How often do you eat?

Since these food journals are kinda hyping now I will make one myself.
How much do you eat on a normal school day?

7:30 wake up, 4 toasts
9:20 first break, 2 breads
11:10 2nd break, 1 bread
13:00/16:00 warm food like pizza or smth else
17:00/20:00 pizza if I didnt ate one this day otherwise smth like fries
24:00/1:00 I mostly eat some sausage or smth similar :/
all the time
too often, but still not getting fat
thats because you got my genes hony ;]
once a day during workdays
the major meals
and small meals :p
image: z-1138950139
nice air con. :D heh
alexL would be very dissapointed with you
I dont get fat anyways :D
oh dont you love that? :D i hv the same x]
wakeup = hot chocolate and sandwiches
lunch at school usually some random shit
snack after school like cookies
and dinner is usually nice
after dinner some moar cookies
ow, you sure like cookies
: /
its both my strength and my weakness
7:30 a curd snack (kohuke)
11:10 school lunch
16:00 home
and some snacks later

e: forgot ice tea every day
when im hungry
my breakfest: 1,5-2L water + a cup of coffee 8)
lunch: warm food at work
dinner: might on weekends but during a week never

might eat a toast / few noodels on the evening, but usually nothing.
wakeup = 2 biscuits and 1 bread
first break = 1 bread
second break = 1 bread
17:00 = warm food
20:00= chips or something
even less than i do :o
1st meal Tea/Coffee; 4-6 egg whites scrambled
with 1 cup oat meal; 1 apple
2nd meal Protein shake (whey is best as directed
3rd meal 1 cup rice/potatoes/pasta with fish/chicken/lean beef
with 1/2 cup steamed vegetables and 1 apple
4th meal Wholewheat sandwhich with chicken or lean meat
5th meal Steamed fish/chicken/broccoli or corn
6th meal 4 egg whites
all the time :D
u are eating-addicted my sweet lady :P
yes i am
jey jey jey <3 :D
7.00 2 cookies
9.30 1-2 donuts
13.30 what mommee cooked or some burgers
15.00-17.00 random sweets
19.00 what momme cooked or bread
22.00 random sweets
1. I don't go to school
2. I get up 6.15
3. I dont eat anything at tome
4. I arrive work 7.15-30
5. I make coffee
6. when its done I bite twice in a croissant
7. at 10 I eat rest of the croissant
8. lunch at 12.15 (pizza, chinese, kebap etc.)
9. I come home ~5.00
10. I eat some toast or similar at 6

20 cups of coffe ofc
9.00 breakfast
12.00 lunch
15.00 tapas
19.00 dinner
10:25 -> small sandwich or peace of pizza,..
15:30 -> lunch, rice 2 peaces of meat
18:30 -> 2 toast

and i am fat :)
ask oGr_
6 times/day:

1. Breakfast: 150 gr Whole meal muesli + 0,3 l Milk + banana
2. Lunch: 100 gr wholemeal rice + 50 gr wholemeal bread + 150- 200 gr fish
3. Postworkoutshake + banana
4. Dinner 1: 100 gr wholemeal rice + 50 gr wholemeal bread + 150- 200 gr fish
5. Dinner 2: nuts + 250 gr low-fat quark + 200 gr orange saft
6. Dinner 3: salad + 50-100 gr whole meal bread + 250 gr low-fat quark + good fats
Once or twice a day
Everytime I´m hungry
im at uni so its more like

7:30 asleep
9:20 asleep
11:10 asleep
13:00/16:00 get outta bed
17:00/20:00 dry spaghetti
24:00/1:00 pasta
8:00 nothing
10 nothing
12 Anything I want to cook
6 dinner
9 some more food
1 something else
image: 63958709_c09b77ea30

Once a week.
alexl summer diet :)

-Havregryn: 1dl = 40gram ( 5g protein, 22g kolhydrater, 3g fett = 140kcal )
-Ägg: två ägg = 110-120gram ( 12g protein, 2g kolhydrater, 10g fett = 150kcal )
-Banan: en banan = 100gram ( 1g protein, 22g kolhydrater, 0.5g fett = 97 Kcal )
-Proteinpulver: per portion = 24gram ( protein 20g, kolhydrat 1g, fett 0.9g = 93kcal )

-mixxat å klart 480kcal + multiman tablett 13 vitaminer, 7 mineraler, antioxidanter + omega-3 1000mg

Efter träning ( gym ):
-Proteinshake: per portion = 24gram ( protein 20g, kolhydrat 1g, fett 0.9g = 93kcal )
-Banan: en banan = 100gram ( 1g protein, 22g kolhydrater, 0.5g fett = 97 Kcal )


-Ris: 0.6dl = 50gram ( 3.85g protein, 38,5g kolhydrater, 0.48g fett = 173kcal )
-Tonfisk: en burk = 150gram ( 37g protein, 0g kolhydrater, 1.5g fett = 165kcal )

-338kcal + grönsaker + nötter ( valnötter eller cashew )

-Proteinshake: per portion = 24gram ( protein 20g, kolhydrat 1g, fett 0.9g = 93kcal )


-Ris: 0.6dl = 50gram ( 3.85g protein, 38,5g kolhydrater, 0.48g fett = 173kcal )
-Tonfisk: en burk = 150gram ( 37g protein, 0g kolhydrater, 1.5g fett = 165kcal )

-338kcal + grönsaker + ( valnötter eller cashew )

Efterträning ( fotboll ):
-Proteinshake: per portion = 24gram ( protein 20g, kolhydrat 1g, fett 0.9g = 93kcal )
-Mini keso: 100gram = ( 11g protein, 2.5g kolhydrater, 1.5g fett = 70kcal )


Summa: 190g protein, 130g kolhydrater, 22,16g fett = 1602kcal + dessa grönsaker å nötter

2 lazy to change the words to english, but i bet u understand :)
argh fuck i write

Tonfisk = tuna
Ris = rice
Nötter = nuts
Grönsaker = vegetable
Mini keso = cottage cheese
Havregryn = oats
Ägg = egg
etc etc etct etct etc
what tha fuck
breakfast: coffee sometimes cornflakes
dinner: something cooked

sometimes a yoghurt or sth inbetween
6.45: müsli/cornflakes
occasionally 9.30: LKW
after school: lunch
between 15:00 - 18:00: smaller things, bread maybe
evening 19:00 - 22:00: bread with sausage or different stuff/what'ss left from lunch
i see you got sausage for the evenings....interesting....
o_O i can't follow you
just once a day, sometimes even twice!
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