why dont we use antipro?

nobody plays with pb anyway , so lets use antipro even if its not finished yet ..
I thought it still had some bugs?
atleast you would've the opportunity to check guids with that cheater option arent you?
I heard it makes the server crash sometimes.. dunno if that's true but if that would happen you 100% cannot use it in important wars
yeah could be but still i prefer starting a map frow new then not knowing against who i'm playing
I wouldn't like it if the server chrashes while playing an official :s you can always yawn your opponents
yes indeed
atleast you would've the opportunity to check guids with that cheater option arent you?
"nobody ", well you just found a one person who plays with punkbuster
i prefer playin with pb also , just because i dont like to play against ppl i dont know without cheat protection , but when you say lets play with pb they say ,, no pb or leave,, easy as that
pb isnt cheat protection mate...
It is. I had somebody kicked because we changed while he went 999 to pb, he got kicked for one of the oldest wallhacks I can remember. :o)
You dont get it, do you?
(if you heard of Nigel Farage :>)
dont know him, ill look it up later.
After work...
dont mind, its politics :) he is in a European Parliament ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsVZ4VepQdg - 1:00).
he had said exactly what you said in your post and it instantly came to my mind :)
that´s the most nonsense i have ever heard , only thing pb does is to make ppl like me with crappy computers lag
cos it's shit
Just play with pb.
I rather play against cheaters than playing with pb :-)
I don't care about the cheaters, I had problems with pb for almost a year now, I got used to it, so should everybody else :D
??? die of aids :D :$
yeah sure if you want to play with 20fps and huge warping
it's fixable, I had it too, I fixed it. Just search & try around. Much forums have been made.
Why not try something? Just chosing the easy option and playing without pb is ignorant.
i didnt have that before pb updates.. and i really dont play so much that i'd care enough!
I don't even think of turning down PB.. since cheaters are free to spray their shit all over the fcking place then.
Antipro.. just another 2-week project which never got finished. Stop even giving it attention.
like there are no free un-detected cheats..
Oh, so because there are undetected forms of cheating, let's give a free-to-go for all the detected ones? Nice reasoning..
so whats the difference between undetected and detected cheats?..
.. k, for you it would idd be better if you just turn PB off.
ok Mr.i know everything about hax
thx for the compliment, cunt :)
if you think the guys you're playing atm cheat, you kick them. that simple. why do you need pb for that?
because I don't feel like being a police officer on guard all the time? but yes, it is a possibility
just play vs clean teams.
i am not so sure there are many clean teams out there
play vs cic7teams :D
just play vs cheaters so you can be sure they cheat
indeed, all this paranoia is making me sick.

2 options tbh:

- just play vs people and stop caring if they cheat or not
- just stop playing

The rest is just whining that you got killed by someone that you don't know.
ya, I mean its kindo ok in ET because the scene is fucking small but this kind of bullshit is in every fps game, as soon as you get killed you keep on whining and if 1 of the 100 guys you ever whined at got busted you go and make yourself some profile goldcup showing of "everyone I ever accused of cheating got busted"
haha. the laugh of familiarity. indeed, how many people say: "everyone I accuse gets busted eventually", is something i haven't really noticed before. Still it's an insoluble problem with cheaters. You can be so certain that somebody is cheating and not be able to do anything about it as a community. Ok they get a double ban on CF if they get banned on CB. But those random cheaters that keep getting back are unstoppable, which is frustrating.

In the end of RtCW it was nice because everyone knew eachother and cheaters didn't have a chance of returning. Now that I think of it, I don't remember raging people that they cheated in RtCW matches. When we got owned as a team it was because the other team had better tactics or outaimed us, simple as that.

God I love and miss RtCW!!!
well back than e-sport wasnt as meaningless as it is now. ive got guys in my school showing off how much they own in some games. for me ET was also great because of the guys ive played with and cheating to own better players in competion was something which never made any sense to me.

and even in ET where you know each other they comeback simply because their teammates are too stupid to accept it and prefer playing with cheaters instead of taking some clean, not that much owning guy.

i miss the ET times back in 2k5, it took me 1 1/2 years to spot the first cheater back than :D
pb on or not, I got no lags, all I can say is just buy a PC if you can´t run ET
pb fucked itself up, a year ago i didnt have any trouble playing and then the lag mysteriously appeared :d
w/o pb... some1 dosnt wanna play w/o pb and then when i pause for 5 mins because of the lagg... they whine ofsho
the problem is that some people (like me) get kicked at antipro every 5 min... :/
/callvote config global6nopb; wait till round ends and switch cfg with ref pw and take pbss. If they didn't get banned automatically, pbss will bust 'em. Did it 5 times so far and succeeded 2 times in busting the enemy -> 40% of pb whiners hack actually <3
Again for the dummy
Step 1: Enemy whines about PB
Step 2: Enemy votes PB config
Step 3: Vote yes, config changes to no PB

Step 4: Play a round
Step 5: In Warmup to round 2, log in ref and change to PB config
Step 6: /rcon pb_sv_getss

Step 7: Wait 20 seconds, maybe someone gets pb kick/ban automatically
Step 8: Check PBSS

So far I had 40% of the pb whiners busted for cheating with this tactic :<
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