muscle food [18+] (raffle) (ger)


since i got pretty good advices last night i gonna try it once more!

what should i eat to be succesful @ the gym?

i dont really care if its healthy or if it tastes good, price is irrelant to me too

any food extensions beside magnesium calcium and eggwhite?
take pita + tuna + ketchop heinz + maiunese :s = epic win :~>

but thats after 30 minutes the training
when you get home, eat like a king :D
isnt pita that salted bread?
middle easten round bread :p

its more full than just plain bread :~>

image: 2784370_234

looks nice but no clue where i could get smth similar :D
you can make it yourself :~D

btw i will give you some advice
when i was taking training srsly i ate 10 eggs every morning, only the white
but in time its not rly good for you, and i never took those pills etc thats just shit man, it will hurt your organs for the long run

i will admit, yes if you want a good looking shape body it will do you good but you will learn there is no such thing short cuts

do yourself a favour and train without this shit, only good home food, but i guess you european dont have kidush etc xD

ah, but if you do want to take this serious, atlist look at this guy: scooby !!

rly amazing instructor !
Greek store
You can buy it in almost every supermarket here in Netherlands.
here in Germany too :D
Thought so, Aldi sells them at least ;)
yes aldi sells them ;D
here in Belgium too D:
better dont eat a white bread, it consists of simpe carbohydrates and provide the same effect as a sugar
Get creatine and various vitamines.
I heard Creatine makes the penis smaller (that's not a joke btw)
Nah lol , it might fuck up your kidneys only if you dont use it right. Always consult personal doctor before starting using it.
Are we talking about getting fit or going for professional sportsmen ? Also guys at that level use steroids and other stimulants , which can "hurt" your peenor.
i hope u dont use magnesium/calcium tablets...
it were dragees ,
what else should i use?
nothing of this stuff it isnt necessary
mangesium is really good for me, when i play football and run and run and muscels lose magnesium and i get krämpfe, with magnesium tabletts i dont get it
this stuff is actually very important
actually u get enough of this when u eat/drink normally.
i would say it always depends of the balance of ur sport activity and the food plan. If u'r training 3-4 times a week pretty hard, u just can get to the critical limit even with a good food plan pretty fast. So its better to have a mineral and vitamin surplux as to have a lack of them or to be on the limit.
In the case of iiky i would be sure the good food plan would be more as enough. I just was more pointing out, that the consuming of the minerals by sport activities is overall important. But yes again, in this case ur right.
i just wanted to say that when u train only 3-4 times a week u won't have any problems with magnesium and the other stuff if u eat normally
dunno exactly if u will but u can very easily, if u train very hard.
Why do u think all sportlers consum it?
it's not easy if u eat normally^^
the professional players don't/very rarly use it
all pro and even hobby sportlers use vitamin and mineral supplements, even if they have a good food plan. Its not a must, but a coverage.
only in special situations...
Eggwhite is realy important.
You should also take this as pills.
Cuz you cant cover your whole income (+the amount you need to build up muscles) (Would be like 1kg of fish+800gramm of pork+10 eggs a day)

Eat fish (Tuna is best)
Eggs (not to much)
"Dinkel bzw Vollkornbrot"
Avoid drinking beer

Also get some creatin before you start your train.
advice me some eggwhite pills pls :(
btw if u take this protein pills or the powder...u have to train regulary...otherwise the protein transforms to fat and u will might get little fat tits
is 3 times a week enough?
yep, just make sure you have 48h between (or at least 30)
"Avoid drinking beer"

NOOOOOO... i will never be tough!
what's wrong?
proteins aren't called 'eggwhite' in english, that's only possible in german :p
QuoteYou should also take this as pills.
Cuz you cant cover your whole income (+the amount you need to build up muscles) (Would be like 1kg of fish+800gramm of pork+10 eggs a day)

Where did you find this bullshit?
creatine for beginners? why?
I heard Creatine makes the penis smaller (that's not a joke btw)
I heard Creatine makes the penis smaller (that's not a joke btw)
guess i'll never have supercool muscles as i hate fish and eggs : ))
Chicken & tuna and you're ready to go.
don't forget the T
just anything with lots of protein in it
Looks pretty fucking tasty for a change.
you can be the cook for the crossfire community ;P
Germany wenig rotes fleisch und fett. fish und huhn ist gut.Germany
I heard steroids help a bit
learn to eat properly before getting whey
hähä nörd! <3

btw: deutsche gesellschaft für ernährung ftw! better eat something healthy!
u mean "studentenfutter" + bier ? :P
i dont really know if ur aiming for building muscles or just get a little bit stronger and athletic, coz there is 1 important disadvantage if u wanna do the first: u will get fat and water retention in ur body. This will be resulted from the calorie surplus, because a positive energy balance is important for building muscles. So if u dont care to get about 5 kilos bigger, np, then u will need a good nutrition plan.
If ur aiming for the 2nd, u just have to eat healthy, that means no sugar and fast food al all, more protein as usual, which should be portioned out on the whole day, for example u eat 5 time/day consuming 20-25 gr in every meal. Good protein sources ar fish, fat-poor meat, eggs, soja, low-fat quark. Eat much salat, do it with a good oil, which is rich on Omega fetty acids.
Good carbohydrates ar complex carbohydrates, which ar in:
whole meal products like whole meal rice, whole meal muesli, oatmeal, pasta, potato.
Creatine & whey.
just eat healthy and you will become alexL 2nd!
I heard Creatine makes the penis smaller (that's not a joke btw)
je lul gaat hier sebiet es beginne krimpe als ge da hier nog veel gaat poste
being belgian doesn't mean I can speak NL
lol you owned me :)

your name sounds flemish tho ^^
Ik kan een beetje NL spreken maar ik heb niets begrijpen van wat jij heeft gezegd x)
Cooker for the next lan ?
MLO! Drink appelsap!
whey, creatine, proteine - shakes
stop eatin creatine after 1 or 2 months for some weeks coz otherwize your body will stop producin creatine by itself!
eat a lot, drink much water and whey/protein shakes twice a day!


--> i´m buyin my shit @ margaritella
First find out how many calories you need, once you got that which usually takes alot of trial and error you need arround 300 more to build muscle. There's no point in just eating like a horse or force feeding yourself. Ofc you'll gain weight but it'll be just fat, glycogen storage and a little muscle and you'd have to diet for months to get rid of it and that would then result in less gains since you always loose a little muscle while dieting. So best thing is to just figure out how much you really need and always stay at 10 or less % bodyfat. Food wise covering the whole spectrum is very important, also the ratio of carbs/fat and protein, as a natural bodybuilder you should have arround 25-30g of protein in each meal. e: they should be split into 6 small meals.

Try to incorperate as many different vegtables as possible for the minerals and vitamins. You'll still have to supplement them because a training person just needs alot more then normal food can provide but make sure you take the added ones from the protein poweder into account aswell.

Too much is not healthy and can even be toxic. Also you'll need arround 1000-1500mg of Vitamin c, ~1500mg calcium, ~500mg magnesium and arround 40-50mg of zink. You really need to cover everything or you want max out your full potential or even grow at all. Not many people have the motivation to rly do what it takes to get into a decent shape but once you've got everything and know how much your body needs it becomes really easy and fun. Just don't set your expactations too high, you can't look like a shredded guy from a fitness magazine cover in 6 months, In fact you'd prolly never look like that since almost everyone of them is on juice.. But if you're patient and consistent enough you can look really amazing after 2 years of training. Just gotta stay focused and rly want it! There's so much stuff on the internet about proper nutrition and this wall of text is probably already annoying some people but it basically all boyles down to:

Knowledge, be it of your body, food or training .. you can't write a journal and expect people to give you the perfect answer because there is none. You need to visit bodybuilding communitys, read their articles and eventually you'll find the guidelines that will help you maximize your potential but the rest is hard work and it's not always that fun, espially when you have to eat every 2.5-3 hours, do hours cardio every second day and then ofc lift Tons in one training session.. But it is rewarding, you feel better, you look better and it rly can change you in positive ways. Being confident about yourself is rly the key to happiness imo :p

/wall of text, flame on noobs
hes right, its easier to First find out how many calories you need, once you got that which usually takes alot of trial and error you need arround 300 more to build muscle. There's no point in just eating like a horse or force feeding yourself. Ofc you'll gain weight but it'll be just fat, glycogen storage and a little muscle and you'd have to diet for months to get rid of it and that would then result in less gains since you always loose a little muscle while dieting. So best thing is to just figure out how much you really need and always stay at 10 or less % bodyfat. Food wise covering the whole spectrum is very important, also the ratio of carbs/fat and protein, as a natural bodybuilder you should have arround 25-30g of protein in each meal. e: they should be split into 6 small meals.

Try to incorperate as many different vegtables as possible for the minerals and vitamins. You'll still have to supplement them because a training person just needs alot more then normal food can provide but make sure you take the added ones from the protein poweder into account aswell.

Too much is not healthy and can even be toxic. Also you'll need arround 1000-1500mg of Vitamin c, ~1500mg calcium, ~500mg magnesium and arround 40-50mg of zink. You really need to cover everything or you want max out your full potential or even grow at all. Not many people have the motivation to rly do what it takes to get into a decent shape but once you've got everything and know how much your body needs it becomes really easy and fun. Just don't set your expactations too high, you can't look like a shredded guy from a fitness magazine cover in 6 months, In fact you'd prolly never look like that since almost everyone of them is on juice.. But if you're patient and consistent enough you can look really amazing after 2 years of training. Just gotta stay focused and rly want it! There's so much stuff on the internet about proper nutrition and this wall of text is probably already annoying some people but it basically all boyles down to:

Knowledge, be it of your body, food or training .. you can't write a journal and expect people to give you the perfect answer because there is none. You need to visit bodybuilding communitys, read their articles and eventually you'll find the guidelines that will help you maximize your potential but the rest is hard work and it's not always that fun, espially when you have to eat every 2.5-3 hours, do hours cardio every second day and then ofc lift Tons in one training session.. But it is rewarding, you feel better, you look better and it rly can change you in positive ways. Being confident about yourself is rly the key to happiness imo :p
Just eat normal food.
Just eat enouth.
And train after every meal.
INSTi gave you some very good information there!

I've been gaining some serious muscle with just normal and healthy food+basic supplements.
You have to eat more calories than your body uses during a day,otherwise it's very very hard,almost impossible to gain muscle without any steroids and stuff. You should have a good and simple training program,and planned nutition! Eat 5-6 times a day and be sure that you are gettin enough protein! Good amount of protein income is 2,5-3g of protein,per each kilo of your bodyweight. So if your weight is 100kg,you should get 250-300g protein per day.

You should eat just the normal and healthy food. Carbs from rice,pasta,potatoes. Prefer brown rice,brown macaroni/pasta because their GI(glycemic index) is lowerand your body needs more time to absorb those carbs. Only time you should eat "fast carbs" that have high GI, is after training. It's good to drink the recovery drink after training,because ur muscles starts the recovery process immediately,if our muscles get that fast absorbing carbs and protein.

Good source of proteins are chicken,meat,fish,different milk products and eggs. And for the recovery drink you should have the basic whey protein. And don't forget the fats!! They are also really important.

Learn stuff from reading different articles!! Check different forums and sites.
Here is a few good sites.

Check those and learn! Im off to eat!
If you start you just need to eat normal food.
When you realy got musccles you can go to proteine and shit.
But when it goes without you need to do that:)
I don't really understand this sentence. "When you realy got musccles you can go to proteine and shit."
You need protein all the time and without it you can't grow. You mean protein shakes and recovery "shit"?
yes that shakes, with normal food you get protein, its enouth to get muscles with a normal body. When your muscles dont grow anymore you can take that shakes etc
you might find usefull
turpa kii kurdi
Parent & learn how to do the math.

basically all you need to do is:
clean up your diet (try to stay away from fast food). eat around 30 grams of protein with every meal. eat frequently, about 4-6 times, but try not to go overboard with it. especially in the beginning your fibres and fascias have to get used to the weights:
for beginners pushing the actual weight might not be as hard as doing it in a controlled way and without struggling to keep the balance. therefor an excessive amount of calories would result in additional bodyfat.

best protein source for your money: whole eggs (only reason to use only egg-whites is for getting in shape for a contest / cutting down your calories. that's most likely not what you want to do in the beginning), chicken-breast (yehaa), tuna-fish, magerquark (wth in english?) and cottage cheese (absolutely disgusting). add in some red meat from time to time. fish isn't a bad choice either.

if right now you are rather skinny with very low bodyfat and you can basically eat as much as you want and still don't gain any weight (fast metabolism) you want to add a cheat-day in your diet - a day on which you basically eat whatever you want. however: this is only intended for really skinny guys who struggle to add some mass.

and for your training: hit the weights around 4 times a week but try to keep your time in the gym under 90 minutes. and sleep a minimum of 8 hours per night.
eiweiß, banane vorm schlafen, generell viel lecker nudeln essen...und dann den gungy in den schwitzkasten nehmen ;-)
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