Test Your Packetloss


Didn't work properly for me tho :<

image: 259890

Edit :

After I installed java to get the packetloss screen

image: 292750
image: 260884
No closer servers : ((
hoi prins willem alexander
polak hiding his packetloss!
what's packetloss? oO
:D . Most of the peeps have packet loss 0% ^^
lol you might send just a few packets with this test, it doesn't rly tell you how good ur connection is.. try downloading torrents, watchin stream and then do this test and see how much loss you will get. It rly differs with the amount of stress on the connection.
it sends 100!
image: 279185

don't get it :<
100% packet loss wtf
should have tested that at cc6...
tbh everyone should choose the same server... doesnt say much if you live in israel and have 0% packetloss and 20ping to a server in jerusalem and then play on a dutch server....
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