swedish meat in poland:D


Sweden Sweden are selling meat to Poland Poland that is 27 years old, and they use the meat in tavern and schools :O) we are selling it as "animalfood", but the polaks are buying it.. poor people..

we had this meat as preparedness storage for the Cold war in 1982
thx for the info but im eating our own food you fucking baggage handler.
Are you trainee manager yet?
wp polski!
Denmark used to sell it to Poland & Estonia :D

Beat that!
never heard of that, could you inform me a little?
somekind of dog-food factory or sth. Apparently that food was used as a human-food in denmark.
Apparently you misread something ;)
And we were selling it to Belarus and Ukraine.
:D :D :D
uhuuh hahah
yeah, now it's really loud in press/media about it :D i'm really happy my family don't buy some cheap shit in markets, we kinda care about what we eat. And the polish Sanepid ( it's the institution that checks if something is healthy/good for ppl, dunno how to call it:p) said it has been changed and it's good, and the swedish producent says it's only animalfood ;D kinda funny, always the producent says something is great, but in fact it isn't, and now it's completely different ;D
Stop this shit, next time when there is a worldwar you better take part of it...
ye agreed but our government want us to be "non-aligned", altho i wouldnt really say that we are.. we got tight connection to nato and especially with the scandinavian countrys. and in former Russia Sovjet, there were documents leaked that showed that they thought we have been an non-official 'nato-nation' since 1950
and in ww2 Sweden Sweden was pretty much a nazicountry, we had our own institutes where they researched about 'the clean race' and some ppl say that the whole idea came from us..
and Germany Hitler pretty much loved sweden, there were also companys in the german military that were all swedish soldiers and it had a tribute name to sweden.
we pretty much helped germany :( altho later in the war we also tributed to the alliance.
there has also been swedish volountary soldiers fighting for Finland Finland, aswell as we had an airbase located in finland during the war.
he was born in austria ye, but i think of him as a german since that was the country 'under his lead' ;)
the 'country' he was in lead of was the third reich but yea he was a german politic
Därför tål jag inte det snacket att vi människor är lika värda. Det är det mesta dubbelmoral sagt jag någonsin har hört. Jag undrar vilken människorsyn dessa ansvariga inom myndigheter har. Alltså det är inte ok att en Europeisk äter gammalt kött men afrikaner går alldeles utmärkt. Usch va trött man blir. Varje dag som går älskar jag desto mer mina djur, och tappar desto merr fortroende på två beningar.
In situations like this, I'm happy I'm a vegetarian :D
poor polaks ;(
Vintage meat :D
hahaha : DDD
yea there was a TV material about it last night in polish TV ;P

they're selling it to homes for old people and primary schools lold
Poland got ownd by Sweden 's meat!

multikills incoming
poland is a good country.... to send our trash to
poland is known for its quality at many areas ;)
Germany, France & Netherlands bought it as well. And the expiration date of those cans with meat is in 2010 so I don't know what so funny.
keep chewing it, dog
Quote– Genom att äta det här köttet riskerar du att bli förgiftad, säger Maria Walczyka som ansvarat för testet vid jordbruksuniversitetet i Warsawa.

Quote-By eating that meat u risk to get poisoned, says Maria Walczyka who is responsible for the test at the agriculture-university in Warsawa.

the meat is "ok" to eat after 10 years, but 27 is... :DDDD
when tsernobyls nuclear crab ruined russian ppls foods they took food from estonia and poland and gave the shit food to estonia and polaks...
There are cannibals eating food older than 27!:D
Yeah... that's why I have NEVER eaten in my school. In our public schools food smells like shit, dead animal or... swedish meat.
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