All-star Kevin busted !!!!!!!!!!

Hello everyone. First of all, we have arranged 2o2 official match against Belgium Konflict : Belgium Jorke and Belgium "all-star?" Belgium Kevin. We were to play supply and braundorf. Both teams were friendly. Everything was ok.

We started supply in attack. Flag has been taken by us pretty fast and then we've been stopped a few times. Our attacks were pretty unorganised. They made a fullhold, but they weren't aiming that SUPER.

Second round, we defend. We allways get a motivation and play good on def, better than in attack - that's for sure. Few times they were pwned at flag, they even had got it, but we defused a Bunker, then gate and flag was still ours. Unfortunately, after 5 min, they seemed to be the loosers, being pwned in every way and they have found... that we are not using PB. Well, pb was on the server, config was also on it's place, so we were pretty lold. Kevin said, that match will be cancelled. He even said that Killerboy is cancelling a match.

Damn, avoid playing with them, they are whiners, who cannot play fairly. We don't care about points, we lost lots of offi's already. It's just about a Fair Play. As you might already noticed, they have left the server, saying that Killerboy is cancelling a match.

It may be true, that it was our fault, because pb was not there (or was actually? we have got this server for 2 days, we just configurated it) , but they should have said it earlier - before the match. We just clearly saw that kevin is a geek. That's all.

Oh and quote of Kevin:

Kevin: it's handy to know the admin personally - about Killerboy.


Everything's there. ENJOY!

Have a nice week!
You are just low x(.
i hate both polaks and belgiums, but im on belgiums side today.
You are Estonian wearing the belgian flag but you hate the country.. n1
He's russian wearing estonian flag wearing belgium flag!

If you're going to hate, at least do it correctly.
i love you belgiums
polaks isn't correct too, so what? :P
Polak is actually correct when used to hate :3
but u are fag right ?
have a nice GermanywEAK
where is the bust
fuck those belgian cocky retards

+1 for u
You fail!
avi or never happened
and that's why he's busted?
Would you read this journal, if the title was: "kevin acts like a retard" ? Doubt it.
should have played with PB, for all we know you guys were using humanized aimbots and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

The truth is in the know, not in the unknown

you lose
Ye of course, defend him. Maybe he will add you on Crossfire and you will be great friends. Maybe he will ask you to play in the future. That's right. You have to keep his side. I got it maaaaateee. That's how the things go.

EDIT OH NOEZ. Sorry, he is banned on CF. Wishes gone... :((((
that won't happen and i've got enough friends to play with :P

objectively speaking they are still right ... you have been suspicious in the past and playing without PB is suspicious (i know, the lags)

next time play with PB = problem solved
Well, we even didn't know about that (like you believe me.. :P). Watch the demo. Explains everything (I mean behaviour of Kevin). Have a good night, bye.
it's not about what you know, it's about what you can prove. I know you guys have the best intentions and I never stated any dislike towards you or your pal (as we played before, which you might not remember), however whining about a situation like this is a lost cause and therefore unnecessary.

Good night bud!
What should we do then? Let them to cancell this match? Still, it's a bit unfair.
We can always replay it on a server where punkbuster is on.
Quote by Killerboyon topic though: i wasn't even on irc at the time of the match and i have no msgs on my bnc, also when you rup you agree with the server settings @ Ladder, so unless smth else happened this match shouldn't be cancelled.
I'm not banned ..
sexy boy sup? ;D
hai kebabmonster! <3
yo :) its nice to see u playing ET actively again :) soon i will come back too i hope..
semi-active :P still haven't got my "skill" back yet thought :(
just focus on and keep trying and u will get ur skill back then ;) i trust u!
CB+fair play

does not compute
ahhaha just leave KB alone man x)))

I think I'm done with him ;D.
interesting story, would read it again!
Kevin busted is a stupid title. They are in the right. The PB was off when you started playing and they realised it during round 2? Its like noticing your opponents GUID is wrong halfway through the match, hardly a bust.
"Posted by M4lCziK"
jorke allways the same
where is the bust
dus ben ik achterdochtig als gij 72headshots in een supply rondje schiet tegen iemand van team fin, team be, en team swe
just hack yourself. its ok
nothing new
where have you been :o
i'm just hardly (able to) play et any more.
i'm still spamming crossfire from time to time though!
cool story bro.

no bust, no random hoties, nice fail :\
hahaha made my day :DDD thx bro
Like somebody's gonna watch some demo. Make avi or sth
image: mj_freaky
I hate to play devil's advocate here, and I may be wrong about this (somebody please correct me if I'm incorrect, my knowledge on CB rules is rusty :P), but isn't there something in ClanBase's ladder rules that says once the match starts, it's official and you can't complain? I'm not sure about running PB but I do recall that team captains need to check guids before F3 because pointing out that the opposing team is using a ringer after the match has begun is much too late.
not 100% sure either but I think this is a rule like "side isnt allowed in 3on3" and doesnt really exist :p
"I'm not sure about running PB but I do recall that team captains need to check guids before F3 because pointing out that the opposing team is using a ringer after the match has begun is much too late."

say that to killerboy, he wins playoffs oc wars by checking guids after losing the match ;)

about the pb problem i think that you cant disable pb without modifying the global config, so there's no error when playing without pb on your own serv, you just know there's no pb cause you have modified the config.
the way u play looks retarded btw XD
polaks busting ppl :D
I'm quoting the rules here:

"Once a match has started, its result counts, unless both sides agree it shouldn't. Ping, lag issues or incorrect server settings are no excuse for leaving; you should have checked the server before you started playing. "

Still, you shouldn't be blaming Kevin for it and whining here, he may have not known this rule and it's quite natural that they were looking for a way out of the match if it wasn't turning out too well for them eh. Killerboy, on the other hand, should know the rules. Did he really cancel the game or was it just Kevin hoping for it?
not knowing the rules dont free you from keeping them
They were rolling us. Kevin said during the game that he has been talking with Killerboy and he was going to cancell the match, although I checked IRC and I have seen that Killerboy was off. I told him about that and then he said that he talked with him on IRC and that "it's handy to know admin personally". Eh, pathetic.
didnt some admin state that when you rup you accept the terms for paly?
stopped reading after malczik.
Your clan just sucks
QuoteHe even said that Killerboy is cancelling a match

killerboy is going to randomly cancel a match because of this conflict? unlucky for the teams playing in that other match :(

on topic though: i wasn't even on irc at the time of the match and i have no msgs on my bnc, also when you rup you agree with the server settings @ Ladder, so unless smth else happened this match shouldn't be cancelled.
retards.... kinda normal we don't check every war/offi whether pb is on the server or not when global config is on... you just don't play offi's without pb, bullshit.
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