Dell movie contest.

Where i can the see movies which got uploaded?
I only saw Zentelmen of paradise & Strike Plastic , nothing more yet.

Post links or name of vid pls :) thx !
Cavalcade ft. Perfo
hjoi back from zeh club :;D
Read the news post? It tells you where you can see them.
there is 20 entires for ET afaik
ag0n's movie is nice, i liked the music, maybe tosspots shoutcast should have been a bit louder at the beginning but i liked the style and quality. 8.5/10

mztik put too much lio/vila kills, and i don't rly like that kind of music with et. was a bit off sync aswell at some points. 6.5/10

xaero's config was too bright and had to many bright colours, again music metal/rock didn't rly like it and who cares about playing random 6v6's vs nonames without a tag? 5/10

beggin's movie, altough being only an airstrike/artillery movie, i liked this, music wasn't bad, airstrike's cam were nice, about time someone added winghaven's airstrike on radar, some new nice airstrikes aswell, only missed a shoutcaster, gj. 7.5/10

dabster's movie had a fucking great intro, its unique and i liked it, looked like a single player intro movie, music fit into the frags, frags & editing were nice too. 7.5/10

MTM's movie cfg was a bit too dark imo, but the sync with the music was nice, some nice frags too. 7/10

Clowned finally a movie with more than 30 seconds of shoutcast, i liked the editing especially the bullet trace, good movie. 7.5-8/10

Cavalcade feat. perfo toooooo overreditted, music started giving me a headache sorry. 5.5/10

Zentelmen of paradise, now that is friggin new, movie cfg was nice, you also got the nicest map in ET, altough it contained no frags it wasn't that boring and you showed et's paradise too :) 7/10

Et as it should be, didnt rly like the music, missing the xx killed by xx imo, needed more quality 5.5/10

mvc classes, a bit boring, should have added which class we are speccing, 6/10

Lotto is my Motto 2, gd quality, gd editing, but not as special as the others 6.5/10
ag0n wins basically. there are alot of great movies, don't get me wrong. Howevere, ag0ns movie is supreme
ag0n's movie is good in terms of cfg and colours etc, but the flow is too slow for "intense" moments imo
Cavalcade ft. Perfo wins imo
cool effects but too much imo
fredd for sure
Like Clowned :> and select et :|
i felt like few movies were out of the place there
this is my rifle is just awesome!! :D
This is my rifle owns all!!!
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