Hardware and ET (/gaming)

So we're once again arriving on the verge of new lan. CC5 was a pretty big surprise for many, not only when looking at winner, but on behalf of those clans who placed behind the winners. I was just now wondering, when looking the online achievements of such clans as FiFg or even Impact that how much does hardware and/or the place where you sit etc. affect on your gaming.

Some thoughts: We have three players, who all have this "aiming percent", let me clarify.
Clown 60% / dav1d 80% / mAus 100% (this is nothing personal, so sorry clown <3)

So if they all go to lans, where they have TFTs, unformtable chairs etc. Do their skills drop down sth like Clown 50% / dav1d 65% / mAus 75% so the guy with the best aim taking the biggest drop of skill, since he's the most affected by the surroundings and hardware, cause at home he's found the perfect balance. This leads to the one fact that mAus underperforms, dav1d does ok and clown pretty well considering his online skills. Yes, we all know mAus has owned @ lans, but if looking to CC5, he was way worse than online. So is this the reason why such clans as FiFg do well offline but not THAT well online and has ET aswell as gaming overall become hardware oriented?
mAus hacks, everyone knows that.
Would explain how a mediocre player online as yourself would perform and win such a prestigious LAN-event as CC5, wouldn't it?!
I'm 110% online 10% offline hmmm how could that be :/
this is madness
looking for excuses why SNB will suck at lan already are we?! :D
oman nuudel i always said it: ur smart :D
Skill in every fps oriented game depends on the hardware of your computer. Of course someone with 125fps will have a better possibility to aim than someone who barely sees the enemy at 25fps.

My oppinion since I was able to enjoy both situations, playing with 30fps with the old Compaq Pressario and now playing with 125 at a highend comp.
i think ur right reikkeri, best aimers suffer most from different setups. But i dunno much about it just my guess rly
hey Reikkeri
true champ plays well in any situation
probably right rK
QuoteSo if they all go to lans, where they have TFTs, unformtable chairs etc

I laughed about the : Chairs ... do you really think this is the problem?.

Imo the reason is that many guys were standing behind them and tey were nervous.

It was an other "feeling".
seating is quite a large factor i'd say
But look at the cable = Fail :o (left under)
reminds me to perfos place :p
agree with the seats. i couldnt imagine how nervous i would be when playing at lan with lot of ppl behind me and if u suck u r infofficial busted. some players who increase instead r maybe more able to play with the pressure at lan..
mAus played better at lan then online back in the day
i guess it is because some player are nervous @ lan and maybe dont have a good day or something...or its just because they are used to everything at home....(height of the chair/table...blabla) so they cant play 100% at lan
I would swap clowns and dav1ds place on the survey :p Anyways. mAus was probably playing worse than on other lans because he is not as active as he was before 2nd or 3rd crossfire lan. However, I got a picture that especially monitors have big effect on lan performance. Also (may sound weird) the table where you put your mouse pad on could be higher or lower than the one you got home. Almost everytime I have had a cs lan, the table has been a lot higher than the one I got home. Which obviously had huge effect on aim. (Not that I would be any good home neither)
So I guess I will be med+ at cc6, since I play from here at:

image: IMG_0284

+ I struggle to get 76 fps.
what a freaking mess :C
Yeah, it was a total mess, on those days I were home like ~7 days per month, too busy to clean it since I only went there to get clothes etc.
theres also the trick to cleanup everything right after you used it, no special time needed for cleaning up x]
and what if your so shit online that you turn out to be good on LAN? D:
True dat, I was just busy and mostly drunk if I went there. Nowadays it is clean and smooth :)
you are able the hax at lan, no doubt, what u cant see on ettv you neither can see on lan if its already configured.
yep. quite interesting journal.
i think players dont do so well at lans because the heights of the chair/table are semigood and so they cant find the right "place" to play as good as at home
already trying to make excuse for cc6? its 2 months mate, you have a lot of time :)
its always a bit different, never know what shit had someone installed earlier and tbh ive no fucking idea how to default everything so i just tried to adapt into it :D

also some places were kind of bad to play when theres a lot of ppl walking and hitting your back while doing that.

but i think most of really good players have also played really good at lan so I dont see its so hardware based after all, home setup is the best anyway :D
who needs hardware when u got software doing the work for u
give me the link to lady gaga you gave me before D:
ur such a lazy bastard :DD would take you 1 sec to type "lady gaga" in youtube and u would have it...

but NO :DDD

here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rQblP5i47w
since i saw its taking you too long
i already found it myseslf ;((

gg lazY !!!
then i will be high
well, for some ppl the home surroundings (PC, monitor, table height, chair, u name it) can be more similar to the LAN conditions than for the rest, and therefore they should suffer less.

If u are used to some really special circumstances, playing on the LAN might be hard. But I don't think we can draw a gerenal conclusion here. In you experience the numbers could easily be like 20% clown, 35% david and 99% maus. Whereas the first 2 would suffer a lot and maus wouldn't nearly at all.
And for someone the home conditions might not be the best, so someone can actually play better at LAN (eg. if his home PC sucks compared to the LAN PC)

If u want to practise really for the LAN, u should make your home setup look close to the LAN setup and get used to that !
its about how fast you can adapt to the local settings
idd. playing 10 years with crt and its ez bash with a tft in ~30 minutes!
seating is the most important i guess, together with different monitor. on LAN you are most likely to get 125fps stable so dont see the problem in having a different computer (unless if you suck at removing other peoples' bullshit from the pc)

wasnt there this quake3 pro that was setting up his seat + pc at lan exactly the way (in mm digits) to get exactly the feeling that he has at home? :D
im right or u just want to find a reason why ur gonna suck at the lan? :<
also some people have playstyles that rely more on aiming
they might need to change that a bit if they cant raise above others in that department while the guy who loves to backrape can play more like home :P

and i think its easier to adapt to lan if ur a wrist aimer while the guy who aims with whole hand likes to have his chair at certain height etc
how can you aim with your whole hand?
by having low enough sensitivity
what zerender said, + i had huge problems with space (hoped that ill be able to play with keyboard on a desk but ofc didn't manage it. Plus there were few problems with pcs but admins solved them out pretty fast (w/o them everything would be just totally fucked up). Ofc there is a huge difference between playing at home and there but if you are fast with your settings you have lot/enough of time to get used to it.
Are you suggesting that perfo will drop the most in skill and you'll be least affected? I guess this ups my expectations of you at lan.
desk space was the main problem for me, along with the screen after only having played on a crt previously
i can play with washing machine and aim with some fucking joystick or what ever. And oh yea I still pewn
and if maus likes to play with he's undies at home. or naked, who knows
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