Your cold December day?

Today I woke up at 5 o'clock in the morning and took a quick warm shower. I took some clothes on and ran a bit to get myself in shape for today's challenges. After the run I went over to some diner and ordered a nice English breakfast which I enjoyed with a nice cup of coffee with 2 pieces of sugar.

After that I went home took some clothes on and went to work on my car, I borrowed a lift at the local carshop and started working. Gave it a full undercoating treatment and changed the brakes and oil.

At about 12 o'clock I went home made some quick lunch and went on to watch some T.V. but unfortunately I fell a sleep so when i woke up I kinda really felt bad cause sleeping at day is like loosing time for me.

So I quickly went to the gym with some friends worked out, went to eat at some restaurant had a really nice Chinese dish with lots of noodles and vegetables.

And about 19 I went home and took a really nice shower together with some sort of foot-bath machine I bought earlier this week :D so I really felt relaxed.

A hour later I took the new Doyle Brunson - Super System 2 book and now about 3 hours later I've manged to read over 100 pages and write about 20 pages of notes that I need to focus on.

Now I'm tired and off to bed.

Cheers :D

Oh how was your cold December day?
ill, making tea all the day, browsing epic stuff on net,
image: 1260396479408
Sounded like a nice relaxing day.
in denmark every day is cold :(
not in summer :P
din mor.

have been there 2 tiems alrdy ::D:D:D:
hahaha :DDD
its fuckin nice there :(
It isnt cold here :/
was working and after that i smoke some weed and played offi.
Nothing, I didn't sleep last night, been with GF most of day, just chillin whilst I can.

Might install XP soon or tomorrow. Gotta be up early 2morrow cuz got doctors and annoyed since my overclock don't work on Win7 and isn't stable for shit.
was playing pretty much et during the day, then i went to the gym and after that direct to football training. After training i went to mcdonalds with 4 friends, then in the evening it was time for my wonderfull girlfriend. Spend many hours with her as usual and now its time to sleep :)
wonderful story :) please more pics on body
mhmm, I have a bad week, monday my mum turned 50, yesterday my GF's grandma past out. but I already had a good slogan for that : After very dark bad days the sun will rise up high again.

well I gonna buy xmas stuff today probably, maybe see my girlfriend this evening and 2morrow I go to the mcdonalds with my GF and hang out a bit n stuff

Love decembers <3
omgz youre going to mc donalds with ur girlfriend!! candlelightdinner with a bigmac thats a fuckin brilliant idea :D
work, sleep, work, gym, eat, bit pc, sleep ....
woke up with a boner, wanked, went out to get some breakfast, smoked a joint, work now
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