Avatar is fucking joke!

Hi crossfire.. Just saw Avatar movie, and i must say, theres something terribly wrong with the people... It is absolute joke, it has absolutely no point, no story, just effects which to be honest i dont care for... If i wanna effects, i will get a bunch of shroom or lsd or something, i expect some story, and point from the movie! Oh god i am so angry, how could be this 32. all the time on imdb? thats ridiculous! i wouldnt rate it over 35th from the end..
is not movie is bullshit
movies are meant for entertainment and i think that some movies with great effects entertain you.
like transformers :)
There's at least a story and the effects are just awesome idd <3 :D
agree, fuck avatar, we wanna more transformers and terminator 4! :D
just saw the second. Just to good
still didnt saw and not gonna llose my time :D
u should rly see it :x
i better watch avatar again :)
I'm hesitating to go watch Avatar or Sherlock Holmes :s
why that? its more interesting if the cinema hall is fuel :)
angry polak wants his money back. sounds reasonable
Like i am polish you eskimo.. ;p
you're so wrong, if you don't get the story behind, try to watch it again
Sure, stupid american people will think "oh god i am so smart, i figured out that its about war of iraq, and ruining world enviroment.. oh noez it rocks!!1"
DUDE thats so obvious, so i can hardly say its "story behind"
Well, if you don't care about effects, u should not have bought your place to the cinema to see this movie.
What's intresting in this movie is : all the new environnement created and obviously, effects.

better buy ethax for the money !!
what did you expect from blue elfs running in 3d?
watched it without 3D and it was totally boring and i keep hearing people saying how good it is and it piss me off.
"without 3D"

Found your problem.
well yes, meaning the plot sux.
I rly liked it tbh : $ Its a great movie imo : )
I think they copied ideas from Matrix (the robots & the way you get into the avatars), added a shitty story about nature and a criticism about the human will to own precious things (kind of déjà-vu) and put 300M $ to hide the fact that this movie is nothing new and has just effects.
les robots dont tu parles, j'pense c'est plus un clin d'oeil à Aliens (réalisé également par James Cameron) :p

edit: image: ko-aliens
J'y avais pas pensé idd
isnt it an idea from District 9?
could be :(
+ fucking 1!
thought its good :< now i dunno if i wanna see it
i love that movie.. jeah the story is not really deep but still holds a lot of emtions... and they put it in a great world (idea and effect wise)
I regret that I wasted 6 euros on it.
finally somebody with eyes and a brain
it's not bad, but it's pretty stupid that it's so predictable. Maybe 50 years ago that story would have worked but after every 2nd movie has used it, I think this one really loses it value, and I'd rate it kinda low
The movie is amazing, although it's a somehow thin fantasy story
you get some Aequorea victoria and put them in a bowl, turn light off, light a blue one and here you go! your personal bioluminescent jellyfish farm!
I really liked it!
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