serious talk with serious guys

So im using Vista atm, ololol? It kinda sucks.. but is Windows7 any better? Share ur opinion, cuz if its same shit i won't change my current crap to another crap.
vista's crap, but with decent amount of tweaking and settings it's ok. i can't be bothered to change over to 7 or down to XP, altho i've been told to that several times.
After SP2 Vista is somewhat "good" but if you want a far better performing vista, upgrade to Win7
win7 is good bh :o
vista = stable but slow
xp = unstable but fast
win 7 = stable and fast
xp unstable?
compared to vista it is.. or atleast was for me.. i never had any crash or bluescreen on vista.. for around 1 year.. couldnt say that about xp.. for sure a crash or freezing or hanging or what ever every month once

@edit: also i have a 700mhz (or maybe less.. not sure) pc with win xp.. when installing itunes it crashed twice (fresh installed win xp with all drivers). also it lagged like hell.. with win7 everything went fine so far
Why exactly is vista crap? Using it for a year or so now and i havent had any problems with it so far.
Just interested...
it depends for what you need your pc, if for games vista sux.
please :D
xp < vista < 7
s&#670;&#596;o&#633; bu&#305;&#670;&#596;n&#607; &#592;&#647;s&#305;&#652;
Serious talking about computer stuff :DDDDDDDDDD

That's nerd...
funny to hear it from you :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Why? I'm not serious here in crossfire or I'm not talking seriously about windows stuff
damn you are one fucking wannabe :)
What kind of wannabe or wannabe who?
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