5v5 format

In my opinion it's nice, less spamm and more aim wise. And should be easier for teams to get 5 guys online!!
whats next 4v4...
and in the end u play 1vs1 and u still say too much spam!
shut up nuuuuuuuuuuuuub <3<3
do not like ;(
do like :)
do like :)
vinde gij da goe?
vreemd voor ne rifle lijkt me
mja soms moet ik smg gaan idd, maar toch, het geeft het spel een heel andere 'dimensie', tax moeten aangepast worden etc

6v6 was afgezaagd, 5v5 zorgt voor iets nieuws :)

en uiteindelijk ben ik nen SMG_OWNUR =D
groot gelijk :)
mAus is niks tegen u
like it : )
True, but still mines and riflenades are even more retarded than before
Soon only 3v3 will left.
mooi gesproken!
4v4 would be stupid but 5v5 it's ok not to much but not to less
the change from 6on6 to 5on5 is the same as if we would have been playing 4v4 for ever and finally decided to switch to 3on3.
do like !
do like :)
everything you said is true, but i still prefer 6on6s, they are just more exiting and tense imo (both playing and watching them)
then explain why we played over the whole time 6on6? u can't change football from 11on11 to 10on10.... and it just cause other games they play 5on5, but rtcw was played 6on6 and was realy successfull with it.
you can form more teams, easier to stay active.
it kills the spamfactor though.
spamfactor that is et ..... not counterstrike or cod or any game which is successfull playing with 5on5 format...
the community was always aiming to reduce the spam tbh
thats what etpro brought us
it was spam only at the beginning from et
thats why most rtcw players disliked et at the beginning
mines were reduced, arty, soldier, nades, etc.

the change from 6v6 to 5v5 is another way to reduce the spam
although et doesnt live like it did back then, its not over to change sth

it brings in a new aspect, a change because teams need new tax

and since the number of players reduces every day, more teams may be possible to get a full lineup
nice then 5 teams kick around of 1-2 players then u can open 2new teams nice. i didn't saw or read that the community tried to reduce the spam. some years ago it trying to play 5on5 but it failed so now try again and fail again?
there arent a lot "old" teams which would need to kick a player tbh
more like new teams every 2 weeks

did u ever play etmain or know what etpro changed? because u seriously dont seem to have a clue

and 5o5 was played once at quakecon
a lot of people enjoyed it so it wasnt much of a fail
i played et on etmain and i played only 6on6 in that time. there wasn't any 5on5 league is that time. on quakecon nice they played 5on5 but they even played 6on6 in competition...
im sry, but this makes no sense
u cannot seem to get my point in any way :D
fla-fire in-fi-flash o-smo-smo-sm-smoke-s-flash ou-fl-fla-fl-fire-fir-flash-fl-fla-fl-fire in the hole
you are strange mate :DDDDDDDDDD
nothing new
i really like it aswell :)
that's fine but it's harder for fops !
5on5 is so boring and slower
Quoteless spam

no man
I guess it's better? doesnt realy matter that much imho. just nerf some spam(rifle), well rifle is a lil OP in 5v5 :-p
more aimswise, isnt that good for you then !!! :P
6v6 > 5v5 unless 5v5 would be played without rifle
5on5 is really good imo :)
dumbest shit since the release of sp_delivery_te
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