sc0ped - ET Movie

Okay so me and a mate of mine, metaL, got together and created a different kind of frag movie.

This project was Directed & Flash Graphics by myself, and Produced/Editing & Cam traces by metaL.

Frags by BJM, metaL and myself.

It's called sc0ped and features 3 allied covies running around goldrush on the high skill aussie pub server ga7.

Now before you all have a go at the fact that it's a pub movie, the main concept of this movie is not about the frags and their context. It's just a bit of fun and we tried to create something pretty epic and fun to watch out of footage we caught in one map of a pub server.

My vision was to showcase the "covert ops" class of Wolf:Enemy Territory as somethin awesome, featuring everything they're capable of and I think it turned out pretty cool.

Also, don't forget to check out the credits at the end :DD
standing oppponents.. rawrr.. skillZ
mad sniper skills
it was ok, liked the beginning, after that it started to get boring
wasn't that enjoyable
Lol nice movie to watch :D well done
Was pretty good but a bit too long!
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