Always remember.

Baptised in fire - 40 to 1, spirit of spartans, Death and glory, soldiers of Poland second to none, wrath of the wehrmacht brought to a halt.
Always remember a fallen soldier, always remember fathers and sons at war, always remember buried in history.

image: poland_first_to_fight
surrender? who the fuck is teaching you a history pathetic stupid kid.

you guys got trolled :D unbelievable how mad all of you got :D
notrly, I've used caps-lock, because he did. I don't say (and don't think) that Estonians are cowards or sth, just used his "thinking" to make an counterargument he can't deny.
he is fucking idiot i see
the wehrmacht was not brought to a halt, it reached warsaw in just over a week.
Compared to the Soviet Union, Poland hardly lost a soul.

Total Casualties in WW2:

German Casualties: 6,533,000 to 8,493,000
Soviet Casualties: 23,954,000 !!!!
Chinese Casualties: 10,000,000 to 20,000,000
Polish Casualties: 5,000,000 to 6,000,000
you have the jews there,in the camps, those numbers are ridiculous.
He's quoting the song by swedish (yes, without any polish roots, they just look for some heroes in war histories and make songs about it) band sabathon called "40 to 1" which is about Battle of Wizne where 700 polish soldiers fought against 42.200 soldiers, 350 tanks, 657 mortars and Luftwaffe support and held them for 3 days before most of polish soldiers died there ( average polish soldier killed 40 german soldiers there ) - .

As for lossess, you should take a look at percentages. As for bravery, you should take a look at lossess caused to other countries (anyway, is that a thing to be proud of?).

Don't take me wrong, I'm not trying to say that poles are better soldiers than german ones, or that we're better in anything than anyone. It's just that I hate to see sentences like that. Remember that Poland was country recreated 20 years earlier after lost independence. There was no time for it to prepare properly, especially taking into account that it was attacked by both Germany and Soviet Union, from both directions and did not receive any help at all during defense from any of its allies.

But well, I hate wars. In every case/instance. It's just that reasons behind it are usually so artificial... Mussolini dreaming about another Rome, Hitler who hated jews because he liked blond blue-eyed guys, Stalin revening on Poland for Battle of Warsaw 1920 and slaughtering captives, etc, etc... Not to mention that the whole "country border" idea is so artificial nowadays and makes me think that dictators tend to imagine world as some strategy game or something... And it's repeating all over and over again... And yet people are argueing about some bullshits like "which country was better and which lost most" instead of just agreeing that all these wars shouldn't take place and that nobody win it since losses were everywhere.

Sometimes I wonder whether we're not heading for another world in less than next 300 years, though this time probably starting outside the europe and maybe even not splitting the europe... But it's still the same.
Well the quote is somewhat misleading then, and just because the Soviet Union had a larger population doesn't mean its casualties are less important. Polish casualties were mostly civilian and in concentration camps (like 40%), in other words, irrelevant to defeating Nazi Germany, whereas Soviet deaths were mostly from battles i.e Stalingrad
It's true that the sovjet union lost alot of soldiers, but alot of deaths were caused by famine and a harsh winter.

And lets not forget Stalin :D
By many German veteran accounts, the polish soldiers were the most feared amongst all the allies. THey are known to have withstood extraordinary longtimes even when outnumbered heavily. And were very vicious and ruthless. THey were kind of llike the modern day spartans. This was due to the fact they were fighting for their freedom directly and have suffered a lot because of the germans unlike the english and americans who were a lot times quite affraid once they realised how serious war is.

One should just delve into Europe's history to see how much it owees to Poland not only in WW 2, but on several occasion throughout the second millenium. Poland was always a shield to europe from invasions from the east, by forces trying to conquer europe like the ottoman empire, mongol empire the red army (under Lenin) etc. The only problem was that it was under continues external stress by strong forces (Prussians west, Austria-hungarians south, Russians East, Tartars Ottomans and others South east). It also had little gepgraphic protection which was always compensated by the fact Poland had the strongest army in europe with the best cavalry at that time (something like modern tanks). Used tho be the biggest country in the world. It is no wonder that under internal stress it crumbled by the pressure from around leading to its end in the 18th century.

It is also quite miracelous how long poland managed to hold against a force much greater like the wehrmacht and the russian army at the same time if you look that it only existed for 20 years. In WW2 it was mostly due to people like the poles that the allies won. They broke the enigma code making it possible for the allies to read the interecepted mesages of germany and predict a lot of their movement. One can only imagine how great this contributed to the allied victory. They also had the highest efficiency and most kills out of any squadrons in the RAF of england.
Self-aggrandising waffle.
lol its called history.. i know its a bit more sophisticated than concepts like countries being steamrolled but you should really try learning it. you might find it interesting
Nerds got rolled.
Nice song and yes Polish soldiers were great and Poland definately was important in WW2.. respect.

Anyway, Spartan spirit or not, attacking tanks with horses and a blade just isn't smart :D
That's bullshit.

Polish cavalry couldn't fight against German tanks. Not, that it's technically possible, but our cavalry units were based about 100km away from the nearest path of advance of German armoured units.

Still, when it comes to the battle of Wizna, nerds got rolled, even though they were led by one of the very best German commanders of that time.

Quite contrary to the Eben Emael (Belgium) battle, where 800 Belgian soldiers got owned by 80 German paratroopers.
Thx for letting me know then, thought it was true since a Polak tried to convince me of that fact, he probably was drunk. Also I thought I saw some pics of it, but nevermind :()

Edit: now doubting whether you are subjective or not :/
I am subjective, but it's a plain historical fact that Polish cavalry and German tanks couldn't meet in battle.
Parent,_model_35 it was so advanced that Nazis used it in their army after beating us as Panzerbüchse 35 (polnisch)/PzB 35(p)
acctually poland was steamrolled within no time
The outcome couldn't be different with 2 biggest European countries attacking us at the same time. Still, Poland was able to defend for 36 days, being literally surrounded by enemies. Yet it took only 6 days longer to make the French surrender. And Germany was attacking only from the north, with the Frenchies going OMGTHOSECOUNTRIESARENEUTRALLOLZIT'SNOTFAIR.
well true :D
Yes, but that was because of their lack of defence systems, you can´t blow a tank with a horse.
why not if the horse has a anti tank gun mounted ? :D
its called mobile artillery
actually attack of soviet union[17th september] was main reason of our defeat :<

Polish defence was set up to delay germans, till france and england join the fight... fucking bastards never did :X
actually you can with this -,_model_35

"The effective range was 300 metres and the weapon was effective against all German tanks of the period (the Panzer I, II and III, as well as the Czech-made LT-35 and LT-38) at 100 meters. At up to 400 meters it could destroy all lightly-armored vehicles."
you know how does a chineese anti tank team look like?
1000 men trying to dismantle the tank with their bare hands before it shoots them all
They got enough people to make a stack over the tank and suffocate people in it.
im wondering where did you learn that nonsense? your parents taught you this?
Just pointed out that it wasn´t about the will of the polish that lead to the defeat.
Shush... that's not politically correct. Poland was amazing!
okok poland did a great job !!!111
God knows that I certainly did not want a world war.
- Adolf Hitler
Malta + England saved the allies from WW2, if they took Malta, Germany would have taken tactical control over Europe so easily.
Poland was marched over in a pretty fast time. The only good soldiers (and tactical leaders) in the ww2 were finnish and german :/
wtf?..finnish?? them..i think you will find that germany had by far the better tactitions and the next best were the british.
he is right about Finland
fuck me man is this about? big a part do you think finland played in WWII??...unbelieveable how you think this..
wikipedia is not gospel..its ppls opinions with some truth EDIT..uhm you think that finland was the head of the war? was a side war while france and countrys surrounding france got fucked up..
yeah but actually Winter War was a success, not only based on someone's wishes
ok the winter war won the war?...i think not?..they had to fight otherwise they die..simple..other bigger better nations fought for europe on a much larger scale and lost alot more ppl and made more about this..EDIT;- oh and the winter war was won yes, but the whole war was not won by finland, finland without other nations would now be speaking german
That came only two years after Soviet Union had purged thousands of its officers. Its military was in disarray. It's disingenuous to put that down to 'Finnish leadership' and nothing else.
british, are u kidding me :D ?

The only thing that kept germany from conquering britain was the english channel. U guys were total losers before USA joined your side. Sad but true
Haha, the only reason British Isles didn't get invaded was the famous Battle for Britain, won for you mainly by pilots from other countries (with Poland and Czech Republic taking the most fame). If that battle was lost, Operation Seeloewe (Sealion) would take place before Barbarossa, a D-Day, just in the other direction. So please :D
Only thing you forget is that Germans also had lots of terrible mistakes, one of them is Hitler as leader over the Eastern-front.. also expanding way to fast in comprehense to resources.. and what about invading Russia? If they just paid attention to history in stead of burning books that probably didn't happen.. and if things didn't went according to plans, German forces lacked creativity/flexibility.
So that would make Finland zeh best, all hail!
i aggree but rly the war was fought in the west of europe...the bigger more powerful nations is what hitler craved ...and his biggest mistake was to stop bombing the uk...if they carried on then it was game over..
3/4 of the war took place in Eastern Europe.. and about the UK, yes.. Germans should've either not attacked the UK in the first place, or just went through.. not 50% of both.
thats my point exactly..and the russians were heavily unequiped and so were the rest of the eastern nations...the germans held the east of easily while fucking up the west...check how many nazi soldiers were on the eastern front to the western front you might learn something
That 3/4 also represented the number of German forces on the Eastern front.. 75%.. they even had to move forces to the EAST after the Normandy invasion.
because of the tactical push by russia but they (nazi's) held them off have a GB flag by your name..really you should change that because you dont even know what it represents
The tactical push already came in 1942.. so a large part of the German army was in the east for the bigger part of the war.. and excuse me I'm not British only being there for business atm.
And btw without any help from Russia or the USA the UK would have been overrun without a problem.
ok im going to try and explain again tom..they were fighting a badly equiped army on the east...was easy to hold off...thier main fight was on the west against better armed troops and better lead troops...can you see what i mean?...oh and stop checking up on the inet and try and argue with your brain EDIT:- yea the americans only came into it when they got attacked..says alot for them huh?...russia had no choice they had to fight
Badly eguiped yes.. easy to hold off? Until 1942 yes. There wasn't a 'main' fight in the entire war tbh. Only thing in the West, was idd the relative quality of the armies. And I ain't checking up anything, just comparing your post to your first ones.
i think were argueing pointlessly now..lets both stfu and say thanks for the arguement i enjoyed it...2 points of view from 2 totally different perspectives of the war...cya later man ;)
my arguements were based on facts :(

yes wise decision, I'll shut up :D
can speel off facts allday..but the facts didnt show the outcome of the war...
You're completely incorrect. The vast majority of the Wehrmacht was engaged in the Eastern Front - that'd hardly be the case if they were 'easy' to hold off. The Soviets sustained enormous losses; a large portion of their air force was destroyed shortly after the invasion, and they had to move a huge amount of their industry to Siberia. Despite this, they fought their way back and ended up outproducing the Germans within a couple of years, and then kicked their asses. To say that the main fight was in the West is ridiculous - despite the Battle of Britain, the Germans were only garrisoning France, they had very few forces there.

Quotethats my point exactly..and the russians were heavily unequiped and so were the rest of the eastern nations

It was the Soviet Union on its own on the East Front, what are these other Eastern Nations you're talking about?
im on about the nations of today ..the old soviet states..i should of jus said the soviets mistake..looks like u took a history degree there and my brother go hand in hand..hmmm
Germany lost the Battle of Britain. I'm not sure where you're getting your facts from.
finland hahah? they are so unknown in the ww2...
still rolled ruskies like no-one could
i did try and say lol
What that has to do with anything you stupid shithead? :X
shithead haha...gettin angry nerd?...rly u finnish need to take your heads from your own asses and realise your an insignificant nation
maybe a small country yes, but in numbers inferior to none
you were lucky you had nature to help u
nature helped us how?

as if russia were fighting in foreing surroundings :D ?
lol you dont even know your own history.. you had mountains for example? mountains you were skiing in like little pussies.. also you were pissing and shitting at them from high up in the cliffs. this made them think what kind of dirty bastards are these. then they ran puking out of digust.. then hitler took you and stuck his dick in your finholes and you enjoyed it
there are no mountains in finland, not even a single one. So apparently u know a LOT about fin. Pls read my other reply and shut up
poland is known by historians to be the most resisting country of all in WW2.. this means also that they would withstand unusual times even heavily outnumbered. Its why sometimes they were called modernd day spartans.. for example at westernplatte where WW2 started..182 soldiers withstood for a week against thousands and thousands of soldiers ships planes who surprised attacked them breaking the peace agreement.. It's quite disturbing to see so many people know nothing about one of the main allies in WW2 and how it fought the war.
all I know is poland lost its entire area in a really fast time. And the only nation that really was heavily outnumbered and still could handle the situation for years was finland

if poland had certain heroes, might be enough for a legend, but surely the entire country got marched over pretty easily :p
yeah because finland was so important to conquer.. surely the soviets would waste more time on that shit mountainland where you wuld just skii and run.. yeah rly heroic.. poland managed to hold against a much bigger opponent much more determinent opponent and from two sides.. and no mountiains to help them.. heavily outnumbered for a long time, Finnish soldiers were nothing but pusssies compared to the polish spartans.. poland was fighting this war from the beginning till the end as one of the biggest allied armies together with US UK CANADA aND RUS.. finland hoever was prostituing itself to hitler.. plz stop talking shit bout history you know nothing off
Actually I've studied history on a university level as a side study, so prolly I know nothing of history, yeah.

Apparently finland was important for the soviet union, because they put all and I'm saying all their forces against finland. It was a 67 vs 1 situation. Still Finland could stand that situation almost 6 years before the peace occurred. Poland lost all its territory in 2 weeks in a warfare called bliztkrieg. I guess u know that much ger that the term refers to lightning because of the speed. So, what is 2 weeks compared to nearly 6 years? And soviet union had a lot more massive army than germany ever.
And on the point of your ignorance. There are no mountains in finland, not even a single one. Canada never took part in the war either. Soviet union and USA were the main contestants, whereas the conquered countries couldn't really do anything but run away (eg. poland). And yes we were allies with hitler. Apart from his crimes against humanity I admire his warfare and leading skills.

And pls, stop replying to me, because obviously we are talking about something here that u got no knowledge of, so this is kinda useless talking when all your facts are just wrong
LOL CANADA TOOK NO PART IN THE WAR? NO MOUNTAINS IN FINLAND? SO HOW THE HELL DID THEY SKKEE THEN? ITS FUCKING HILLS BITCH WHATEVA U CALL IT.. your knowledge of history is limited.. you think poalnd flee? LOL seriously go fuck a moose or seomthing and dont reply to me either the soviet union didnt do fuck all to you thats merely so hard then germany did.. they didnt use anything understand? 2 weeks? how about 6 years the longest of all countries engaged in the war fuckface, your country is weak was weak and always will be weak, so plz shut the fuck up and learn from poland your fucking master
that's right canada took no part in the war officially. Among the US soldier might have been few canadians, but officially they were not in war.

There are no over 1000m high hills (aka mountains) in finland. There are a few of about 800m and they are all in lappland, so far from the border of the former soviet union. U know that skiing is possible even without mountains?
Poland got conquered in 2weeks and after that they couldn't do a thing. Many polish jews etc got murdered and no one in poland could help that (and I don't favor this action at all).

Ofc germany were better organized than soviet union, but SU had tanks and airplanes and a lot more stuff than finland. The numbers were about 67 to 1 as I already said earlier. And finland never got conquered. We only lost a bit land called Karjala and a bit in the northern part.

Whatever, I'm tired of teaching history to u, so either believe me or read it somewhere yourself
you know nothing of polish history and ww2.. they were the most feared fighters in WW2, this should tell you enough. now plz shoe with your stupid stories
talking with brumu about history is a waste of time.
been there, done that :d
apparently it is :b
btw your knowledge of hisotry is shit, so you probably had your head in your asshole during your study.. polands history is something you wish your country had.. and it showed much more strength then your stupid little country..
the only thing that comes to my mind I admire about poland atm is Chopin. He is my favourite composer, but apart from that I can't think of much else, sry
because you dont know much, thats why.. you dont know the history, you dont know anything .. your like an american ffs except americans r nice, you arent
i think that poland had no choice in the were closest and got attacked first ..doesnt make you any better than other nations that lost millions of people..remember it was a world war not every man for themselfs..and if you even know a little bit about the history of WWII then you will know it was the polish that rounded up the jews in poland and gave them to the nazi' up boys and girls and dont jus say what you think because reading up i can see alot of bullshit.
You got rolled in a month, hardly 'second to none'. Just get used to your title as Europe's whipping boys!
as i know your country was sitting silence when hitler atacked us
they did right when talking about you
And rightly so.
'Whipping boys'

Geez, I used to think you're smart, either you are an idiot or your historical knowledge is extremely limited.

Poland saved Europe from 2 invasions. First stopping the Ottoman Empire in the Battle of Vienna in 1683 ( ).
In 1920 we stopped Soviet forces in the Battle of Warsaw. I hope you are aware of the fact, that the Bolshevik's plan was to go through Poland and then start the revolution in Germany (planned ahead btw), similar to the one that happened in Russia. The USSR would be stretching from Kamchatka to Saarland, if Poland didn't stop them and then push back to Kiev.
My comment was clearly tongue-in-cheek. Nevertheless, Poland didn't exist for a period of over a century, has had its borders re-shaped countless times and, for the most part, has been overshadowed by its bigger and more powerful neighbours. Ireland got its nose bloodied countless timeless throughout its history and I have no problem admitting that, I just can't help but laugh at the resident Poles here trying to revise history by talking about the heroic soldiers fighting against all odds. Poland got steamrolled in World War 2 - there were reasons for this, yes, but the fact is that it happened.
you didnt get whiped out coz noone gives a fuck about army(if u ever had one) of fucking mongols on the other side of the world who keep on drinking dirty beer and warning people on crossfire for no reason
ye it's likely you know, since Slavian people like you got raped by everyone, hiho in with those penisses.

excuse me wtf r u talkin about
well this is a bad sign, it seem to have become that much of a standard, that you don't know what I'm talking about! THE BRIDGE IS NOT FAR COMRADE
no its a sign ur a stupid fuck
poland has always been the playground of the yermans or the ruskies. just face it
haha polak faggot
I don't really get poles patriotism since there's nothing to be proud of........
It's an inferiority complex.
ye maybe your shit country got complex because my homies are stealing your job, fucking moron.
Polish people with university qualifications are working minimum wage jobs here. Does this reflect worse upon my country or yours?
since when is commemorating and respecting sacrifice and heroism an inferiority complex? stop being jeleous and pay respect to ancestors that fought for todays free europe
there is probably more to be proud of in polish history thasn any other country. not only for us to be proud of, but for you to respect, people have died and sacrificed so much in WW2 for the future generations, perhaps its time for you to appreciate that instead of acting as a selfish mindless idiot
Quotethere is probably more to be proud of in polish history thasn any other country.

How do you expect to be taken seriously when you come out with bollocks like that?
how can you judge if thats bollocks or not, especially you.. with comments like poland being steamrolled. or being the bitch of europe.. i am interested and know a lot about the worlds history. So you shouldnt be the one to judge.
Your country was conquered in a month. That is steamrolled. You can put whatever twist on that you want, but you were nothing more than a little speed bump in Germany's campaign.
And we were what (you pikeys count as 'we' back then)? Steamroled out of Europe, cities battered, got lucky during the BoB with them making a few fuck ups then Russia / the yanks saved us.

National pride in anything is silly (:
A more accurate example is Britain bitching Ireland countless times throughout history. I have no problem admitting that. However, if I were a Polish Irishman, I might be talking about the heroic Irish fighting against all odds against the evil oppressor, reference some obscure invention that changed the world, yada yada.
i agree its kinda silly, but i cant help it somehow when i read comments like: LOL poland got steamrolled. or they used horses vs tanks. Especially because I am interested in history and know enough about polish history to say that the exact opposite was true.
It's the triumphalism tone that'll grind people (:

I'd imagine, as sol says, you can find heroism anywhere - and despair, waste and horror in equal measure.

Anyone glorifying war can fuck right off.

Anyone making a show of "my arbitrary ethnic grouping is better than yours" can fuck right off.

yes.. i could be born in zimbabwe ofc.. but i guess its something natural in me.. that when i know the truth about the heroism of poland in WW2 and all it has done and the respect it deserves.. and i hear shit like the ignoratn people like sol wrtie in this thread.. i get a boiling feeling lol
See my comment further down - though one to ponder (I'm non-committal), is any war involving long distance weaponry heroic?
In Poland's defense, they did not have a real chance in fending off both Germany and USSR.

However, I bet Ireland would of fared much better if it was in Poland's shoes being the powerhouse that Ireland was during the war (harharhar)
You're missing the point. I accept that there are reasons they were weak, and that they had little chance, but they still got raged.
just a small example and the first example because it was the the beginning of WW2 and the beginning of the war for poland..Westerplatte. Germany, breaking the non agression pact, surprise attacks with an overwhelming force heavily outnumbering the polish defense. 182 polish soldiers withstood there for 7 days holding back several attempts by the germans to conquer it.

think twice before saying poland got steamrolled.. Poland was the bigges problem for the nazis as it was the most resistant countries of all and had the biggest underground resistanse army in WW2 with estimates of around 400 000 members. I state again, they were the most feared soldiers of all, and this comes from german veterans accounts.

There is really much to say about poland that would eventually take your vision of poland being streamrolled away. I suggest you read Norman Davies .
Yes the fierce Polish resistance which culminated in an uprising that lasted a couple of months. Give me a break. The Germans had a front over a thousand miles long against the Soviet Union and were involved in huge battles - but was this their biggest problem? Of course not! The mighty Polish were Germany's biggest problem. That's right, the country it conquered in a month.
i forgot to add: the biggest problem country of all countries it had occupied

Casualties and losses


15 killed
53 wounded[1]
167 taken prisoner


350-400 killed
16 heavy machine guns
1 Armored Draisine

thats the first battle of WW2 and just one small example of how polish fought, not only in WW2 but throught the history of its existence,, always outnumbered never outdone so to speak

kind of different from your view of poland getting steamrolled don you think?
But you still lost? They died for what?
for many things.. if you just think of this as being one of thousands of battles.. its also part of the reason why polish soldiers were feared so much.. each stone helps.. it gains time.. its all one big process :) in the end we won, it took over 40 years after ww2 when we got out of the hands of the soviet union,, but it finally happened, also there was an agreement with france and brittain they would get help, but they didnt.. so they got betrayed a bit.. they were trying to gain time for help to come
Yes but you're talking about this battle, this 'heroic' last stand - heroic, or needless?

In a time of 'the' bomb, who fears a single soldier?
it wasnt the last stand.. it was the first stand. and as i said help was expected from the west as was agreed.. but it didnt come and the time it saved and the moral victory is very important just to give some reason why it isnt needless there were many many more battles and things poland has done in WW2
Fucking awesome.
diese ganzen nazi hurenkinder hier :DD so geil
du bist kein echte Arier, du Schwächling
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