HoN helpz

cheers haters i need to know how to change somethings in HoN game, i mean how to put the magic skills on right side of my screen for example when im ingame or hp mana at left side up. Because at the moment its fucking annoying me cuz like half of my screen is blocked by all of this shit.

this screen for example http://i36.tinypic.com/ose4c5.jpg
Fuck the game, then it works
wow this game needs to be really shitty
iz quite nice acually

that is the look of a spectator, as far as I know you cannot do that. if you spectate a match, you'll see it like that.
that screenshot is taken as a spectator :XD

if you don't want a big hud to be shown you could use thetiny ui mod

image: shot00323
its the same size but transparent and they call it tiny hud wtf
it is actually pretty minimalistic, also gives the possibility to hide everything in the hud
cheers buddy, you know if i can make my own hud?
if you know how to code mods, yes

but there are also drag and drop huds such as barter ui (i myself am using bard)
i downloaded some BardUI how can i put in in game now?
also check my comment below for some nice mods
ye man i have exactly the same shit thats why i want to move is somewhere else, you know how to do it?
I use TinyUI, barterUI and BardUI. Afaik bardUI allows you to resize the minimap, you can even move it :) Theres also a mod which makes the minimap unclickable, you need to push a button for it to open a second time on your screen so you can click it. I would recommend just making it smaller, once i did that i never clicked on the map again.
nah, im playing ROSE and ET till after CC7
here's a list of all the mods i use:

Auto Ability Learning also automatically levels stats if only option
Bard UI The UI mod i liked best
Dont Deselect You are still able to check out opponents items after they go in the fog
2d hero icons It helped me in the start recognize enemy heroes slightly faster, now i think it just looks better
mana cost Really usefull mod showing how much mana each spell and item costs so you don't have to hover over every item/spell
No shop
Respawn timers With this mod i no longer need barter UI
Right click deny Makes denying alot easier
Spell Channeling bar Shows how long your channeling spell takes
TowerDenier shows "DENY ME" when the tower has hp low enough to deny

also have a fake autobalance mod but i cba searching it
damn i dont know how to configurate this fuckin BardUI :( i launched it and stuff ingame i have even menu of this UI but dunno how to change stuff in it, for example i cant see hp of my teammates and dont know how to turn it on back
that's in regular options "always show health bars"

there is a certain key combination to turn this on and off, i unbound it
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