plans for today #?????

just ate breakfast

image: 5126_MEDIUM

and image: milkacaramel

have a 5side game in a bit and if it's not too windy tonight go out @ mellieha

random pic : image: holocaust-bodies not disturbing at all.

edit : wtf some jehovah witness guy at the door gave me a free book
not funny random pic :<
skating here:

image: dsc_7932
Thx, now I know what breakfast to avoid so I don't become a retard like you.
lol oh pls , you don't have the privilege of being condescending you retarded belgian degenerate , go grab a book and stop playing this game 24/7. =)) I can do this all day you know peon
plzz I thought srbs loved mass graves
in 1 hour im going to the gym workout my shoulders and biceps, after break im fuckin weak! Back around 13 so then i will try to sign up miAmi for some 3on3 cup and roll it off, after it probably do some homework and learn a bit. In the evening like always at sundays i will get depression of fucking school! have a nice day et haters
Watching football match from my team today since i already played yesterday for the u19 Team and hurt my shoulder.
Tonight match i guess
stubbed my toe a week ago , still hurts like a bitch
Hurted knee for already 1 year know, you'll learn to ignore stuff like that.
image: to-do-list-nothing
yes, really
just woke up and think if I should do some school stuff today or be lazy as always
nothing really planned yet for today
you can always do both at the same time
Thanks for reminding me about school stuff :D almost forgot i had homework :x
you could do mine as well :(
No way lol =D Got math homework. In my opinion the most useless class _ever_.
ok, I can do your math if you do mine
didnt sleep lold so i dont do much today :DDDDDDDD
im gonna make huge shit all over toilet
just woke up, nothing really exciting what I'm gonna do today, just chilling around, watching tv and playing some games I guess
first going to my grandma (didnt been there in like 3 years) after that prolly gonna play some bf:bc or gonna search for a HoN tutorial for dummies lol. Played it yesterday the first time, running after for like 7/8 time of the map. Got kicked within 5 mins tho
Bolton Wanderers v Everton 13:30 Reebok Stadium
Liverpool v Manchester United 14:00 Anfield
Manchester City v Fulham 15:00 City of Mcr. Stadium
West Ham United v Arsenal 16:15 Boleyn Ground

long day comnig indeed!
I woke up, again.

and soon i will study a bit.
Playing on ETTV
not nice pic :(
NOTHING RLY planned for todAY.
I wake up and I have to do school things because school on monday after 4weeks chillin'

meet my gf :o
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