good morning vietnam #9

yo how you guys doing? im starting school today at 11 till 18:15 like fucking always, then come back to home make some good food for my muscles (probably tuna + chicken). Around 19;30 im going to gym workout my biceps and chest so hard! finally at 21 i will roll some wnb. ec skillors with miAmi team. day after day the same! can't wait for the weekend, one positive thing i will meet with some nice girl and she wants me to go to the party with her!

oh hai,

I'm pretty good today, a bit tired cause I had to sleep beyond my usual bed time last night! went to bed after 11! OMG!

my gf is having her second exam out of 3 today, yesterday went well so we're not as nervous today...
hope she will do good at exam,so u can do humhum after \o/
oh, we're not married yet, so no "humhum"
i see ;o :D ,gl with her ^^
:D thanks
I'm so glad to hear that you feel good and that your gf is doing well on her exams. I'm also doing well, maybe got a practice-job for some months and I'm just about to go out jogging for a while.
Hope your day turns out well and may God be with you!

Sincerely, Bruwzjki
Hellow Carol,

Just wanted to let you know that the web address of VARK is ok, that is until I try so patiently to get into any of the pages, then all I get is a page expiry notification. Would this be normal?

Love your tips, tricks, lesson plans. I thank you for them also. I am a mature aged teacher, just starting out and I appreciate all the help I can get. So, more power to you girl.

Sincerely, June (from Australia)
at least you could have had the decency to write smth yourself! I even gave you God's blessing!
that song is so f¤%*ing awful...
I unblocked youtube!

still no sound... But seeing the picture of that dood I get the idea I wont like it
its nigga music, its not that bad, but no my favo ;)
Good morning guzy,.. Can't find the vid where hYpe failed vs baggiez. help meh. ::<
you might ask hype for his demo on irc...yea, that sounds like a good idea to me!
G'morning Johnny! Have a nice day! :D

And it's way past my bed time so g'night! xD
good food for my muscles

basically not too bad...
have had uni from 8 to 10 and now i just arrived at work and gonna work until 17:00
back home there will be around 5 guys coming to me and having a look onto my flat...
gonna sell my flat as soon as possible cuz me and my gf found a bigger one...
rich boi is rich and showing off on the internet! :D
tell me more :D
everything we needed for the new flat was to BORROW money from everyone of our parents...
i say borrow because the only expencive thing is the Genossenschaftsbeitrag with 17k.
but when we leave the flat again in some years, we get the whole 17k back...
so its not liek i m letting my parents pay for my life...

and furthermore i think that a bigger flat than a 50qm 1room is necessary for a couple if both of em are studiing and need room for studiing
rich parents are rich, thats even WORSE :D

Wohnungsgenossenschaften ftw!

yea 50 qm is pretty small, my gf and I had 75 in our first apartment and we moved cause it's just too small
if you train biceps and chest and then train back you'll be in overtraining in a week. You'll be working biceps and then 2 days later you'll be working back which uses the biceps pretty heavily aswell. (even if you switch it with legs it'll still be too much) Just sayin, if you ever wonder why it's not growing then think of these words :S

triceps shoulder chest

Biceps back

stomache legs
Perhaps he's doing a fullbody?
No point in doing fullbody when training 5 times a week, besides, johnson is hardcore!!!! overtraining is for the weak.
would be alot of bodyparts missing so I just assumed :S

Full Body is good for the first year or so I've heard but I didn't start that way. I rather stick to what I've tested and what has been effective for me, so naturally I recommend it. + It's a basic sort of rule on how to train things. Only thing you need to do is switch it up every few months but judging your profile pic you already know that :p
Fullbody is great if you're a newbie or if you haven't trained for a week or two. Thats at least when I do them.

ye they're nice for definition, do them every few months for 3-4 weeks :)

check this nerd out :D
bullshit :o my training is
1st day: biceps + chest
2nd day: shoulders + triceps
3rd: legs + belly
and after 5/6 months of this training and good diet i got already 38/39 cm biceps from 31 so pls :o
I do know alot about (natural) bodybuilding m8 and it's not entirely all what I've read, it's from experience :S
I heard handling BAGGAGE is good for musclez
Truetrue, this man is a pro baggagehandler at LAX
image: 50759-bigthumbnail

I know what i wanna be when i grow up!
what a shit!
OI!!!! show some respect for this man
can do man, respect for his proteic mixshake :O
you forgot his :SD
Testosteron Propionat
Winstrol (Stanozolol)
Masteron (Drostanolon)
Halotestin (Fluoxymesteron)
Ganabol (Boldenon Undecylenat)
Primobolan (Metenolon Enantat)
Human Growth Hormon
I'll meet nice girl tomorrow :)))))

We will hang together n stuff and she will cut my hair and next week we are going to boat with her and our friends :))))))))

same as every day for me:

wake up

(tonight also dentist :'(, im scared !!! anyone save meh :()
i wont go to the dentist now ::(
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