good morning vietnam #8
29 Sep 2009, 07:29
Yo et haters, how you guys doing? For me it's next random day.. doing homework now and going to school in 2 hours till 18 pm ffs only positive thing i will talk with some nice chicks, then come back to home make some good food for my muscles, around 19;30 im going to gym, 21;20 back and play something with my nerds from miami team. Day after day the same :<
Then I will think of what to eat for lunch, gf still on a diet so I'll have to starve tonight with her... Guess just some salad for dinner.
Oh and was wondering who that band in ur profile picture is, I think I know them..
GL with the smell!
What did you learn from this session today:
I learned that there are only 17 jobs going on the JS+ site a week
Is there anything you can take away from this course that will help you look for work:
Is there anything the job centre can do to help you getting back to work?
Get me a job
Is there anything you can think of to improve this session?
Nothing I can think of worth writing
day after day after day :d
then food + gym , and studying for my management studies.
/quit school and start playin ET 24/7 (Y)