Today, I was sitting in class and I fell asleep during the lesson. I was wearing sweatpants and had an erection. My teacher came up to me and grabbed my penis. She thought it was my phone. FML

image: kvlt4id
old, sry
dis is old too:

image: swu24x
jew jokes, 10c
Sounds like a intro to a cheap porn movie.
yeah right
more brazzers / nauhgty america pls!
sure,excuses of teacher doesnt count
So... maybe the teacher's a pedobear! O:
maybe? maybe?! MAYBE?! HE IS TEACHER OMG ! :D
pedoteacher on his way!
ahahah if that true its awesome xD
I hope she was ugly and fat.
brb, fapping
fuck your life !

Today, I was masturbating into a sock when I felt something on my cock. I quickly ripped the sock off and threw it on the floor... and watched a huge spider come scurrying out. I just inadvertently fucked a spider. FML
it came out of your wee wee :P
i see what u did there
Sounds like a intro to a great porn movie.
fap fap
let me guess she didn't stop!
dont tell me you didnt like it
Sounds like a intro to a expensive porn movie.
the reason u fell asleep is because you watched too much porn last night, which again resulted in that dream
hhhh alek ya sote ma omed leha kshe ata yashen
QuoteSounds like a intro to a cheap porn movie.

Yeah, exactly :D
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