in need of some scripts

I just reinstalled et and lost my controls cfg. So I am in need of some class, spawn, etc.

I also had this one script that would automatically spawn me to forward spawn. e.g.

If cp was built on supply I didn't even have to press a button and it would spawn me there.
thx in advance <333
//Artillery Script

bind DEL "+zoom; +attack; -attack; -zoom"

//Name Script

bind z "vstr tog_name"
set tog_name "vstr tog_name_1"
set tog_name_1 "set name ^fcuntface^.*^7She^.e^7p ;echo ^fcuntface^.* ;set tog_name vstr tog_name_2"
set tog_name_2 "set name ^0w^.3^0st^..^0She^.e^0p ;echo ^0w^.3^0st^.. ;set tog_name vstr tog_name_3"
set tog_name_3 "set name ^7Sheep^0.^1ALIS ;echo ^7Sheep^0.^1ALIS ;set tog_name vstr tog_name_4"
set tog_name_4 "set name ^0invasion^./^7She^.e^7p ;echo ^0invasion ;set tog_name vstr tog_name_5"
set tog_name_5 "set name ^7Sheep^1.^7co^4.^7uk ;echo ^1.^7co^4.^7uk ;set tog_name vstr tog_name_1"

//Spawn Binds

bind 6 "setspawnpt 0 ;echo ^7SPAWNPT^0 0"
bind 1 "setspawnpt 1 ;echo ^7SPAWNPT^1 1"
bind 2 "setspawnpt 2 ;echo ^7SPAWNPT^2 2"
bind 3 "setspawnpt 3 ;echo ^7SPAWNPT^3 3"
bind 4 "setspawnpt 4 ;echo ^7SPAWNPT^4 4"
bind 5 "setspawnpt 5 ;echo ^7SPAWNPT^5 5"

//Class Script

bind F5 "class m 1 ;say_team "^7going medic ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind F6 "class f 1 ;say_team "^7going field ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind F7 "class e 1 ;say_team "^7going engi ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind F8 "class c 1 ;say_team "^7going covert ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind F9 "class s 4 ;say_team "^7going panzer ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind F10 "class e 2 ;say_team "^7going rifle ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind F11 "class s 2 ;say_team "^7going mobile ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind F12 "class s 5 ;say_team "^7going mortar ;play sound/menu/filter"

//Random Binds

bind o "ready ;echo "^1READY ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind x "vid_restart ;echo "^7VID^1-^7RESTART ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind n "exec irc.cfg ;echo ^7exec ^2IRC^0-^2SPAM ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind b "exec lol.cfg ;echo ^7exec ^zELEPHANT ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind p "exec tag.cfg ;echo ^7exec ^8TAG"
bind i "record ;echo ^3RECORDING"
bind F3 "pause ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind F4 "unpause ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind q "say ^2:^7("
bind w "say ^2:^7)"
bind e "say ^2:^7\"

//Team Script

bind "," "team r 1 3 2 ;echo ^1AXIS ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind "/" "team s ;echo ^2SPECTATOR ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind "." "team b 1 3 2 ;echo ^4ALLIES ;play sound/menu/filter"

//Lame Speed Strafe

bind Mouse1 "+vstr mouse_a mouse_b"
set mouse_a "+attack; +sprint"
set mouse_b "-attack; -sprint"

//Hit Sounds

bind r "vstr hit0"
set hit1 "b_hitsounds 1 ;bind r vstr hit2 ;echo ^7hitsounds: ^2ALL"
set hit2 "b_hitsounds 2 ;bind r vstr hit0 ;echo ^7hitsounds: ^3HEAD"
set hit0 "b_hitsounds 0 ;bind r vstr hit1 ;echo ^7hitsounds: ^1OFF"
i still dont know what purpose got hitsounds script :0
dunno i have weird "in-my-head" days where i aim a tad better with/without them

writting that I bet someone will hit my profile!
wasnt here a scriptjounal few hours ago?
QuoteI also had this one script that would automatically spawn me to forward spawn. e.g.

/setspawnpt 0 makes you spawn at the newest spawnpoint.
i think he means spawning in front of the others f.e. spawnpoint 2 on goldrush (if im not mistaken)
it doesnt

check on supply, it will spawn you at main entrace and not cp
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