Inactive time :(

I would like to officially say goodbye, because from the beginning of the new month, I won't have internet anymore and I don't know when I will have Internet again :(
I think I won't return to my game anymore and that's the reason I would like to farewell, goodbye and greetings to everyone I ever played with : )

Shoutout to:
My one of firsts mentor's: dnx (cfg , brain aim provider) , darude (k1bell) , grim (fop) , wut (tj)
Player's :
w1lko (no brainie :-), michat , numloCk , magico (miss u "tbh no homo"xd) , kartez (french frog) , rNk , kREJZOL (n/c) , piaskun , myszal (aimbocie ty :D) , psikus (cheater!) , mike (maolacie ty! :)), gr0ss ( :* ) , About , lemur , numbe , hienka (suczko moja ty XD) , SiMooN (awesome brain) , sCope (mr. fragmovie) , mXm , protonic , Urma , mnk, bdy , owl , docent , jyrkz (mr. ctf_well), hurbt (cheat all the time :( ), wloch , son1c , SPANKIe , zw3i , Fims , k1ck , pasterz , kama! (pociecha :) , zonk , kuna , baq (bym zapomnial ) , gnajjjjjda , aima (vodka drinken xD) , btw , dontknow , efreet , owocek , swimmy , stoktorka , boron , niedzilo , kamilll, vib (:-D) , johNny ,eujen (polish cheat provider:D )
Admin's :
sn4ke (just rly nice NICE guy)
eIM (hmm just noname XD ahh i like )
ofc DeVito (thx4help)
Notorious (mate!)
and hmmm.... for a mist4h! (he never like me xD but good admin )

ps. If i forgot some1 pm me :)

Maybe some day...
gtfo & die in carfire
cya in 2 weeks
bb mate ;*
sad ;( but don't worry be happy xD
Good night, sweet prince.
n30 back on CF
goodbye :<
bb :< see u soon :>
Wat? Care? RAGE!

Edit: Holy shit, polak won´t be playing ET for one month or so. You just killed ET.
A stara mowila ucz sie, a ty nieee. Grozila ze odetnie neta? Grozila, to na przyszlosc bedziesz wiedzial ze trzeba sie uczyc a nie opierdalac!
and who is l4z??
shoutout to gnajda and writing "busting cheaters" in his profile ... O.o
bb l4z ;(
2 weeks max
cu, it was nice to play with you :)
co jest kurwa

eujen (polish cheat provider:D ) haahhahhhahhahhah

i m not polish palyer !!! ahahahh <3
a nice and regular ESL customer :D
i hope we will see you soon mate

i wish you best of luck on your real life :)
best of luck mate, even if we never played together or very rarely, hf pwning RL

bibuy <3
buybuy, gl in rl :>
bye bye :* <3
Oh :CCC Hope to see you soon mate =) <3 byeeeeh :*
Do zobaczenia ! <3
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