An open reply to Clown

For those of you who didnt see - Clown wrote a column attacking Krosan for his recent questions about the map pool for CIC7, I have taken it down and I invite Clown to write a real column that is not out an outlandish attack on one person. I seem to remember flaming snoop in a newspost and being shot down by the high and mighty in ET, well either they didnt see this comment or they've turned a blind eye on this occasion.

However - may I make a general statement towards Clown and anyone else deciding to attack the admins. 8 weeks ago your game was dead, 8 weeks ago you'd just come off the most boring uninspiring EC final with the most laughable turn out in the final in a long time. Now your game is active and thanks in no small part to the work of Krosan you had 4 Intel cups. Krosan put more work and hours into those cups than ANY other admin including myself. Krosan spent some of his christmas holiday coding a new search engine for CF which will be going online as soon as the rest of us can catch up with him. Krosan was the one who did all the work on the HM awards. However, Krosan was not the person that picked that map pool. You're not going to flame the person who picked that map pool because you're trying to get money out of him to sponsor you to CC7 so you decided to pick on Krosan.

The next time you think its a good idea to go and flame one of the most active contributers to this community because you dont like a mappool why dont you just TRY to think again and think about the reprecussions of your actions. What the ET community must realise very quickly, is there are very few good reliable contributors left in this game but there are plenty of flamers trying to drive them out.
First of all - the game is dead and will stay dead!
And about Krosan, I haven't seen him playing in any decent clan. Does he ever played ET anyway? Or he's just an admin? Then in some cases he should listen to the players.
good players will never get over their own ego enough to be admins.

players hate "lotto" maps but spectators don't. (that and running a lan to or ahead of schedule ;p).
exactly, they are too stubborn and too involved.
Hehe so true. Also good players rarely ever are clan leaders or contribute to the community, it's somehow humiliating for their ego :D.
ET is not dead lolwtfnerd. Wolfenstein is dead, ET isnt. :/
Did you read it all?

QuoteHowever, Krosan was not the person that picked that map pool.
Did you even read my post?

Where did I write that he picked that mappool? I meant that he write sometimes some weird things (about maps, cups, clans etc etc) like he played hundreds of offis but it looks like he lacks of experience in competitve ET.
I must have replied to you by accident :X
I haven't read that Clown's collum, but if he attacked Krosan only because of "creating" that mappool then it's not fair!
just fuck off already
it took me ages to make a rly valid point, now it is lost :(. And i was actually defending admins ! You basically summed up my point rather well anyway.
Why is people like Krosan even involved in map list making? It's great hes active n shit. But maps? Why?




However, Krosan was not the person that picked that map pool
leave krosan alone
who the fuck cares what clown says anyway? really
couldnt agree more :D
dude, Clown is the guy playing with the keyboard on his legs! give him abit of respect pls :D
lol :d so? i think i saw overdrive doing it aswell
clown as well? thought that was r3vers (or someone from old idle)
he goes frizerstile :d
Why should that earn him respect?
got my point wormy :D
ur right mate :9

clown maybe high but not allowed to act like a god
No missile in mappool = fail anehwayyzzzzz!!!!!
Why the hell did you put this text on a Success Kid template? Geez, those newfags...
I thought that was the point of these? Do it as wrong/badly as possible?

Forget that, really why reply to something after deleting it? Nobody's going to take your opinion seriously if they can't read the original and decide who is in the right.
Indeed, Tosspot should at least post Clown's text here as a quote so this discussion isn't senseless to all those who didn't have a chance to read it. Therefore I query:

TosspoT why do you start a discussion like this over something that is already deleted? Geez, those wankers...
Addon to your edit: well if you are trying to make a point in a serious business discussion like this one imo it's better to use the original purpose of the template to kinda save the "atmosphere" of it (I'm aware that this might sound a bit mental but it's hard to me to spit it out in a proper way in english). Though obviously you can go sarcastic/completely random on these, just a matter of taste. Plus my comment was not to be treated too serious, I'm just spamming in here cause I'm too tired to make a sensible point in the discussion.
The more you do the more you will be criticized. Iif you can't handle you shouldn't do anything.
the more you do for a free game community the more you should be praised
time costs words do not
He does get praised?
superb, now why would anyone wanna criticize top contribiutor = lessen his motivation = less cups = less activity = ...... less et?!
Krosan sucks anyway, so what's the difference
so why should he be the one to pick maps, while he isnt even playing himself nor is on a highskilled level to judge which maps are the most balanced? its nice if he does all this community work but when it comes to questions which are only gamerelated i dont see the reason to let him do the job
as mentioned, he didnt pick the maps and secondly you cant even use your real name to make a comment - how valid are you?
this is my only account ? :D

beside that ive just overflew this journal so I didnt really get the mappool thingy, nor Iam really into the ET scene but it bothered me always that you didnt make some extra section in the organisation with some people playing the game long enough or active on a high level to decide things like mappools/configs/punkbuster related things, etc. Because it wont cause any harm and maybe some players are more satisfied with the decision.

+ this wasnt intended to be the casual whine, but constructive critic, since I think the only thing keeping ET alive is actually crossfire
campaign <---> champagne?

wow, looking at ur comment, ur a big boy now

HERE u go , take a FRISTI!
since when does clown speak for us all?:x
This topic applies to everyone who tries to flame admins working on cf and game projects. Dont take it personally.
image: imasharkww3

Don't mind me, I just put random pics here and there...

On a more serious note though, I like cheese.

On an even more serious note, you got a point.
Hey! I like cheese too!
ur comment about snoop was much more mean intended and flamish than anything clown wrote :/
What was Clown's argument? The map-pool looks okay to me.
Ya cause you play rifle :P.

Beside the fact that Frostbite and Braundorf are both shit the rifle is definately to overpowered on both of these maps, especially in 5on5s.
good point aksually, havent thought of that yet
Braundorf is a good map, whether it allows riflers to have more influence than normal or not; which is not a problem in itself to be honest as every map-pool is medic centric. Frostbite is not a great map but the format makes it more viable, and the only reasonable replacement is Adlernest as other alternatives have been overplayed recently.
Quoteas other alternatives have been overplayed recently.

play beach again.. at least some lotto objectrun map which is not overplayed ^^
Well, if it was true that krosan picked the map pool, Clown might be right and I'd be on his side, but if it's not even true and Clown is protecting someone else and just projecting his hatred on krosan (because krosan is openly laughing about clown's map taste), I think it was pretty childish column by him. Even if he tried to act cool, he really openly attacked krosan on it. I'm not saying krosan would be clean (shouldn't have killed gambit's journals) and surely he is overusing his admin abilities. But still Clown shouldn't attack him like that.

On another thing. Clown said that the top10 teams in ET should decide the maps. Even if he got a point, the top10 teams in ET aren't the only ones playing and enjoying the game. Without the other players and spectators those top10 teams wouldn't be anything, because the community makes the game active. With just 10 teams in ET this game would be pretty much dead. So you have to pick a spectator friendly map pool as well.
He suggested a closed group of highskillers to select the maps but I'd rather see some open vote or differently picked panel (skill doesn't matter but knowledge of the game) to pick the maps
Idd, perfectly resembles my opinion as well :) If we want to make ET popular, it also have to draw the attention of spectators. And in some points that can mean dropping in a more 'lotto-ish' map eventhough some might not like it 'proffesionally'. It is professional if you manage to accept such a choice for the greater good of the game/community.
QuoteIt is professional if you manage to accept such a choice for the greater good of the game/community.

Totally fucking yes.
idd, it will be very boring if the better team always wins. There must always be some surprise moments to make the game exciting. That's why I support maps like reactor which always makes the game thrilling and even the lesser skilled teams have chances there :)
Well, I do tend to support those kind of maps as well, but to my feeling reactor is a bit too far away from the core of ET (as I see it) since I only feel that you can attack the last stage with lots of covies basicly. But a map as Frostbite is 'lotto' based but still also good to defend if performed correctly.
frostbite is actually ok, I just don't like it that much myself, but it might be pretty exciting to watch as well and there surely is some kind of lotto moment, even if in most cases the better team wins it
Reactor really is different, but I think it's just good to show ppl also a different side of ET, and especially the last stage is always so exciting, so I really vouch for that one

Braundorf 5on5 is a joker, I really don't know how it will turn out.
totally agree
when you don't give the top teams a say, they leave. when they leave you get..well..the lowest ec ever :>
I'm not saying they shouldn't have any say on it, I'm just saying that they shouldn't be the only ones deciding about it
I agree that perhaps some sort of poll is a great solution.But you must admit that those so called "topplayers" have been acting like a pety bunch lately, flaming every single admin decision. I rather not have them pick a map pool, atleast I know that most crossfire admins are sensible and reasonable.
as I said in the original comment, I think some kinda of panel with ppl that got knowledge over the game (not necessarily skill) should pick the map pool
the admins picked it, good enough for me.
well, they should be a bunch of "ppl that aren't necessarily highskilled but got much knowledge of the game", so that fulfills my requirements as well
problem is something like 80% of the community disagrees with that mappool (based on comments)
Based on comments ofc, since the ones who are fine with it wont whine. :3
I appreciate your opinion. I'd like to clear some stuff up though.
Firstly, I didn't openly laugh about clown's map taste. This is what I wrote: "he just disgusts reactor massively" regarding reactor. You were to one deducting he's a lamer. I never disrespected Clown's opinion.
Secondly, I've played ET from the first day it was released, and started playing competitively 3 years ago. I even played RTCW from beta 2. Sure I play on a low to med level, but that doesn't mean I can't have an opinion on how the maps play or how the scene develops. And during the past 2 years I've played more 5on5's than most of you since I play with mixes and it's always hard to find 6 players at the same time.
And thirdly, gambit is a crossfire user like anyone else, and if he posts racist slurs on newsitems (even if it was massive sarcasm) he deserves the same treatment as everyone else. Maybe people should read the rules sometime. Posting fake logs of my pms gets his journals removed. And if he reposts the same journal, he deserves a 1-day-ban. I didn't give this ban but next time I will, as that's what would happen to anyone that thinks he's allowed to do everything on this site. I'm probably the most active admin at this moment, so you see my actions a lot more than other admins, but that doesn't mean I should ignore everyone.

Hope that clears it up a bit.
You were the one to come up with Clown's name. I stated him lamer because reactor is a spectator friendly and exciting map, but it wasn't a personal attack against him. I never meant to attack him, it was aimed against his opinion not himself.
I never said you shouldn't take part in picking the maps, it was Clown who quoted you. What I mean is, if you had alone picked the maps, isn't just fair. There should be a wider opinion in things like this, but you got a point. I mean if it is one guy who picks them, that might as well be you. (And I never denied that). Also you might have the best 5on5 knowledge, I'm not denying that either :)
gambit said that jews killed Jesus, which is a historical fact. I don't see why he should get warning points for that. Ofc, he acted anything but mature after that, but I think he had a bit reason to be pissed off.
And finally, you have been pretty active admin lately, and on the other hand it's good, like producing content, taking part in community stuff like intel masters etc, and surely you have put a lot effort on it and that has lead in a good outcome as well. But it's just often when ppl got power, they start to think much of themselves and overuse that power. You should be careful that you don't go that road as well :)
Was reading your comment, then got to:

Quotegambit said that jews killed Jesus, which is a historical fact.

I didn't know that was factual.

Anyway, back to reading your comment :D
yeah I think it's been prooven somewhere that he lived and that he really got crucified, and nee, I'm too lazy to search for proof or so :P
Lol I just wanted to say that I appreciate the effort you put on this game. ::}
+1 TosspoT, just +1 !
Just remove Braundorf and Frostbite.
why remove the best maps
who said throw out gold and radar?
gtfo from the inet
I remember idle vs zeropoint @ EC final.
frost was zP 's home map & the action there was epic.

cmon, frostbite is really good :\
We had same topic about Killerboy some time ago.

Couldnt agree more toss
me and eiM demand attention a journal!
I got flamed too, can I have such a journal too?
you're low :P
You're German. You can handle it.
Die Stillen sind die wahren Gewinner
too low sry
be more like krosan first !
Did somebody throwed water over you? Or else your burned now.
He only shows what they taught him in circus.
Quotehat the ET community must realise very quickly, is there are very few good reliable contributors left in this game but there are plenty of flamers trying to drive them out.

i may not appear too involved as im neither contributing but nor (especially this point) am i flaming, but that is, as sad as it sounds, too true :(
to clear: Krosan nor me did pick the mappool but the whole staff. We had enough and enough of discussions.
he was not really attacking him, he was just wondering why admins who barely play ET on a high level picked all the maps etc and if it wasnt a better idea to let the players itself or a small part of it do that
give link to coloum
its been removed : (
screenshoot? ; D
dont have one :/
i dont like krosan
poor krosan :( i hope this makes you feel better and gives you peace
QuoteNow your game is active

Yea splitting up the community made it really active again...
there is no split. hardly any competition is 6on6 atm :D
More active than it was 8 weeks ago.
It feels bad when people insult you on the internet. :<
<3 krosan

I haven't played braundorf in 5on5 yet, but I recon frostbite is great for 5on5.
And tosspot isn't saying clown didn't have to right to post a column about his opinion,
just that he doesn't tolerate outright attacks on a person.
<3 krosan <3
Tbh, Clown did whine directly at Krosan even though he said he didn't, Reactor deserves 5o5
<3 krosan
internet serious business.....maybe for u :D
prac hard go pro
5 on 5 format is surely more controversial than this..Is flaming admins here something new?

The map pool and other rules of the event are decided by crossfire admins and should be respected otherwise there would by anarchy. Why do you believe you have to justify actions?
cry me a river.

i agree with what Dezire said.
wasnt clown one of the main reasons why reactor got removed from that intel cup few weeks ago?
You make it sound as if you are only providing the community with awesome cups and made the game alive again. We must honor you as gods. This is what you prefer.

When you set up something, be prepared for critisism. Don't be all like "Omg, we give you stuff, we work hard, now eat everything we give you"

If I put a lot of effort in pushing a turd out of my ass and then stuff it in your face, you wouldn't happily accept it.

Ofcourse I appriciate the effort and the LAN and all the cups, but I still want to express my opinion and make suggestions so that my input can be put to some use.
So you need to delete a column because you assume this community is too stupid to see if he has valid points or if he's just a whining bitch?

ps: Nice writing an open reply to a column that doesn't exist.
Gotta hate those people who always take the "but it's online only!!!" argument as a reason to behave like total retards. Maybe you are a bunch of nice guys in the real-life, but I couldn't care less. If you can't behave like a normal person on the internet, then keep your mouth shut.

I kinda agree with Spirea - it's not only the so called "Topplayers" who play the game, but also the rest of 98% communitypeople who play on a low+med level. They are the guys who watch the game. So I agree when he says there should be a bunch of people who know enough about the game (let it be a mixture of league-admins, known players etc) to decide the damn mappool.
Just reading these comments amazes me.

The amount of idiots who are still mentioning how Krosan "made the map pool" after you saying "However, Krosan was not the person that picked that map pool."

"Krosan spent some of his christmas holiday coding a new search engine for CF which will be going online as soon as the rest of us can catch up with him."

that only shows how fucking nerdy he is... wtf...
Nerdy != Dedicated
Krosan the new ET hero
all heil the ET Gods Toss and Krosan...without them ET is surely dead...
well after gettin censored twice in one day i think i am not allowed to write anything on this topic aswell :(
ET is like F1, nothing happening and we can talk about something -=lol=-
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