylight makes biological clock unsynchronised :D I just kinda know that if I would try to sleep for less than 5 hours, I just won't make the whole day without sleeping anyway :D
nice life men gl&hf
today last exam @ audimaxy :<

then 3 weeks of holidays, but I gotta learn some during that time :<

most likely gonna smash it this weekend... is the pokertourney @ ccc ?

ah, been some time since I last played, too poor nowadays :<
im gasometer
today's my free day <3 wuhu! so im basically enjoying the day with my 8 o'clock date.
plans for the weekend... mhmmm saturday: im gna visit my old school & spend time with friends
sunday: uhm... movieday i guess :)
No plans yet.
I'm going to study for my maths exam on Monday :o)
i is going to the fucked up exam! what a pwnz0r shiit!
mmhh, having exam in two hours, didnt learn that much. its about XHTML and CSS and all that stuff, hope i can remember something. when thats finished, i will sleep a bit and then start learning for next exam on monday :<
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