
I'm Church of England even tho my Mutha is from Culgower in Scotland...sandy white beaches and fuck all else......

What religions are you?? Go to church?

I'm asking cuz some dood on a party last night couldn't work out what C of E is in German...Protestant he said!! I said OK!

We need more churchy guys, don't let our christian religions die "sayeth he in party"

What religions are u ?

LoL Blog Highly ranked fun blog is looking for posters
christianty all the way yo o/
good lad <3
Christian, very active in church (leader of a music team ++).
sounds nice
i thought u norwegians only belive in trolls
spire <3
image: crooked_spire
lol mate <3...
one day its gonna fall u know this right?

(e) and all Chesterfield will suffer :(
Why is it bent?
There is folklore about Devils and virgins but Chesterfield folk aren't really into that sort of thing.. I think the most likely explanation is the combination of the heavy lead cladding, unseasoned timbers inside and joiners who were probably most certainly over-seasoned in the many hostelries which surround the church!
you were there once, u should know! How many virgins u meet in Chesterfield?

It really is mysterious....
yes, because of your god damn religion the world is full of wars (and cuz of money, but anyway church does evrything for it..)

just be a good man is that hard..?
to be religious means to be a good man.
So you can't be a good man if you're not religious? :-D
I would say the question is: what means to be a good man?
Do u define it according the norms or the laws in the system u live in?
no no, i dont mean it. of coz u can be good wihout being religious. i wanted to say, that a religion on on side has a purpose to do a man good. it means: if people are not good, they are not religious, but just for the sake of appearance religious, for example: inquisition.
yes to be a good man following many conditions, which are making troubles around the world.

religion is bullshit
which conditions make which troubles?
many of them. and conditions are fucked up.

u can be a good man without followin conditions.
plz, say me some bad conditions and troubles, which get caused by these conditions. Otherwise i cant take ur comment serious.
many wars are caused because of the conditions, and im not going to do a research of which conditions. im not even into the conditions of the religions. cuz i always hated em
i dont know one condition which would cause a war. But u just seems to hate religious books (i speak about christian bible) without any reasons. Otherwise u would give me one bad condition. I cant take ur comments serious, sry.
its not that i hate the bible, i hate all religions in general with all their sexism racism..
so, we have the first point: sexism. I dunno what koran says about it, but i know no one place in the bible, which would talk about women discrimination. U will meet no one christian man who would practically dominate over her women.
idd thats my question.

but tehy are too stupid and they need to follow a book
that's what all pedo priests said also
completely wrong! look @ Taliban!
ok, except some sure's in koran. generally - most of them - really believing moslems are good people. these few islamistic fanatics are just brain-washed by not religious islam leaders, getting money from US-government.
im not in any religion, will i go to heaven?
stone age called, it wants xedos back
Sorry , they didn't have phones in the stone ages...

Smoke signals only b'rah!
pigeons aswell!
I'm muslim and just to clarify something, a lot of people say religion is bad because people start wars, kill other people and stuff in the name of their religion.

Now think about it, are religions violent or is it the people that try to follow one of them and fail then kill people and do random shit in the name of it that are violent.
wooow dude settle down there...funny how you, the first muslim, start talkin about violence and wars and shit....strange.............
I'm just saying man, most people hate religion because of that, I just wanted people to think about it.

Edit: Just look at unique's comment.
u cant be good man without following a religion?

poor u...
What's your point?
religious means not only to be a good man, but also to believe in god.
belive in what??
stfu, what a low brain skill you got there, im from israel and im thinking the same ok? go push your speakers into your ass
It's not the religions making people war - it's people who interpret the religion too far. People who twist the words in their fitting way to gain power from them, wanting to supress others. Most religions teach peace, respect towards others, humanity and charity. ;p

The universe doesn't want us to fight each other, imo, we´re all here for a certain reason.
It's pretty much what I said but even better, so I agree with you!
well but we need to respect, it's about choices. If someone decides to live without any belief at all - fine. His life, his decision. ;p
Again I agree with you.
Everyone has the choice to believe in whatever he wants.
nice to know :)
imo religion still has load of power nowadays , and it controls a lot of things behind
i'm drinking some shit ass Estonia limonade which tastes like piss
hope the bubbles get brains, jump outta the bottle and strangle the fuck outta ya weedy ass fuckface....
hahah thats my xed

christian, not into (german/european?) churches tho
Ex-Roman Catholic.

roman catholic. i don't go to church.
nothing , dont belive in god , heaven , satan , adam and eve , this people were apes before bullshit , NOTHING ! ... i just live my life day by day and see what happens ...
Although I'm an atheist, I respect other people's need to believe in something above and something after.

But isn't feeling like you HAVE to go to the church the core of blasphemy afterall? What happens with the whole "Not adorating any relic/idol" (bad translation from french, sorry) when you bow down in front of a cross? If god is a loving god, would he punish you for believing in him inside your heart/mind and not feeling the need to prove people you're a good christian/muslim/jew ?

And what about the Doxa of all religions? A real religion shouldn't it let their followers believe what they wish and not a premade version of the story?

For me, reading the bible is worthless unless you wish to read it for intellectual values. Let's not forget the actual story of the bible has gone through dark ages of witch-hunting, political control and so much more (Buying your way to redemption, anyone?) and the original texts have been altered in so many ways...

About the war subject - Religion doesn't start wars, people who have control over fanatics start wars.
u dont HAVE to go to church, u go there because u WANT it.
for all of you who actually do have religion...

what's the point? why do you believe in it?

if i got 40000 people to believe that you couldnt paint anything red or you would burn in hell forever, would you believe it, too?
the point on having a religion is that for some people is too hard to understand how world was made and stuff like this, what religion does is explain this stuff in a simpler way (very stupid ways imo..) like: "god made the world in 7 days, end of the story" instead of some scientific way which smart ppl took ages to figure out...

and the most funny thing is that many people who do believe in a religion are making fun of scientist, when religious people are claiming that there was a snake that could talk...
I'm an atheist and I think your opinion is somewhat uneducated, don't take it on a bad way and go aggressive on me - It's pointless.

People need to make a difference between religion, religious people, retards who make stupid claims in the name of religion (and in all honesty it could be in name of anything) and to understand religion isn't about blindly following everything a self-proclaimed religious leader claims.
The pope from rome is half a nazi.

when the vatican makes new anouncements i think to myself, what the fuck are we back to the 15 ac? They are racist they are... (over 9000 more bad things) and all what vatican says is applied to the church from your town.

lets see how long it takes to them to get a black pope to rome.

they are not respectable in any way.

and about their beliefs. those beliefs can not be believed because they havent been proved in any way (wheres the fossil of a snake with vocal cords..?) all they do is keep talking (and mostly bullshit, ex vatican) and prove nothing? we are on the 2009 things need to be proved, ppl is smarter than the first caveman who had an iq of 30.

my opinion is not unducated, the way i express it is. but who cares i dont have to be educated to them since they fucked up many things in the past, and they are still unaducated to evry single man who doesnt belive in their beliefs(im not talking about the guy who posted this journal, but yes to its church)

sry for mah english
QuoteThe pope from rome is half a nazi.

wat? do you even know what you're fucking taling about?
yes, hes a god damn nazi.
that makes sense.
the pope is a nazi
in what way.
hes extreme right

check some stuff from when he was younger

oh and his scary
he was a luftwaffenhelfer/flakhelfer but where's your point?
his father was even opposing nazism, troll.
the pope is a nazi
btw one funny story that just came up to my head.

i live in a small town in mallorca, in this town there are 2 churchs, the main one and some other smaller one where some nuns are living at, early, ppl from the town found a secret passage which was between the main church and the nuns place, so they could meet each other (sex pruposes) in the pasage they found dead baby bodys many of them, and many of the bodys werent that old (not older than 10, dunno how the fuck because the monks arent anymore at the main church, but the nuns are still living there..)

so well vatican says that using condoms is a bad thing, so instead of using condoms, lets have a fuck and then lets kill the baby with fire? (they didnt kill em with fire, but drowned them...)

and those nuns and monks are following the same religion as those christians here.
wtf? I can have sex without makeing babies.. they never heard about pull_in_time ?
Or the effective "down the stairs goes the nun after 3-month-pregnancy" -trick ;)
seems like no:(
you completely missed the idea and the point of a religion, religion is something that gives hope and provides comfort
u cant have comfort without religion? wtf...

Hope? dude those hopes are bullshit, which cant be proved in any kind of way therefore they are false, im not a caveman, i need some solid things to believe at.

and when religious laughs at smart ppl trying to prove stuff id hit their faces.

what about u guys trying to prove that there was a snake that could talk and that theres a man whos capable of make the earth within 7 days

Those hopes were created long time ago when people had a fucked up live, and they needed something good to believ in, thats why nowadays poor ppl who has no acces to education belives much more than a guy who studied
sorry, thought I'd be talking to an intelligent person but that's obviously something you're not
not bad for me, I don't really mind if you're intelligent or not
too bad for me i meant

anyway isnt a fact that religion was created because of that? because people used to die for a cold, or because they had a very hard lives which werent worth to live so they needed to believe in something good?

and it isnt a fact either that poorest people do believe more in god?

or that people without a decent education believes more in it?

but hey an answer is not needed, cuz it looks like im not intelligent enough to believe in a man with superpowers.

btw religion fucked up enought things in my family, my grand parents are jehova testimonials (or whatever is spelled) and they didnt let my dad study (hes has a very high IQ) and the excusse they gave to my dad was that in 2000 the world was going to end and that they were going to a heaven, and there evrybody was going to be intelligent (see the retardness in their arguments). nice for them helping to keep the world a bit more ignorant so theres more guys who can believe in their religion.

btw my dad is furtonately succesfull but because of the no education he had many problems.
I see very little of his intelligence transferred to you

but anyway, you're talking about religion and mentioning facts? seriously...I am pretty well educated yet I believe in existence of a higher power, will you consider that in your "facts"? true that people that need help might show a higher tendency to be religious but that's no fact, you'll find a lot of rich fucks that are equally religious

and religion didn't fuck up anything in your family, stupid people have
no they didnt fuck up anything, but almost, anyway is a pretty common thing between religions that they are an obstacle for the progress.

those rich fucks are religious because of tradition, or becase they are from rights if we talk about politics ( i dont know hows called in english, u know conservative people) but those are even more stupid than me!!
religion is organized worship of a figure personifying God.

why should i worship anybody besides myself?
not necessarily

still, I don't WORSHIP anything or anyone, I just believe, worshiping sounds so pagan
I have no religion or any beliefs. I dont think God exists. I would worship the sun over God anyday. 1 - The Sun gives to everyone around the world, no matter what their belief is. 2 - I can see the sun, so i know its real.

Religion Kills and it scares the shit out of me. The bible is straight fiction. Thats my opinion.
Religion itself never killed anybody except for the people mentionned in "the bible" of each religion, and yet that is to be proved.

Real killers are people who lead fanatics into accessing their own political goals or personnal goals. Fanatics aren't religious people, they're people with problems, if they weren't obsessed with religion they'd be obsessed with their country. Or shoes for all it matters. Man always found a name to kill for.
only religions that teach unconditional pacifism have any place in our world
idd and that fits into 0 religions
or religions which have no missionary claims whatsoever ("fuck the rest")
what about the poles where there is 6 months of darkness?
The sun hates poles. (Experience maximum double entendre)
Just started an essay on religious experience as an argument for the existence of God.

fyi, the God hypothesis is false
Ok, i will write the word "me" twice.


Woaw beleive in me, i'm god :d

(ps : atheist )
I resigned from the church in 2004, did´t feel it useful. Besides, I don´t want to belong to any group which raises itself over the other by some beliefs.

image: confetti37
idd, i dont think that such a great man like "god" would like to see whats going on in the vatican
Religions are bullcrap.. they're about your man made rules and gaining a salvation through following them. Jesus wasn't religious but came to set us free of all that. The only thing you need to do is to believe. Sadly not everyone, even of those of us who claim to be Christians, seem to understand that.
Religion exists because people recognize that there is some sort of transcendent, and there is some sort of higher power that exists beyond our means. Some choose to call this higher power God, and religions were formed because of this. All religions exist for the same reason, because people realize that there is a transcendent and they try to connect with it through human means. Just because different religions approach the idea of connecting with god differently does not mean that one religion is right or one is wrong. Personally, I just believe that some religions do a better job of connecting with the transcendent than others.

The best analogy that I can point to is the image of a man pointing his finger at the moon. The moon represents God, and the finger is merely pointing the way to get there. Different religions point their finger differently, and they all have different looking fingers, but in the end they are all pointing to the same thing (the moon).

Organized religions, in my opinion, are merely an introduction to spirituality. When you are young you might be introduced to religion through Christianity, or Islam, but I think that in order to fully experience the transcendent, at least for me, I kind of have to move beyond that at some point. This quote by the Buddha really describes this for me:

Quote by The BuddhaDo not accept anything by mere tradition ... Do not accept anything just because it accords with your scriptures ... Do not accept anything merely because it agrees with your pre-conceived notions ... But when you know for yourselves – these things are moral, these things are blameless, these things are praised by the wise, these things, when performed and undertaken, conduce to well-being and happiness – then do you live acting accordingly

I was raised Christian, but just because Christianity tells me that I should feel happy for doing good doesn't necessarily make me feel happy. I think that at some point people need to move beyond what organized religions say and find out for themselves what helps them experience God the most. If you go to church every Sunday, but hate it because it is boring, then you need to look deeper in order to find God.

Organized religions were built to appeal to common uneducated people as a way of simplifying God so that the average person could understand it. They did this through metaphors and representations, like for example the Bible. Almost everything in there is not meant to be taken literally, but it conveys a truth if you look at the deeper meaning. Many people reject religion and say they are an atheist simply because they think the bible is supposed to be literal, and they (justifiably so) realize that many things in the Bible simply cannot be true. The danger comes when fundamental Christians try to take the Bible literally. From fundamentalism is what came all of the wars and violence through religion. Someone who was truly a Christian would have never let anything like that happen.

To me atheism is just as ignorant as fundamentalism though, because instead of searching for God in a different way, they just reject it completely. If you consider yourself an atheist, I would encourage you to take a different look at religion, and try to find God through yourself. Ignore christianity, ignore everything you were taught in sunday school, and instead try to understand God in a different way.
Why would I need God or a religion in my life?
I guess to me, I really ascribe to an Eastern Religious view of God in that I can find God through knowing myself. In my search for God I am also becoming in touch with my true self (who I really am once I shed my outer self and ego). Who wouldn't want to know themself better?

I believe that you can't really fully know yourself without understanding the God inside of you and how, through that, you are connected to other people and the rest of the world. That is one way to look at God, is the transcendent connection that you share with other people and the world.
Are you using your yankee-status and trolling around or are you serious?
I am completely serious. Even if you don't believe in what I write I think it's worth it to think about. Maybe you can get something from it. The reason I posted here was because I want to hear people's different opinions because I like hearing different people's views of God.

I know you said that you are an atheist. Is there a reason for this? If you were raised Christian why did you become an atheist? What thoughts was this based on?
I don´t have anything against religions in general, it is good that people may find inner peace and comfort from them, but I don´t want to support the ideology that some people are better than the other because of their religious-views, since I think that should be something between one and his/hers god. So it is more like a statement against prejudices.
Thomm, I agree with you absolutely 100%, and it makes me sad that you reject religion because of this idea (at least this is the idea I have gotten from your other posts). It is the people who fight over religions that give religion a bad name. Just like how many people in this thread say that religion starts wars. Religion is not about that. True religion never killed anyone. Anyone who was truly religious would embrace people of other religions because they are both searching for God. Like you said, religion is a completely personal thing, and I think the quote from The Buddha really conveys this if you read it. I would encourage you not to reject religion because of ignorant people who fight over which religion is better, etc. You can be religious and find your own god without supporting those ignorant idiots who fight about religion.
I don't agree with you at that part, imo you dont really need a god to know yourself
Yeah i agree. Im doing fine without a god.

"Believe in the power of one" One Person cant change the world, but believe one person - not a god, but a normal person can. Believe in yourself :D
"To me atheism is just as ignorant as fundamentalism though, because instead of searching for God in a different way, they just reject it completely."

From The God Delusion

1 Strong theist. 100 per cent probability of God. In the words of
C. G. Jung, 'I do not believe, I know.'
2 Very high probability but short of 100 per cent. De facto
theist. 'I cannot know for certain, but I strongly believe
in God and live my life on the assumption that he is
3 Higher than 50 per cent but not very high. Technically agnostic
but leaning towards theism. 'I am very uncertain, but I am
inclined to believe in God.'
4 Exactly 50 per cent. Completely impartial agnostic. 'God's
existence and non-existence are exactly equiprobable.'
5 Lower than 50 per cent but not very low. Technically agnostic
but leaning towards atheism. 'I don't know whether God exists
but I'm inclined to be sceptical.'
6 Very low probability, but short of zero. De facto atheist. 'I
cannot know for certain but I think God is very improbable,
and I live my life on the assumption that he is not
7 Strong atheist. 'I know there is no God, with the same
conviction as Jung "knows" there is one.'

I'd be surprised to meet many people in category 7, but I include
it for symmetry with category 1, which is well populated. It is in the
nature of faith that one is capable, like Jung, of holding a belief
without adequate reason to do so (Jung also believed that particular
books on his shelf spontaneously exploded with a loud bang).
Atheists do not have faith; and reason alone could not propel one
to total conviction that anything definitely does not exist. Hence
category 7 is in practice rather emptier than its opposite number,
category 1, which has many devoted inhabitants. I count
myself in category 6, but leaning towards 7 - 1 am agnostic only to
the extent that I am agnostic about fairies at the bottom of the
One thing that interests me is that scientists have actually found a part of the brain that is used during "religious experiences." This is evidence that all people have some part of their brain that allows experiences like this. In your life have you ever just felt some kind of "transcendent" experience where you felt connected with more than yourself? Maybe the inexplicable joy or warmth that you feel on a beautiful day in nature? I really find a connection with God through nature.
Funnily enough I'm actually right now writing an essay about the argument for the existence of God from religious experience.

I'd love to chat about it (I'm an atheist and I don't believe in the God hypothesis) but I have to get this finished and get to college in less than two hours :(
I would love to but I'm about to go to bed soon so I doubt I'll have time.
Holiday ends today, haven't had time to sleep!
Excellent book, currently reading it for the second time. Also picked up Carl Sagan's Cosmos the other day. Absolutely awe-inspiring.
I'm trying to find a new copy of Sagan's The Demon Haunted World. Everywhere seems to be selling used copies. :-(

Also, check out this guy -

He's one of the most interesting and passionate scientists I can think of.

This is also a really great lecture from physicist/cosmologist Lawrence Krauss -
How, in your option, opening a religion Journal in the holy spam temple would help anyone understanding anything about religion?
say what?????
Estonia pohhuism, all the way!
Just asked my grandma(77):
-Do you really think God exist, 100%?
-Why I dont believe in it?
-Because you are stupid.

Also she said:
"Your soul is empty"
You're going to burn in hell now Mr!!
tbh shes the stupid, shes not capable to understand what scientology says.
lol, that's one hell of a quote .. "your soul is empty" ;D
world without religion would be a perfect world, and yes religion is a big scam. but i can't deny that on my old days when the time is close for me to go that i wouldn't start believing in that cloud mister, we are all too scared to die.
Which browser are you using? The picture I posted doesn't actually show up on my own browser. x)
Mozilla Firefox
i cant see it
i can't see any pic me neiter
Chrome, can't see it either
baptized christian but I haven't been to church in over 7 years
I'm baptized Catholic although I do not follow any religions for I believe your own beliefs come from within you, not outside of you (e.g. Catholicism). If I was to be labeled under something the closest would be a Buddhist.
Roman Catholic, i go to church.

ah by the way, question for the atheists. Do you believe the devil exists?
Why the troll?
No. Why would we believe that?
im seventh day adventist.

Yay let me worship someone who isnt real for the whole of my life

Most are just stories for people just to live their lives by, something to look forward to or do in their otherwise boring lives :))))))))))
Jehohvas witness
May the holy vagina command me and bless me with its cosiness!
I'm an Agnostic Atheist.

And wtf @ the amount of replies in this journal?
you cant be both :|

QuoteIt is not a religious declaration in itself, and an agnostic may also be a theist or an atheist.

if you're agnostic, you simply neither know if there is some kind of deity nor you know there isn't

an agnostic atheist is someone not believing in any deity, neither does he know if there is actually some kind of deity or not
Please learn what they are before replying :D
i think you are both wrong
wikipedia is wrong too
its like that nickelback wiki, full of shit
your mum sounds like a lovely lady!!!!!

church of scotland (protestant/christian)

(but only when it suits me)
i am an agnost
which automatically makes me the most sane person here
You don't know much about yourself, then? (Judging by your response to me)
no you are wrong and i am right
Religion is the most profitable invention of all time
any religion is a big summary of lies & tales...
Don't care if there is a God, several Gods or no God at all.
Most likely atheist
Im muslim :) After 21 years of living im getting even more convinced day by day that this is really the right religion at least for me.
so what does ur religion say bout gambling?
It all depends on how you read it. Same thing goes with alcohol - most muslims drink it even tho some say the koran says its forbidden
we r playin every friday at our private table (since almost 4 years now)
and our turkish mate doesnt play with us while Rammadan (and i read bout ur tournament in Amsterdam) - thats why i am asking
I don't play druing rammadan either :)
what kind of a muslim are you if you can't even spell the terminology correct :<
Normally I say Ramazan :(
religion is for idiots who believe in fairy tails
quite absurd opinion cause we all believe in something.
So? A religion is NOT the same as believing in God or something else.
Pastafarian with practicing world view of zen.
Religion is bullshit.
I worship the great Cornholio!

Nah, am agnostic really. I like the idea of religion as I'm not a fan of the whole being dead and that's it thing, but I can't really say I'm convinced.
Im a Jedi, anyone else?
first define the word religion :)
Im Roman Catholic, visit the church very often.

Im happy to believe there is someone above me watching me every time and allows me to have a good time!
The only thing I never believed in was the fact about Adam & Eva:
Adam and Eva were the first people on earth.. they gave birth to two babies (as written down 2 boys!) the thing is... when more people should get born, one of the two sons should have had sex with his mum Eva ;) otherwise there would never be any human being on this earth anymore ;) the other thing I dont understand is that they write down that Adam and Eva were two human beings made of "mud" but in the evolution theory they say we are naturally evolved from the apes..
Still there are so many other things I never really understood, about the world, the animals and humans.. The only thing I can say now is Im glad Im a modern Catholic person :)

No war Make peace on this earth, such a tiny globe and so many ppl digging their own grave already ;)

I'm from the church of SEX, DRUGS AND ROCK N ROLL.
Atheist to my very core. And don't get me wrong, it's not god I hate (cuz he doesn't exist in the first place), it's just his fanclub I can't stand.
Probably 'satanist', but not with the meaning that I drink children blood, participate in satanic rituals at graveyards. More like the living style is as for satanist. LaVey's Satanic Bible somewhat gives really good advices how to make life better[/url] - even christians should read it to understand how miserable they are with they gay "thou shall not ...". :)

But as for true 'religion' - I'm more to the paganism side. Christianity is not Latvian native/true religion. But just as with communism - we were forced to change it with blood spilling.
Religion is what people made up in the past to explain things they didnt know. While some explioted this to scam people. Things like afterlife and god that watches everything you do, when if you dont behave u will go to hell. Its good for weaker people that need to hold on to something to make it throught the day, while they just listen to the church and give money to make them wealthier.
I am an agnost, I do believe there are things/powers we can't explain by 'normal scientific' laws of nature but whether this is a God/Gods or something totally different altogether is the question.

image: motivational-atheists
im not of any religion, but 4th line of that quote fails big time.
religious guys can say that:
1/ god lets violence on purpose, because there is a great plan behind it which people dont understand
2/ god doesnt want to interrupt people's lifes, cause ok - that would prevent them from violence but at the same time that would prevent them from a freedom, which (lack of) is worse than violence.

all in all it all comes to one question - do you believe or not? some people will say yes, some will say no. who is right? we'll get to know when we die, each person on his own :)
Oh well, I just used the pic for the fun of it, not an atheist myself :P
i understand, i just replied to the pic, not your views, cause i know its pointless arguing over religion and politics :D
the 4th quote says he's neither able nor willing and in that context there cant be any bigger plan behind it, since "god" isnt able to do anything about it whether he wants to or not

that somehow confutes your ideas
seems you still dont read carefully.
Quotebut 4th line of that quote
perhaps now you can confuse my ideas more efficiently :)
thought you were speaking about each single point in that way the 4th would be the last one :)
i know what you were thinking, but still i wrote it clearly: "line"
It's totally natural we can't explain everything with science. The stuff we can't explain is just getting less and less. I will never understand why there should be a need to fill the lack of knowledge with "God".
there cant be an empty space. people have to fill it with something and they fill it with either faith in god or faith in science :). you presume "i know there aint no god", i presume that "i dont know" and hope/believe that things we dont know yet, will be explained by science somewhen in the future, but leave the case open. you'll say im stupid, ill say that from a philosophical point of view you are one sided :).
How do you know what I presume and say?
I'm a magician.
Really your post was full of bullshit. Of course there is not one single human on this planet who can say he knows there is no God. Ever heard of the FlyingSpaghettiMonster?
have you ever read why someone invented it? that it is a parody? ofc there are people who really believe in it - then its just another name of "god". religion or more precisely faith in something is inevitable part of human thinking. as long as there will be something people dont know, they will fill it with gods and co. id suggest stopping thinking about it as of something negative.

I don't care what people believe in as long as they keep it to themselves and don't interfere in my life.
im a muslim
image: 180px-FSM

hail flying spaghetti monster
well, Asatrú but I'm not a real believer, rather interested in my heritage :)
officially I'm Lutheran tho, most of the protestant christians here in Germany belong to it, you can say we started that thing! :P

almost never visiting church, only on xmas or family events

but I'd always support Christianity against Islam

didnt know you're religious btw :D
no. I'm not :) Don't even pay the Kirchensteuer :p

It was about finding out what religion is closest to mine in Germany...
ah alright, should read more careful next time!
but I agree with your comments tho !
im true satanist and u all other suck cocks

i feel shame for u
fuck you dolphinnnnnnnnnnnnn
I don't believe in any gods or religions.
Esotericism. I find aestheticism rather tiresome; its ultimate goal is generally to win arguments rather than progress knowledge (as a number of the other users have proven quite aptly), which is rather ironic in all fairness.
isnt that church of england the church that came out because one of your kings didnt get the divorce from the pope? :D
I believe in aliens or in other life but not in religions.

fucking sects!
i don't believe in a religion, since they arn't an exact science... and only bullshit.
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