Lag with Pb

My problem is like this: When i play with pb (it started with last update pb) i'm lagging, my ping is going from 48 to let's say 200+ and then back 48, sometimes even 999 for some secs, but that's not often maybe one or 2 days in a month, but then when i play without pb i have 48 ping all the time withhout prob

P.S: sometimes even with pb it goes +- ok not rlly much lag( :s:s:s)
But at pstarz server i can play without any lag with pb :s:s::s:s:s:s:s

Any solutions????
got that too. Never knew pb was ping related
99 problems but the FPS ain't one
lag of phantasy ;)
check ur connection, when u playing with w-lan or so. pb don't send so much packets that ur connection will get fucked up like this.
pb still lagging ? D:O
Never heard of pb lag.
lag with pb? impossible.
ye have same problem :o
same on my netbook :D
not on every server though
is it there now? :P
jupp, am mittwoch morgen abgeholt :)))
great, have fun with it :o
pb causes lags? must be placebo
no shit :)
been having that for ages, thats why i only play wars on smooth servers without pb

EDIT: has something to do with cpu being at full capacity. Seems to make little sense that something like that makes your ping go up, but whenever cpu usage of pb or vent spikes my fps drops even more and my ping skyrockets
lag with pb? impossible.
pb with lagg?
pb doesn't lag
QuoteLag with Pb

The opposite would be worth a journal.
same here + screen shocks every second just play without pb
had this for a long long time..every1 jus says whine..but its fucked up lag...ppl that hit hs through this lag tells u wat?...hmm...
take valium, you won't give a shit!
QuoteAny solutions????

callvote config globalxNOPB
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