Out tonight? :P

Whatsss everybody up to tonighttttt? Gettinggggg drunkkk? :P

I'm off to Club sound - Leicester Square http://www.soundlondon.com/ with 30 of my mates for my girl mates birthday, including a 40 seater coach there and back & 2 V.I.P tables including £700 of free drink on each table :P

featuring posh funk nightttt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7xyzUecAIA

image: 613_poshfunklogonewest
looks cool, have fun.
I will play computer games.
friday is the day for that.
"Abiparty", but i'll be drunk even b4 it start.
never go out on saturdays any more, its half the price during the week : D
nah i was yesterday now just listening to some rap.. man this guy is even better than snoop dog and tupac!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so wasted right now i cant even take a shit without getting headache again i stay at home tonight omg i cant do this anymore im too old for this crap
heute mal wieder nen ziemlichen kater gehabt in der früh
aber gut gestern hatte ich ne prüfung zu begießen <3
was out thursday night! gf night tonight :x have fun jake!
out tonight ! <3 girls night \o/
Im gonna stay home and rest.. Was partying yesterday and now im sick.. flu or something.
Only nerding - playing ps2 with irl-friends and playing ET with internet-friends.. Maybe Jack 'n' Daniels included. Also recruiting players for my new awesome clan.

getting drunk while being alone? :D
Well my personal opinion is that it's ok to drink a few @ home, but if you plan to stay up and parrrty hard till 4am then it's alot better to go out.

And tbh here it's pretty common to just sit inside alone and get drunk, but hey, it's Finland. :D
yeah I know, i've met a lot of fins

My sentence wasn't like " omg you guy drink while being alone, nerds", it was more like " fuck you finland for having a way more awesome culture than belgium "

Oops, I got it all wrong then. ;p
HoN :=)
what else
dinner + cinema
dr parnassus sadly
Colin <3
Jude <3
Hoffe sie ist es wert tho 8D
im going to liverpool. one of my younger mates 18ths. no doubt strip clubs

= fucking expensive night :<
X in the city or Blue Angel. X in the city has less dickheads and no trouble but loads of slags go to Blue Angel because any girls off the street are allowed to have a dance on stage :D, would check them out.
went x in the city last time, probably the same again, angels has been suggested. that the same place?
Yeah I think I called it Blue angel because the neon sign is blue I think, its by Concert Square near the top, you will have a laugh in their but watch your pockets :D
lol will do mate
lol who goes out saturday evenings...
i always get drunk on wednesday night so no
Quote by TEKN030 mates

sounds cool, hf
I'll be going to the local student bar where drinks are a pound, then to an 80's disco club haha :D I'm not really into clubs especially with me having a wig like John Lennon I stand out but hf!
I'm gonna party like I havent been drunk for a week!
dubstep party on a boat with aardvarck and cinnaman, should be nice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrYbZwSeotM
Housewarming with schoolmates, oujee, this year's first ones, cant wait :-)
fucking fasnacht starts this weekend so i will be drunk from now til the end of the fasnachts-season :) :)
fasnacht = carneval
mittlerweile ist es egal wie mans schreibt aber trotzdem danke du bist mein held
kehl am rhein, bw
dacht ichs mir doch, ein bwler!
fake girls in zeh vid.
Most english girls are so ugly that you dont even want to shag them for money.
NL such nice girls XD cant find husband must sell sexy pussy in red light district :))))
So true....
Especially for guys who love blond girls... Allthough sweden seems to be slightly better
dream on
stuck at gf :\
Slothing for the fist time in 3 months! :D
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