What do you guys think about the rule, that you don't have to play a decider? Can't it be more lame you win a map and then bb cu have a nice day
ive complained about it but the admin said that teams like that, they dont have time to play decider :D
ye like reveal did with us, we are rank 1 they are around 4-5 i guess and they win sec map and then he says ok bb thx for game , RLLY LIKE WTF, so we lose some points at ladder because they don't wanna play. We would have pwned them anyway if we played serious third map
let's fix M.Jago's statement:

ive complained about it but the admin said that he likes that, he doesnt have time to play decider :D
so why did you lose the other map? if you were pwning them so hard??
Omdat we het een beetje te licht opnamen :)
draw like in football whats the problem ? :p
ye i don`t like this, too.
we had the same prob yesterday vs. interaction. we fought them in round3 aaaand draw :))) 3-3 ehehehe.
I loved that in the past when CB ladder was still active, the enemys started raging when you told them bb and that you didn't want to play a decider :D
was the best.
I like ties
I like tits.
Croatia no decider
its shit if your rank is higher, otherwise its nice :>
I heard that guy called Player is gay ;)

Draw is a draw!
I heard that aDman is one of the sexiest man on the earth!;)
dont lose a map, problem solved.
Don't talk at my journals

Je begrijpt het niet he kerel, praat niet tegen mij en anders regelen we het deze keer op straat op lan, vorige keer had ik al medelijden met jullie omdat je zoveel schrik had, maar je grote mond stopt niet
cu at lan :)
kdacht da je tege geweld was?
gozer, denk eens na, en gedraag je.... dit is echt kinderachtig:D
gozer stfu zelf, moet niet hebben van girls dat grote mond hebben achter pc, en in real life pussy's zijn.
Ja, dan heeft het iid zin om online zelf stoer te doen... Ik hoorde dat jij de vorige keer niets deed, maar alleen uwe broertje het liet doen.. dat is stoer
Lees eerst nog eens goed, de enigste reden was dat ik toen niets deed omdat ze te schrik hadden om het te regelen. Zelf toen mijn broer een vastpakte van hun. Maar dat medelijden is weg hoor, maar waar moei jij je eigenljk mee.
Mmh, nerdfight is altijd grappig.. als ik er ben zal ik het zeker opstoken:D:D:D XD:X::X:D dus maak je praatjes maar waar:)
don't lose a map, problem solved
de·cide (d-sd)
v. de·cid·ed, de·cid·ing, de·cides
a. To settle conclusively all contention or uncertainty about: decide a case; decided the dispute in favor of the workers.
b. To make up one's mind about: decide what to do.
2. To influence or determine the outcome of: A few votes decided the election.
3. To cause to make or reach a decision.
1. To pronounce a judgment; announce a verdict.
2. To make up one's mind.
[Middle English deciden, from Old French decider, from Latin dcdere, to cut off, decide : d-, de- + caedere, to cut; see ka-id- in Indo-European roots.]
Synonyms: decide, determine, settle, rule, conclude, resolve
These verbs mean to come to a decision. Decide is the least specific: "If two laws conflict with each other, the courts must decide on the operation of each" (John Marshall).
Determine often involves somewhat narrower issues: A jury will determine the verdict.
Settle stresses finality of decision: "The lama waved a hand to show that the matter was finally settled in his mind" (Rudyard Kipling).
Rule implies that the decision is handed down by someone in authority: The committee ruled that changes in the curriculum should be implemented.
Conclude suggests that a decision, opinion, or judgment has been arrived at after careful consideration: She concluded that the criticism was unjust.
Resolve stresses the exercise of choice in making a firm decision: I resolved to lose weight.


(General Sporting Terms) the point, goal, game, etc., that determines who wins a match or championship
dont lose a map, problem solved.
Dit kan je niet menen :D
sociale vaardigheden zijn nie uwe sterke kant he? :P
all you lost are 6points actually. And I would have loved to play a decider but this time it was true indeed that we couldnt play a whole 3rd map.

Eventhough your teams quite retarded acts and flame before the match even started would have been reason enough to not play a 3rd map^^
why you asked an offi at 21.00cet, we had a delay of max 10-15min and you can't play a decider, why you play us then btw
a 3rd map could mean up to 20-25 min extra with all the pauses we had. If there werent the delay it would be no problem. Two maps are 1hour max so why shouldnt we play at 21CET? It worked out fine.

Also it wasnt like we were bashed on supply and then luckily won radar. It was a fair and tight match so a draw is quite fair. We won 4-0 the last time^^
we'll see when we take you guys seriously next time what the result will be
Player will own u.. hes high man!

no offense to esl, but you guys have a bad view (imo) on some things... it could happen that a team cant play the third map... yes. A decent opponent would reschedule it if i was a really close match. If it was a one-sided game, i think it'd be more fair to give the stronger team forfeit (ofc only if they arent the guys that cant play anymore).. instead of making it 2-2..

Weaker teams could have a little luck and win a lotto map and then just use this rule to their advantage, which is rly unfair =d i think i'd do a snoop-action if that were to happen to me :p

giving forfeit wins to teams is also not the right way of doing it :d but if this rule wasnt there, teams might actually finish their game :p

ps. about the pb thing.. u said that the moment pb is disabled in an esl game, that'd be the moment you quit et :d why not do it like killerboy suggested? whats so wrong with doing what he said? you let people connct to the server, check all guids and then disable pb... if someone wanted to use a detected bot, he'd be screwed after he connected to the server... and well peopl with a private bot wouldn't be detected by pb anyway, so whats the point of pb anymore? i wouldnt whine about it if it didnt give me shitlags :p
they also remove the lotto maps?
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