NO LESSONS TODAY thx for telling me alrdy

Yo nerds iam here at the uni radiating like tchernobyl.
i found out that i have no lessons today, sux quite hard cause iam here already.
This weekend theres the international tatoo convention, some electro party on friday and the 1st semester party on saturday. Or should i go to some nasty dark psy party in a paintballhall although i dont rly like the music? Decisions Decisions Decisions
you should ask je moeder
seems like u failed hard today 8-D
shes a beaver
listen random dont reply to me because:

youre retarded
youre 16
i hate ur nick

now gtfo
lol i thought you meant the lyrics sexy bitch. they say diva not beaver ;p
cool story bro
thanks (bro?)
QuoteYo nerds iam here at the uni radiating like tchernobyl.

hehe loved that one :)

need a smoke, but need cigarettes for it, need to get to the store for it, need money for it, need to work for it, need to want to work. no
cigarretes will kill you
replying to my comment will kill you
double kill
I am a cat, got 7 lifes
some fucked up talking cat you are then
yes, why not
order some schrooms and go to the psy party :]
I'm so happy for u
stay home over the weekend and play ET 24/24
I still have holidays until the end of the month HAR HAR
i'm getting bored of not having classes
me too, need to do something, like get a work :s
i will just continue doing nothing all day till 28/9 the day i finally start my classes in coimbra
ahah are you portuguese? : )
entao quem és? :D pensei que podias ser alguem do estrangeiro que veio para uma faculdade aqui em portugal, agora com aquela cena da erasmus..boa sorte em coimbra
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