Robert Enke commits suicide

Already posted hours ago but ye, sad. RIP :(
dont be sorry reky my love, the other thread was in german! at least non-germans get to read/post shit here :D
I feel sorry for the man driving the train, he jumped infront.
When do these selfish weak people that cant take control of their life realize this man probably wont get another good night sleep for the rest of his life.
sometimes you can't control your life. his daughter died in the age of 2 years.

don't say they are weak. feel happy ur life is not forced.
So, his life wasnt easy.
I know multiple people that have been through worse things and they managed to get their shit together.

but still, even if you want to take your own life, pick a way that doesnt ruin someone else's life (which I believe isnt possible, cause people that commit suicide always ruin other lifes, mainly of their relatives) such as pills or morfine.
QuoteSo, his life wasnt easy.
I know multiple people that have been through worse things and they managed to get their shit together.

but not everybody is a superhero. everybody tries to solve problems as long they can. but at any point you got no more power.

Quotebut still, even if you want to take your own life, pick a way that doesnt ruin someone else's life (which I believe isnt possible, cause people that commit suicide always ruin other lifes, mainly of their relatives) such as pills or morfine.

plus fucking one
Ye, his daughter died, but he still had wife and adopted 8 months old daughter. Wasnt that enough?
True his daughter dying is a tragedy and I'm sure he suffered alot, but he's in a position that many people would kill to be in. He's paid ridiculously well to run around on some grass trying to stop a ball going in to a goal.

He's left behind his wife, a small child and has probably ruined that train drivers life too so while I feel bad that he felt it necessary to end his own life, I still think he's a selfish bastard.
be careful what you say about certain things..
Like what? Im not allowed to speak the truth? My nephew killed himself several years ago, I know what Im talking about.

Some people might not like it or dont like reality, but suicide always ruins the life of at least parents/siblings/wife/kids/friends.

and in this case, also people that werent emotionally attached to him, such as the train driver, who will have mental issues for a very long time.
I just created a new CF account just to tell you something:

Are you Dr.Phill? If not, I can see that you love him.
Who the fuck are you to talk and say the things that you said?
Do you have any idea of his personal life? (I dont know to)
Are you a student of phsicology or something?

The act of suicide is the most personnal thing that a man can do in his life, even if he writes 76459 letters, you will never know how he feels by doing that...

His daughter died 2 years ago, how the fuck do you know if its anything to do with his suicide? Or if so, was 2 years ago, dont you think he tried?

You want to compare yours nephew suicide (sad to hear it) with a dead of a daughter? Suicide is one thing, he wanted to die, dying by some medical problem or whatever, its completly diferent. And dont compare a nephew with a daughter, please.
You're obviously retarded, I never compared the death of my nephew to his daughter.
Reading comprehension is a bitch, I know.

I also never said he killed himself because of the death of his daughter, so I dont know what you're rambling about.

try reading it again and we'll talk about it.
Yeah, sure, im the retard...

Grow up and try to go to school you fucking kid.

Still, it was a selfish way to suicide and he deserves to be shot, oh wait..
Generally speaking, people take suicide as their "last resort" to solving their troubles.

There is no time to think about what you're leaving behind.

I understand your response, though.
I suppose thats the biggest problem, that suicide is still considered to be taboo for most people.
If humanity would be more open to it, more people would be able to talk about the fact they're considering it, which often results in them not doing it...oh well, cant all be flawless =(
there is.

one of my best friends mother commited suicide because she was in depressive after a car accident, she couldnt walk for like 4 years and was in her 2nd year. She hung herself up in the garage. But.. she did write several letters to her husband, her daughter and her son (the friend) over a period of 4 months discribing her feelings and shit to let them feel 'less' bad.

I always get fuckin angry at her for letting her husband and kids down for her own problem which would be solved in just another 2 years. And the fact that she already had it in mind for like 6? months without talking with her beloved ones who could support her also is a bit.. well selfish aint the right word, but you know what i mean i guess..
I think Carlos' reply explains the reasons she didn't talk about it, and I agree with him there.

And of course, different people deal with things in different ways.

This guy obviously wanted something quick & easy for himself, hence why he jumped in front of a train.
R.I.P Robert 8< great goalkeeper.
he had very bad virus infection in the stomage/gut, nobody knew what exactly it was, he had it for very long already, so this could be a reason that he just couldnt handle the pain anymore...

great sportsman, great goalkeeper, great human
rip robert :(
You can not be serious.
du bist doch weißgott ein freak
weißgott XD
Stop feeling sry for him, u should feel sad because of his wife.
RIP once more.
He's been a pretty simpathic person
that's weird
RIP, one of the best goalkeepers
he was the keeper of the german nationalteam you motherfucker, so i shouldnt care now because he is not the only person who dies
absolutely agree
you are a powerranger! save them!
He couldve thought of the people who have to clean up those gibs off the rails, the train driver and people getting late because of him. There are other ways to kill himself. :/
sad to hear that
so plz tell us the most friendly way to finish ur life
but remember: /selfkill isnt a option this time ;D

i dont get why so many people cry about the way he has chosen, any suicide is cruel for family, friends and and and. His wife doesnt care if it was a train, a gun, or a disease. train drivers also are educated & prepared that sth like this could happen at some point, my friend told me who is one of ´em
travel far away, if possible to a deserted tropical place. Then dig a hole in the ground, pref near the beach so you will get a natural burial, until you either starve to death or drown by the groundwater.

Alot of fire is also a pretty clean way.
lol,what about this:

Go to Thailand, to beach of Di Caprios "The Beach", get 3 hookers and any drug u can get and don´t expect to wake up in the next morning
sound good to me, but personaly I'd either like to die while traveling forever in space, or being injected with ragnarok and then blow up and get spread over the whole world and then everyone dies.
I don't really know who he is but this is always sad to hear...
German footballkeeper, played in barça years ago
+1, i only care if it is someone near me or near a friend of mine
Best man
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