Kartez busted


I present my "re@lan²" ( a french lan ) fragmovie,
there is no camtrace, not real intro & outro :(
But i did it for fun and this is my 1st project.


Comment, rate at:

Finally buted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nice1 bro :)
Fake lan , übershit 1/1/1/1.
Kartez busted by Kartez

fake bust omfg, never saw that one coming :S
seems nice
was a nice lan!
obvious selfbust. N1ce movie and quality was rally good.
selfbust :D ?
were any good teams / players like kEEJii on lan ?
most of the dESIRE players are not accepted in those LANS.
good question, never got a decent answer
This lan is "restricted"
no cheater / busted, its but strange ;o

final was: esperance vs san08
since when mg is allowed?
the real question is:
did you saw the date ? ( february 2009)
since when mg42 isnt allowed?

and whats the point with this question, it was a lan ;o
admin put what they want :o
well done m8
huuuuuuuge french community!! but only like 5 guys i ever heard of got fragged in this vid which implies "huuuuuuge french lowskill community" :]
nice movie mate,i really enjoyed it :)
awesome quality :)
not so bad, good job !
noob noob noob noob noob :<
Really nice movie, just... too short !
Enjoyed it !
And love my 3 shoutout !
x ray dog & pendulum

who dont love this.

people who aren't into MAINSTREAM
nice ;)
nice quality and i really like the first tracK 8D
sry but
no u
no man, i'm rly sorry
its you.

hehe nice try

haha you nearly got me, but its you.
finally decision ? no way
will be always you.
you replyed 2min59 after my comment, you got faster reactions, this make it you :D


its you!
stfu bitch I said its you!
NO,because YOU are wrong
NO, i was watching some video on YOUtube.
my music roxx,
you cant know this
too "no u" for you :)
ppl love pendulum + x-ray dog music!

coz they know the "no u" reply.
at first i was like omg hes right!

but, NO, U have to go to sleep or YOU will fail again.
hes your mate and he wants to be cool with you, so he says same as YOU.
NO coz i'm sure YOU wrote it from his computer when in was in wc!
when HE was in toilet
so its YOU.
NO YOU are wrong
i know YOU will lost
nice copy/paste skill
YOUr funny
YOU can read the comment here.
"You know you can't effort to win the no YOU story. "
maybe you doubt about it?
shame on YOU.
man YOU looks like funny
hey man YOU failed or what,
i have 2 pm about:
"exceed replied to your comment"
and i can see only 1 comment

what about NO?
NO YOU are wrong, i'm not deleting too
NO and YOU?
NO because i'm not a looser like YOU
NO, my music roxx, YOU cant accept
coz YOU are wrong.


NO man i said YOU
coz i dont have to say 100 words to say its YOU
Its Not Me, Its You!
nice copy/paste
but its YOU
NO, my music roxx, YOU cant accept
shame on YOU.
Its Not Me, Its YOU!
Dude, you can say lots of things, but it's definitely you!
NO man i said YOU
NO, I think YOU should quit replying to me since I am right.
I am just replying, not deleting. So basicly it's YOUr prob!
You know you can't effort to win the no YOU story.
NO and YOU?
+1 in YOUr inbox
Good one, now you have one in YOUR inbox
Good one, now you have one in YOUR inbox
YOU can read the comment here.
hey man YOU failed or what,
i have 2 pm about:
"exceed replied to your comment"
and i can see only 1 comment

what about NO?
No man, really I can't do anything about it that it's You :(
You couldn't reply me with a normal reason, could you. YOU
you what? no you ?
No you!
This is an automated message, sent by Crossfire. Do not reply to this message.
YOU can read the comment here.
YOU can read the comment here.
NO man i said YOU
No man, really I can't do anything about it that it's You :)
No you!
This is an automated message, sent by Crossfire. Do not reply to this message.
no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou
You know you can't effort to win the no YOU story.
nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou no u nou
i just woke up to say: its YOU
NOw bb.
xd NO
xd YOU
so, YOU liked soundtracks,
ppl love pendulum + x-ray dog music!

coz they know the "NOU" reply.
Dude, you can say lots of things, but it's definitely you!
YOU can read the comment here.
sorry but i think YOU are exceded, NO?
YOU failed
lol no u lol
No man, really I can't do anything about it that it's You :(
NO its YOUrs
YOU can read the comment here. ²
YOU can read the comment here. 1794527586
You failed with showing me the little 5!
no u 2 be
No, I can't except, but it's a fact that YOUr music sucks. So it's not my problem that YOU are replying on my fact.


yes me
You know you can't effort to win the no YOU story.
Dude, you can say alot of things, but it's definitely you! Dude, you can say alot of things, but it's definitely you! Dude, you can say alot of things, but it's definitely you! Dude, you can say alot of things, but it's definitely you! Dude, you can say alot of things, but it's definitely you! Dude, you can say alot of things, but it's definitely you! Dude, you can say alot of things, but it's definitely you! Dude, you can say alot of things, but it's definitely you! Dude, you can say alot of things, but it's definitely you! Dude, you can say alot of things, but it's definitely you!
YOU edited YOUr message, coz YOU failed, NO?

no u
its le fu-
hU hU

na u ( will be back in some days :) )
no u

oh wait
i'm not a fan of prince of persia but looks like nice ( the game too)
NO he came here coz of U
YOU added me on YOUr buddylist, so i won!!

haha my plan is a successss :d
just before YOU joined #wck.et
MY plan worked first on U.
Dude, YOU can say lots of things, but it's definitely YOU!
NO,did U like most hated 3 ?
got enough frag for 2 fragmovies, ~6 min + ~8 min

no u
NO its just YOU the problem
needs banhammer
to ban YOU, NO?
stop this :<
NOp, becOUse i dONt want to lose.
NOp, so its YOUr friend.
You know you can't effort to win the no YOU story.
back from wat
u already lost niggah
you can say a lot of things,but you won't win this story. Just stop replying, you lost already.
NO i wont reply to U
Who was that Sloth guy anyway, was it a friend of YOU again?
No, I can't except, but it's a fact that YOUr music sucks. So it's not my problem that YOU are replying on my fact.
It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake.
It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. 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It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. 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It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake. It doesn't matter if it's copy/paste or not. It's a fact that YOU made a mistake.
It does, the problem is, YOU did it once again :~>
exceed Busted Topic
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.

YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit music
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
YOU should be like this, you can't since YOU listen shit musicYOU are a newsposter, like wtf is happening to this world.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
[17:23] * eXceed ([email protected]) has joined #kArtez

This was my plan, earlier than I added you, so I win!

if admins see our spam, we will get banned coz of YOU.
» Data too long for column 'body' at row 1.
wtf, a new comment from YOU. This is amazing. YOU may quit replying now.wtf, a new comment from YOU. This is amazing. YOU may quit replying now.wtf, a new comment from YOU. This is amazing. YOU may quit replying now.wtf, a new comment from YOU. This is amazing. YOU may quit replying now.wtf, a new comment from YOU. This is amazing. YOU may quit replying now.
no u first
nErD replying to me @ night.
U replied fast NO?

:~> NO YOU :~>
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