cc6 polaks!
12 Mar 2009, 17:38
which polaks are coming?
so i can order some xiip wodka from polanderland
so i can order some xiip wodka from polanderland
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
not 100% sure about the prices but it was ridiculous low
Oh and sorry if you don't want to talk about that, that's just what I've realized some time ago, so I had to share my opinion with someone :P xD
e: check UK prices, dunno if they are still cheaper but I'm guessing it's prolly ~500€
cheapest german offer ~ 250 Euro
quote: apple authorized reseller
me no believes you got the right price
Me is gonna get a decent cell aswell. Prolly some sony ericson or basically the best I can get for 150-200€ -.- But the month after next, need some sexy clothes next one >:/
Ipod is shit there's much better alternatives that are way cheaper, or so I've heard =D
you want to steal something from a polak ?
only in america you can buy alcohol thru internetz either
anyway arent there any shops with polish alcohol? its not that farawayland not to have vodka :[
you must suffer if u cant get it :[
absolut is awsome for mixing. but wyborowa is also fckin great.