sports in ur life

What sports are You into and how many hours You work out every week?

I myself used to be a cyclist and was doing about 10-15 hours per week, but then it turned out to be too much for me and i had to stop it. Now thinking of starting again, but will take a bit easier. So what about You, what sports You do and how much or You are the kind of "PC is good enough sports, I sweat like an animal behind it, it must be sports" person?
ive played football since about 6 and played internet games since i was about 3
Skateboarding > all

it's no "sports" though
Define 'sports'
"sports" sounds too much like competition, desparetly trying to get better, etc.

if you define sports as moving your body somehow and having fun then you could call it "sports", but then what about sports like chess, racing(, esports)? :p
like there is no competition, psychical movements, trying to get better etc. in skating.
it's a sport, an extreme sport to be precise

Why you think they show it at Euro SPORT xD

It takes a lot more from you then playing football or basketball for example.
6 hours of swimming and about 2-3 hours running
my fish can swim 24/7, nothing special tbh
hmm.. my week program: goin to gym 2 or 3 times, floorball on wednesdays, once jogging / swimming / ice hockey just to mix things up :-) was thinking to start boxing again but i dont have enough time :<

also in the past i've done in competing level: swimming for 1,5 years, 2 years football & 6 years of baseball..
I've been playing football for 13 years, played cricket, ice hockey, tennis, karate im quite a sporty person but now since college im only able to play sunday football and going skating sometimes

edit: used to do swimming 5 times a week for around 5 years

cant wait for alexL comment, this is gona be a fuckin book :DDD
6 hours of handball
At the age of 8-12 i used to be a 100m and 200m sprinter, in which I used to attend Championships won about 6 1st place team awards and 4 individual awards

Used to play basketball and was semi-pro at the age of 14-16 now and we won about 2 championships

now i dont do anything :<


Playing: Basketball
Watching: Football
played football,i was a bike addict :D,won the school champiomship at handball and for like 3-4 years played semi-pro or smth like that,playing basket for fun with friends every sunday.
since exams are over i start going to gym again,because i took a pause :)
Same as havoc, was playing basketball at a pretty high level till age 17 or something, stopped because of injuries and never got back into it.
omg delete this before alexL sees this.
Played football from bambini till b-youth. 9 Years.
floorball whole life
swimming, not any more, because...

image: Pool'sClosed
Used to play football, with when I moved out of my city because I went to study somewhere else I stopped. I miss it sometimes.
I kickbox 4 hours a week & work out 3 hours a week!
further i do some random socker with friends, and some random 1 hour running a week
11 Hours per Week.

5 Hours Fighting-Train
4-5 Hours Workout
1-2 Hours Stretching
SQuid: over 20 hours of sport, all kind off, np;D
wushu 11-13 hours (sometimes 19 hours depends what kind of training is n stuff) the week fitness around 8 hours t/w jogging ~ 3 hours
athletics every 2nd weekend 4 hours

funsports at summer:
bball 3-4 hours
soccer 1-2 hours
fun rugby ;D 1 hour
icehockey,football,floorball,tennis, jogging,gym and rollerblading. Ever since I was 5 years old 8B

I used to use about 20-30h per week for icehockey when I was younger, if I had 2 trainings on day I might have make volunteer gym training, now a days I am doing about 10-20h per week different activities.
Used to play Bball from age 6 till 18. On my peak 4-5 times train a week, was around 14 back then. Played football and tennis, too, at the age of 12...Gave up football because I couldnt come to the matches anymore because of bball..

Managed to get into the region team but failed at Bundesland... Was just too skinny for that. :|

Had to give it up because of back problems. I miss it tho...

Playing tennis right now.
waterpolo c.a 10 hours sometimes less sometimes more
Did play football for 5 years when I was younger, then started skateboarding. After skateboarding for almost 4 years I stopped doing sports and did more gaming.

And now I'm picking up the skateboarding again after 1,5~2 years of not boarding at all, just landed a 360flip yesterday felt pretty good.
sleep, eat, drink, school, work, ET
played 9 years football with 10h a week.
now tennis for 8h a week and volleyball besides.

started when i was 5.
Field Hockey, roughly 5 hours per week.
Used to paly paly table tennis in my early years and was really good at it then! But later it's become troublesome because of my school's and private lessons' time. Before I moved for studies I'd played some volleyball, basketball and football with my highschoolmates- but it was just to have some fun once in a while, it wasn't meant to be any training or anything :p.

And every summer I play some tennis with a few friends but it also is more for fun than serious business :D. Just have to let go of my overflowing energy!
Soccer 6 hours per week, since I'm 5
Fitness 5/6 hours per week, not enough time :-(
When I was 5 until 13 I visited a judo club.

Now I visit a gym 3 days a week for 2 hours.

Will start with thai boxen.
Tennis, 5hours a week from october-april, april-juli: 10hours a week, juli-august: 20hours a week ;p
been playing football for about 10-11 years now about 5 hours a week
i play 1-2 times a week football
started with the gym again some months ago 4 times a week
used to do kickboxing some years ago tried some other martial arts aswell but kickboxing was the one i had the most fun with but had to stop cause they moved that to another town.
now im looking for something new
body building
fifa ALL ;x
well i play soccer like everyday (football as euros say <3)
and i work out for 2 hours in the gym everyday :>
thats only in the winter
practised tennis, football,judo,swimming,basket-ball and ping-pong when i was younger.

Now I am just playing tennis 3h/week (more when i play tournaments) + football with friends every saturday and sunday except when it's raining like today :( .
Playing basketball, have played something like 12 years, trainings 3-5 times per week*1,5 hour + 1/2 games. Played football for 7 years. Also with friends, icehockey generally once in a week. :)
I play Soccer and TableTennis and go out to run.
Jogging, swimming, even walking!!, working out, taking gym classes, like bodypump / bodycombat etc. everything mixed bout 5 times a week, from 6-10hours
Gym 8 hours a week
failruz!:o, so bodybuilding! , GYM 5 days a week 2,5h from monday to friday, on saturday swimming 1,5h + muay thai 2h/ 2 days a week, sunday thats free day! and of course jogging 3 days a week/ 1h
Monday 2 hours football
Tuesday 1.5 hours fitness
Wednes 2 hours football
Thursday 1.5 hours fitness
Saterday 1.5 hours football
I usually play football or tennis, but in the winter I rarely can do these, so nowadays I don't feel myself fit enough. I have a season ticket to the gym, but a month passed and I still did not show up...
Played floorball 11 years, last year in highest level u19 league. Nowadays 4-5 times per week icehockey with friends, 3 timer/week gym..
EDIT: had to quit floorball 'cause thumb injury :(
Intensive gaming +/- 50 hours a week.
played football for more than 10 years stopped and now bodybuilding. 4-5 hours a week

Football - started 4-5 years old, still playing

Floorball - started around 7-8 years old to i got around 16. Played highest junior division, made a comeback after a trainer called me when i were about 17, played highest division and ended up @ place 3 in sweden afterall ( we just trained 1 time a week aswell ). I dont play floorball anymore.

Handball - Started when i were about 13 years old, when i got 16 they recruited me to the Senior A-team, played in Division 1 that is second highest, elitserien is highest. Stopped when i got 17, notime anymore football took such much time.

Tennis - Played to 15, quited cuz it was to expensive for mom and dad when i got a private trainer, so i choosed floorball handball and football instead :)

Thaiboxning - Started now when i got older, but atm got not so much time for it anymore :(

Gym - 5 to 6 times per week @ mornings.
Football - 5 to 6 times per week @ evenings.
i was about to write 'oh god dont let alexl reply on this journal'
but i should've known that you replied already anyway
so you did like 3-4 sports at the same time?'k'
yes i did, many days i had 2 trainings, so after 1 was finished, i direct went to next traning.
you couldn't have played either of the sports serious then :)
read again, i played all sport @ good level :)
skateboarding and snowboarding.
played soccer 12 years, have been playing icehockey for 11 years.
one the ice 4-5 times a week.
1 year football or so did not like, 3,5 yrs karate, 5 years swimming

nao 3 months gym
Soccer : I started playing soccer with 3 years <3

Hm about 6 hours a week i play soccer
well... i walk in work ?
miten ois irkkaamista käsipainoilla? :D
ei tarvi tehdä mitn kun kävelee 3 km töihi ja takas 5 kertaa viikossa ja nostelee 25 - 40 kg säkkejä 8h
on kyllä melko raskasta :X jotai varastotyötä?
paperihommia.. helvetinmoisia kasoja!
mauste säkkejä =D teen mausteet sun pikasafkoihin.. 1 sekotus satsin paino noin 500 - 1800 kg
Jätkä on riski :D
siis juu.. alipainonen atm
3h swimming
2h gymnastics
5h cycling
hardcore nerding and massive muscle training while pushing beerbottles.
football for almost 13 years now
made some fightsportz for 8 years but had to stop it cuz of football+school
also played handball for 3 years but same reasons as above
~ 7h soccer
football for 2 years with i was like 5 but now floorball for the last 11 years <3
Football, floorball, running (long distance), swimming, cross-country skiing, and a lot more.. when I was about 6-13 8D
schnacksln 24/7
football-> 5 hours
table tennis-> 3 hours
eSport :D too much hours all days
drinking. atleast couple of times in a week! ;|
training my right hand, and NO not with my dick! perverts
i was a high hockeyplayer :D and we trained every day
still playing golf and table tennis
I play the piano.

Did skateboarding, tennis, and football, football was shit, tennis was okay but I quit, skateboarding became boring because of no good spots nearby and I couldnt be arsed to travel every day.
once i was highskilled motorcross driver,icehockey player & skateboarder

nowadays im highskilled computer gamer & tabletennis player
Skateboarding + downhill bikingz.
Go hiking each week + out photographing about 5-6 days a week
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