HB Sup3r

I know idle.ee is back but i got more exciting news!!!!

our beloved Belgium Sup3r turned 18 tonight!!!!

can't believe he grew up so fast :( times passes by so quickly.

cherish the time you've left my friends, cherish it, because one day you'll wake up and notice that you've become old and weak...

have a nice day :$
fuck you, fuck you all, just fuck you all wooden dildos
thats not a nice supermerc :(
you playing with zeto & co :)
im 12 years old and what is this?
Happy birthday superman !!!
18yo but still 10yo
HB emo dude
LOL THOUGHT HE WAS 12222222222222
ye and cheating farggiittttt

Spme of you guys seem to forget what this guy did in the past.. Funnyz
yes I killed 15 guys and robbed 11 banks, I should be sentenced for life !
*you used a public bot
*you got busted and banned for 3months
*you bought a private bot (etbot)
*you got busted and banned for 12 months
*you returned while being banned under a fakename (Dieteman), who was an oldschooler
*you got an extra ban for 12months for coming back while being banned

that's kinda what you did

you're still banned on CB till 13 March 2010
actually the public bot (nexus) happened around 1 year (could be less than 1 year) after he had his etbot :> you failed in making your list chronological :>
But he's a great mate on vent!
you're just pathetic.. an administrator defending him, fucking lolled
Sarcasm, do you know it?!

It is also a known old fact that people playing with cheaters or excheaters are always claiming, that "they are great mates on vent!"
ok my excuses :) but why isn't he banned on crossfire mr. admin? he's still banned on CB till 13march..
I don't know. I never ban people, who has been banned on CB, because I simply do not keep up with that list; other admins take care of that :P

My personal view on cheaters is that they should be banned and shunned by the community for life, but apparently there are many great mates on vent.

yeah, he's a cheater and a bloody retard, no happy birthday for him, we can only hope you die fast. shame for Belgium.

kanker cheater die kaal ;p
hb sup3rkanker
hb Sup3r :)
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