Army heroes (fin allowed)
10 Jan 2010, 11:57
Tomorrow is great day. Finland is going to have another great wawe of new soldiers coming to their ranks, who are going to sacrife their lives for greater good. They are ready to kill all the bad guys(read soviet union) and defend innocent citizens. We are tiny things in this universe. Oh wait what I am talking about, tomorrow starts torture which continues 362 days without any major pauses. So I don't have anything also to say then cua in one year! and good luck for soulmates!
Finally random pic which is related to topic
Finally random pic which is related to topic
Every country who had soldiers in world war killed someone so basically according to you everyone lost, even if there is one side who won the war.
I put lines straight cause I said "all", but I found it easier to say "kill the all bad guys". It would have lost it significance if I had say it without it.
I was just pointing out that Soviets won the Winter War
e:I was told that in school, I've always seen you as winners btw :)
However funny is that in Paris council idea was to keep nations same as they were before war, yet Russia kept all the areas they got from us and other countries.