MW2 Patch and promod?

i heard something there will be some good patch and a promod for this game which includes : /record, console, and a normal warmod.

BUT i'm not sure about this if someone could give me some link about this or i just need to realise that its fake?
just a rumour
The exact same thing everyone said was going to happen to Wolfenstein.
XDDDD +100000
wolfpro was actually pretty decent. Just a bit shit that there was no SDK or proper game patch :(
go to some MW2 gay fansite, im sick of this spam all day long, 3 million topics about some overrated shit game thats made solely and only for console nerds
nicely said mate :) same goes for hon players. sick of it, yes. -.-
finally someone that agrees, im so sick of this MW2 shit. Lets bring out a new ET every year to just steal youre moneyz blatently. If ppl cant see that theyre retarded. This MW2 spam shit is hard to ignore atm here since there are journals every fking hour about this shit....

and yes, im with you on HoN to -_-
Use the frigging filters homo.
as if that works for journals fking nerd. did i flame youre new favorite game that you call me homo? go say it to youre dad so he can smack you around like whitney kid
Most of them have "hon" in their titles ,so skip reading them , retard.
i dont even read them and im already sick of the spam. go to some HoN site for this bullshit
Bring out a new ET to steal moniez?


im talking about the whole CoD concept theyre rolling on atm. Every year a new version that sux even more then the first ones that were released just to get moneyz moneyz moneyz. Its kinda sad alot of people dont see theyre just revamping the old games a bit and steal between 40-60 euro's from you every year!
finally go to a hatesiite. i am so sick of random idiots flaming new games cauz they r retarded enough to stick with a game thats dead for 3 years.
i was gonna write a serious reply untill i saw youre other comment.

"the promod- and the pamguy are in IW team now. so there will be a warmod."

hopeless fanboy, if u wanna throw away youre money cause of a shitty game hf -_-
talk more guy w/o a clue.
thats made solely and only to be a money-machine
what i sayd in my other posts, yes its true. Its just a pure money making machine the whole CoD series, dno why ppl still play or even pay so much for that crap.
why do ppl still play cs(:s)? ask the flies ;)

yesterday on ts we talked about why noone picked up ets' gameplay to make a new game... we had no idea.
you have heard fake info
there will be no mods, the game developers want you to play the game like they want and they won't add a vote kick function into multiplayer cause their plan is to ban every single cheater, brilliant ideas if you ask me.
there is a difference between what people want and whats actually going to happen.
just right after the wolfenstein patch and duke nukem forever
i dont think duke nukem forever will ever br released
the promod- and the pamguy are in IW team now. so there will be a warmod.
Was about to ask the same!
another shitty fanboy, get a life banaan!
dude, stop smoking crack
true truth is true.
that's why raf1, the true maker of cod4 promod, doesn't want to touch mw2 with a stick for a promod?
ain't gonna happen in a long shot!
tbh it probably will happen due to console commands being in the config and so on.

wait for the patch
that's a bait .
theres already a promod in development
hahahahaha :DDDDDDD
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