b2k aka Kamz aka Hype
18 Jan 2010, 14:43
How come he isnt banned yet? Toss went missing or what? :0
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
i like it
bwehehe, love the morons who claim to be nice, act like utter retards on the internet, then say HEY ITS JUST INTERNET and then say they're misunderstood :D
That implicates that he wants him ban:P!
in the part about reading my comments. u admited ur fanbois towards me ? :D
actually, comparing anything to crossfire standards aint a good idea if you want to make your point through :D
(although i also dont agree with almost every opinion of nolifeking, but you cant say he says "stupid" things)
I've encountered some right cunts in-game and on vent that have not had all this publicity.
I won't though, you're a muppet and as such your opinion matters not.
;P <3
belgians should get banned as well
commenting my journals is a must!
sad day