lol morning journal

im back from dah party, clothes are all in shit since our car "stopped" or whatever its called far away from city(in dipshit, at some shit roads close to the lake,we had to pull it :[), becase our brosbeforehoes wanted to jump into a lake naked in 5C degrees (except me since i was a lil bit sober) so yeah

weeked = success

image: success_key

oh and ye, i finally realised that alco > drugs,weed, far away.

bb xtc :[]

gn motherfuckers nerds
now u fucked up your paterns
anyway i sleep 3-4 hours max @ workdays, tho after fridaynight i sleep around 12-15 hours straight D:

used to already
i hope you get abused by some jew with huge nose
whichever one of your friends suggested the jumping naked part is a closet homosexual, beware when you're alone with him and he asks you if you wanna do a penis sword fight
you are a homo
just had to bring some papers and pay for one of them in the local hospital, then went straight to an appointment in the main hospital in here, a monthly visit to operate how my knee is going. got note to the army what i can do and what i cant so far and how my profile will be according to the knee's status
tomorrow i will be going to the recruitment place, for the second time, for a medical commission to determine my profile and what i will serve (have to take a lot of busses which i don't know, and it's also like in the other side of the country)
basically, ive done some stuff in my life, unlike you, who all he does is waste his life on sensless drinks and partys where no one likes you and you become drunk and act like a 14 years old who first time drinks, while you are 19 and suppose to work and get the fuck out of your parent's house already
kraaaaaaaav maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
shtok kelev ugly jew
Your obhiously doing the wrong extasy.
:[) <- fucking awesome Smiley :D:DD!
well i just woke up. it's 04:47 and i've slept 14 hours. i'm 100% sure i'm sick and i think it's strep throat.

so my morning sucks
good morning! :D
cool story bro
Sometime around 6am, we were running around my house naked, ringing doorbells, trying to get someone open the door. "Hey, wanna join the naked marathon?"

Now that I think of it, it was quite idiotic :D To the shop soon, day 4 starting \o/
Quoteoh and ye, i finally realised that alco > drugs,weed, far away.

You've must been pretty drunk then
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