12 Sep 2009, 22:39
Hey guys I just wanted to tell you that we, team bulgaria, are the best volleyballers in the world but we lost to poland today and im fucking angry cuz polaks werent better but we sucked hard and that I wish russia beated these polak bastards at the finals tomorrow in izmir. oh yes and im _a bit_ drunk byez.
bulgaria sux, poland owns everyone
Blame our captain who totally blew that game :D
stiga we maina... tva ne be6e na6iq otbor... taman si misleh 4e s prandi ve4e nqma da gi ima tiq spadove vyv vaznite ma4ove a to pyk kvo... ni6to next time :P happy jewing in zie usa ceres!
Mantalitet maina, koito i da ni vodi se taq. 4-te sme v sveta, 4-ti 6e si ostanem :D
one of these twin brothers with stupid haircut fucked it :D
volleyball.. hmm who cares ?
i guess malak ceres and macia do!
volleyball fucking boring to watch, but fun to play