Deleting PMs in Sentbox?

I was cleaning out my Inbox today on CF and it seems like I can't delete anything that's in the "Sentbox".

Why is it set this way?

image: ua83080
didnt think there was a sentbox
I see the light

is that reachable without url manipulation or have I just not seen the button all this time ;)
image: wi0dbr

Right above "Subject" you can see PM Inbox and Sentbox.
lol ;) guess I just didnt care enough to look :P
u can actually even see if someone read the pm already cause the unread ones are bold!!!!! secrest of crossfire, ask me about them
yup I remember a situation I sent pm to wrong person and wanted to delete it, but it was TOO LATE cause u cant obviously
Once a letter is sent, it is the property of the receiver!
yo azuKi ;*
Hey Johnny :P
Some gay relationship going on here that we've all been missing out on?
Dude you're seriously starting to scare me! get OFF MY DICK FFS!! :(
Are you saying that Johnny is a girl?! :O
dont delete my messages, you mad :<
Never really thought about it I guess
So would there be any chance of adding a "delete" option?
it acts like a private forum thread if the recipient deletes it from their inbox it dissapeers from your sentbox too !

so you can see if they have read it by the bold/not bold ness and if they have deleted it by if it dissapeers!!!
Oki doki...
it acts like a private forum thread if the recipient deletes it from their inbox it dissapeers from your sentbox too !
" Quote: synoptek im not a kid , i might be one year younger but my brain isnt as mentally retarded as you to make quotes of people that tell me to"go suck a dick"

here, have another quote

" you look like a redneck piece of shit"

Redneck hahah, you don't live in America you fool.

but you look like a fucking redneck , you even got the white trash mustache

have fun

haha your hilarious! You watch way to much television! "

lol just found this in my sentbox :D
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