Well here is the question... what superpowers would you want to have?
Squall wants to have teleport skill... so that he would not need to walk to kitchen to take some food.
Iron would like to see 30min in to the future all the time...
hmm, would be cool if i could use all my brain's capacity. guess that if humans could use all their brain it would certainly open some doors to some kind of "superpowers" ( not necesarilly timetravel or stuff, but the possibilities would be great :P)
other than that teleport would be epic (damn i so hate all the travelling to school/wherever) and having control over matter (moving objects, deforming, disintegrating)
we all know there is actually one "man" (would be better to call him superhuman i guess) who can use 1337% of his brain capacity, but we ordinary mortals cant see that
but we-know-who needs to be mentioned because he is the one who is keeping this universe in balance and when we dont mention the one who shall not be mentioned while speaking of superpeople he would get pissed off and all dimensions would be screwed because of his furious anger!
well, it is what I was afraid about. we cant tell EXACTLY how much % of our brain we use.. but it is far away from 10, though surely not full 100.. but I'd say its like 85 or so.. and its scientific prooven fact m8 ;)
we store our memories somewhere, some part take care of our "thiking, another is producing hormons etc etc etc..
10% average on any action you do, because every part of you brain is used at other moments (movement, thoughts, sight, speech, memory, intuition, etc etc)
100% brainuse would require you to use all parts of your brain at once, which you can't do actively ^^
it's not like we dont use 90% of our brains.
still, i dont think that using 100% of the brain (size) has nothing to have with using the respective part of the brain to its full maximum. say you could imagine brain asi 8 core processor, each core has its own processes but i dont rly think we use those cores to its maximum. Who cares if we use 50% of the prat of the brain, still theres double the performance we could use :P
still better
22 sept new season starts!! with a double epi ;P
i seriously couldnt do something like that.. if you need something off your chest or anything you cant just visit her for example.. ;(
every person is different :P
all there is left for me to say is: respect.
Though it may be one of those that sound good in theory but just make matters worse.
Man, everytime i fail at exam i'm thinking about that superpower.
-immortality/eternal youth with suicide option
-time manipulation
one (or all) of those :x
guess what i'd do with it!
whats kickers doing?
other than that teleport would be epic (damn i so hate all the travelling to school/wherever) and having control over matter (moving objects, deforming, disintegrating)
we store our memories somewhere, some part take care of our "thiking, another is producing hormons etc etc etc..
100% brainuse would require you to use all parts of your brain at once, which you can't do actively ^^
it's not like we dont use 90% of our brains.