
Good Morning Anonymous Crossies!

After some complaints from a former morning-journals-are-freakin-awesome-crew member …
Quote by wsk crossfire is dead. there’s just nothing going at mornings. NOTHING! besides that one guy writing “good morning vietnam” and posting a youtube-link.

… it’s about time to come up with… well, a morning journal! Tadaaa...

What are you guys up to today? Any special plans besides school or work?
After 2 weeks of vacation I’m on my way to university again. Urgh.
Gosh I’m so tired. I’m not used to get up at 5:00 AM. Not to mention that I only slept 2 hours last night (therefore excuse meh english!). And ofc university from 8:00-16:00 Yehaaaa… T.T

What do you have for breakfast?
Coffee as usual over here. :) And cake!

Hows the weather at your place?
I’m a little bummed out, cuz the news kept telling for the last 4 days that there will be 40cm of snow in my area, but it turned out there’s only 5cm and it’s already melting again. Stoopid!

Anything special happened to you last week?
Afair nothing special happened to me… I’m boring, sorry.

Tbh I don’t have that much stuff to fill an entire morning journal with… so let’s just end it here and move on with the usual good-bye!

Shoutouts to:
Netherlands Dezire, Mauritania andyy, Germany wsk, Baden-Württemberg Noorgrin, Anonymous Snug, Anonymous pZyko, Germany FaKy, Bosnia Hercegovina woDka, Czech Republic muflon,
Anonymous schnee, New Zealand iiky, Germany snip0z, Turkey #velerion, Anonymous and ofc the rest of the Germany faggotfamily

and specially Anonymous you!

Join #faggotfamily (we have image: 2gvlwma !!)

image: Great_Legs_Sexy_Butt_474e52efbd885
Random Song
image: ifqs1x

good night
murning :]
going to bed soon :)
Good morning.
awesome cake, awesome random pic.
nice ass there =)
Yours is better. =)
good night
uhh great, a morningjournal :)

no special plans for today besides university. oh wait, there is one thing: i need to force myself to spend at least 1 hour working for my presentation, but as soon as i boot the laptop i'll also connect to irc and then it's getting nearly impossible to concentrate on that shit... D:
gonna have an awesome bio-toast with salad, philadelphia, cheese, salami, cucumber and coffee as breakfast.
it's cold and there is some snow, laik 20 cm!
i'm boring too.
song of the day: <3

keep the morningjournals alive!! :D
oh hai Fiji PaRzi,

ha! you rly did it! Had my doubts tbh :D

Ok, so let's go...

What are you guys up to today? Any special plans besides school or work?
I think I am gonna do just nothing. Not only it's what I enjoy most, it's also the thing I am best in. I should study for Fernschule, that's the other option I have. Yea, maybe I will even do something for it today.

What do you have for breakfast?
I am having (right now!) a cappucino from our new awesome senseo and a chocolate croissant (OM NOM NOM).

Hows the weather at your place?
We have the snowiest day so far for this year today! Well, at least for a workday.... Had no real problems to get here though. I hate winter when I have to work, but then again I also hate summers.

Anything special happened to you last week?
Last week? lemme think... Not that I could think of right now. Life's boring, I guess. Can't even come up with some great iNm stories cause we're kinda dead yet again.

QuoteTbh I don’t have that much stuff to fill an entire morning journal with… so let’s just end it here and move on with the usual good-bye!

hmmm this is the best morning journal we've seen in months here and you know that :*

Took me almost an hour to write this, boss & Azubi are being a bit annoying...

PaRzi, Schnee, iiky
infi, cutty, gungy
everyone from iNm, bd, ff

Have a good day Anonymous crossies.

image: cuttyp

EDIT: My boss just came over and told us to go home at 12.00 because there is so much snow HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAAAA!
that is one hell of a sweet butt
morning :)
morning :<
little pissed today since i got told to do the inventur for the past year today ... rrrr i dont even know where all those expencive stuff is located in our company :(

when that shizzle is done i need to study for uni

weather also is shit here... -2° and no sun at all :<
Soil - Halo <3
Today I gotta help my dad get his PC from repair service, then I go to bank to do some business, and I go to get a new passport (already went to get the pic for that).

I didn't really have any breakfast, just a glas of juice.

Wintry weather with lots of snow, but sun is shining, so I kinda like it.

Had a nice week with my gf last week :)
hihi i go to rbf :D
im atm tryin to reschedule all my exams !!! :D
hahaha :D we'll meet there? :p
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