Jere for president

Don't really want to make a big fuss out of this, but I decided to quit with both YYT and ET aswell.

The reasons for this are that on the newspost of TosspoT people pretty much flamed me a little too much, and it's not even justified, as I didn't really stand behind the decision to kick Jere. I felt like we took the wrong decision, but you can't turn back time. So taking this in account, it wouldn't really be fun to play at CC7 anymore, as most people would rage towards me and the team anyway.

I'm not motivated enough to keep on playing (both online as offline), as I'm leaving to Germany for my internship soon, and then I'd rather spend a quality weekend with my lovable girlfriend, than being called a dickhead at a LAN. (I would have come to CC7, but after this shit happened I really can't be arsed anymore)

Another reason is that I feel pretty bad for Jere, and people think I didn't really care about him being kicked, but I do (yes I should have reacted earlier towards the decision, I know it by now... :/) therefore I decided to go. So you won't have to look at my "shit face" and my "arrogant whine" and whatever you want to put here anymore.

Anyway, I'd still like to thank most people who I played with and stuff (including the current YYT players) .. the usual "goodbye ET" journal shit ..

Good luck to the teams participating, and please, first think about something rather than making a ragecomment directly :-)
we dont want you here.
4th or 5th time youre quiting?
thanks for the last years m8 <3

too bad they destroyed it all =(
they = ross + toxic? still dont know why u took ross in your team ...
oh man the drama

gl in rl
GL & HF & cya @ KV wimworm ;)
Zijt gij ook ne Kakker?
i suppose that actually everyone saw that you didnt want him kicked
anyway hf

gj ross, very strong team improvement .. :D
who gonna take your spot now?
QuoteI'm leaving to Germany

Biggest improvement in ur life. GL!
:D that's the second :d you got today ...
Good luck in Germany, real life before this shit always.
didnt really see you as the one willing to kick jere out and I had the feeling so did most of the others, but good luck
Well, I don't realize how you let it happen that they/you kicked Jere in the first place. But I think you made the right decision leaving YYT and get my respect for that
good decision ! :P
good luck mate but we all know you wasn't behind the decision! wish you best of luck <3
good luck worm
to be honest bad excuse worm , i don't think anyone rlly blames you.. but if you don't wanna go on, that's your decision offc
bb worm , welcome new yyt player lolz

edit : jere can go back to yyt
dont leave the game with this reputation
no need for quitting, what about team Belgium? will you both compete for them?
Why don't you keep on playing? Just join another team & have some fun @ LAN.
I think no one, with a minimum of brain, will flame you.
Have fun irl worm :)
its all your fault and we know it!
So much drama, if you wanna enjoy your life go enjoy. Don't post here, you don't have to say sorry to someone.
If i were you , i would just leave. This isn't your life you know, it's just internet . I don't see any reasons to say "why" you do that.
C'est ce qu'on appelle le respect.
like anyone would seriously flame you at lan? :DD you know how tough these pussies are in rl =)
btw nobody flamed evilynn at lan, why would anybody flame you for this lol
don't rly understand all the fuzz about it too but ok:)
I think you reacted too rashly, you're not the one to flame. GL in RL anyways
I think anyone with an IQ of over 50 (average Crossfire IQ) knew you didn't agree with the decision of YYT, we all know toxic and R0SS well enough... doh

you didn't really need to quit ET
pff, weirdo

as if anyone here called you an ass for pulling this off :/ Any personal flame was directed at ross or toxic so wtf.

gl with quitting AGAIN

EDIT: Have fun with doing whatever you like though :P You're a nice guy.
hf wormiii :) too bad jere ;/ hope you find new teamm8<3
you kinda backstab YYT now
deserved, only feel sorry since he backstabs spectators, but he has the right to do it anyway :P

as long as he doesn't delete his buddylist!
hes really sorry for it
isn't that the point?
its karma baby
I respect your decision, it's the best you could've done. Enjoy your life ;)
and they are both cf admins, coincidence?
I'm in on it too!
but u guys only used to have the bestest navy !





Nice one. :D
hf worm

YYT becoming new EDiT zLoL!
sjezus wat ben jij slecht geworden zeg

zo'n skilldrop is toch niet normaal meer joh
ik speel toch ook niet meer xD
Worm, arent you that guy who made fun of snoop then you act like the same "quit et and stuff" ?!
I didnt really know you back in time but when you started to play with ross you started to follow him. I think you should join rockit if they accept you and bash YYT (they arent that good imo).

Anyway if you really skip this lan then good luck in real life and have fun with your girlfriend its more important than this game indeed.

edit: by the way its not really clear for me. Why didnt you said that you will quit if jere will be kicked ?
Dude get a fucking grip always it's like BACK IN THE TIME, BACKTHEN blabla please get a grip!
get grip u
brb finding the grip
btw, what will be the cc7 lineup of n0u? You guys pwned us pretty sick ! :D
JALAAA, zMk, filuS, lettu, Nonix
when did we play against you ?:)
nice nice, cu there then I guess :O)
I firmly support ur decision. GL @ Internship!
good decision mate. your girlfriend is much more important than ET :) I'm glad you realised that :p! tough it would have been alot of fun at CIC together with you!

image: worm
good decision to leave YYT,too bad your quiting et thou,gl in rl
Awesome job Ross,keep up the good work...
das nu de 4de keer da gij quit wel e vriend :DDD sowieso da gij binne een maand terug begint te spele, daar willek nu is veel geld opzette ;D
merci en salu
diee begint sowieso terug te spele binne 2maand e :p
dont go to germany, its full of germans!!
Oh, I smell jealousy here somehow.
IMO join "Rockit" with Jere, change mgc to yyt (kick the others before....), and win the lan!

then quit.
who are the current 3 players in rockit ?
clown winghaven maus if I'm right
rockit have 5 ppl already
That would be pretty sick :PPP
Make love no war

BB or Cya Wormke
What I find a bit weird is that Jere encouraged you to quit. I know you look for revenge, but CIC7 will be a great event with lots of fun. Also this a great blow to ET's reputation as a good competition game.
If I were him I would have told you to go on and do your best @ LAN or at least find another team who can take us both.
yeah quitting while you're on the ground when you should get back up, now this is just stupid..
shame to see 1 of the best players quit like this

would have loved to see jere + worm in rockit and win the lan :)

nice idea!wing,mAus,clown and jere&worm! yber
they kicked u
so ur quiting / dodging lan cause ur afraid of getting called a dickhead / whatever?
dude get some selfconfidence
respect for your decision to leave YYT!
It's sad to see you quitting ET but hf in reallife mate :>
therefore I decided to go. So you won't have to look at my "shit face" and my "arrogant whine" and whatever you want to put here anymore. lol boohoo :( this is sad
oh the emo drama, if you didn't like it so much you could've said "if you kick him you can fuck off and I'm out aswell"

wonder will these kind of moves now be known as "worm rage" by some admins and users of this website
I like ur decision to leave YYT.
But quitting ET isnt necessary at all imo.
Just went through the newspost and didnt really see any comment flaming u.
Everyone knows that u wasnt involved in kicking him.

Just join another team and backstab the backstabers!
Good decision, moar tears. baibai.
gl in everything worm;)

had some fun moments with you back in the day.

i guess noone really blamed you for the decision since everyone knows that toxic and ross are the retards
good bye worm :<
make another team
you + jere

recruitin !
hey dont be such an emo, figure it out and go pwn some noobs at the lan.
just kick toxic and ross and pick up 2 other players
jesus havent you learned by now you shouldnt give a fuck about what other people think D:

gl anyway with whatever wormpie!
kom je nog naar de lan met die belgen? :PPPPP
nee ;p jij dan ?
Jaa, zoals een wijs iemand het ooit goed verwoorde:


ik heb veel mogen leren van farmer
ik zie tegenwoordig steeds meer mensen wegvallen in teams waar ik van denk, goh wat zonde... Aan de andere kant kunnen wij natuurlijk een nice lastminutetje er van maken en stiekem mss wel 3e worden =D hahahaha

remember rob_wiz: the pown must go on =)

gr farmer
Quote by Wakizashiuk-e- And you can't be arrogent when your shit @ ET XDDDD

I don't know about any background facts, so I might be completely wrong with the following comment.
If Im not mistaken YYT is one of the biggest MGCs in ET. Therefore I guess they give the et-squad full LAN-support. With such an investment, the company wants good performance and results from their players which demands the BEST players they can get. The aspect of having fun is not the highest priority.

Belgium Jere is for sure an excellent rifle, but if you have the chance to get an even better one, the clanleader (United Kingdom R0SS isn't he?) has to take a decision for the team but much more for the YYT and Poland wiaderko is probably slightly better than Jere.

Besides, why all the blame on R0SS? He was surely not the only one from the team who wanted Jere replaced by wiaderko otherwise the other members would've protested?
R0SS himself is shit. The fact he replaces someone better than him in the team with someone he believes is better is quite funny. If he really wanted to make a good team he would have removed himself not Jere.
it's perhaps hard to get a new clanleader so short before such an event.
He would not have been hard to replace.
you probably don't know very many from the others willing to go to the LAN (here a list of the others: since you haven't been in the community for very long as I see. Compared to the listed players R0SS is skillwise still the best.
Oh here we go. You are seriously thinking that because my profile hasn't been around as long as yours you MUST know more. The time of a profile has nothing to do with the time someone has been in a community, bloody muppet.

In regards to your point, do you not wonder how long that list would be and who would be in it if LAN support was provided?

Even if I might have sounded arrogant from your perspective, the length of membership at cf USUALLY has something to say about your community experience.

But besides, I'm not sure if it had been better to remove R0SS instead of Jere since Jere has had connection problems in the past weeks and you cannot deny that such a circumstance really is a handicap for the entire team.
Your going off the point.

And to be honest, I have been in the community years longer than my account suggests, you can't say to anybody "WOW YOU HAVE HAD YOUR ACCOUNT FOR 2 DAYS YOU HAVE ONLY BEEN IN THE COMMUNITY FOR 2 DAYS" because seriously, that makes absolutely no sense.
I don't care a damn shit about your membership and I was trying to get onto the real discussion and that's about Jere n R0SS whereas you don't seem to get that... Im like talking to a kid... jeez.
Quote by TitesI don't care a damn shit about your membership

Oh wait...
Quote by Titessince you haven't been in the community for very long as I see

Quote by Titesthe length of membership at cf USUALLY has something to say about your community experience.

My point was that if they wanted to make the team better they should have replaced R0SS with wiaderko, not Jere, who cares about connection issues, they should have stuck by him, because they won't come first, and now, they probably won't even come in the top five.

You seem to get angry when I bring up a point you can't argue against, so you tell me, who is the kid...jeez
YYT is big mgc, and i am sure that they want the best possible results, but when u r playing with someone for months its silly to change lineup right before the lan because u want in team someone who is only slightly better, jere is one of the top rifles and so is wiadro, i wouldnt be surprised if YYT refuses to provide lan support due to lineup changes. And other thing is that even if u get a bit better guy it doesnt rly mean that team will do better, stability is rly important, maybe even more than getting the best possible players.
btw, your cf account is twice older than mine, and i would guess that i achieved much more than u will ever do in this game, so bringing the fact of age of profile is lame shit. Think whatever u want to think, but stabilty > friendship > names
you don't seem to have read the interview made by Homer. there you get to know that Jere had inet problems and that has let the entire team suffer, so is that the kind of stability you're talking of? i mean a team (exept for worm) which prefers one player (wiadro) over another (Jere), sounds like great stability to me... and if you had read the interview you could've seen that YYT performed very good with wiadro.

just because I didn't achieve as much as you in ET doesn't mean that I know less about what's happening in the community. why am I even taking this discussion with you, why should you feel offended when my purpose wasn't even to offend the other guy. it was just a hypothesis.
i dont feel offended, i dont get why u judge ppl by how long their cf profile is, I just showed u an example where numbers can get u to make a poor judgement. And I have read the interview and for me few weeks lagz seems not to be enough to kick somebody who is dedicated to team for months and its even worse considering the fact that toxic has same problems as jere (unstable ping + work).
numbers can obviously mislead but it's in the most cases a good indication for drawing certain conclusions.

however, there must be a reasonable arguement why they chose to kick Jere and I don't claim to know that reason but it's pathetic and perhaps even naive to believe that he got kicked because the others didn't like him, thereby i mean issues based on an emotional level. I was just searching for a rational explanation for R0SS actions instead of just witch-hunting him and now Im getting blamed for that? :s
How extremely emo, I am sure more hated people have had the balls to go to LAN and not cry about it, Jesus.
that fat dickhead ross needs his head punchin in
gl, had some nice times against u guys with sleeperz :D
TROLL! TROLL! TROLL! You so wannabe The "Peoples Champion" Rock
Zal u leren van die Ross in u team te pakke
I think all these recent news are about Tosspot's plan to bring more drama to ET, as he stated at some shoutcast
Someone enlighten me please
You kicked a player off your team and you got flamed by that?
His best e-buddy/real life friend jere got kicked from his team by his teammates and he's like OMFG NOES NOW I HAZ TO QUIT

5th time u QUIT ET :D
Good luck with your internship in Germany, and see you in a few weeks/months as usual!
This is just so fuckin hilarious :DDD

serious business pics needed!
enjoy your life enculé <3
too bad u will quit ET :((
Gl&hf irl Worm !!
E wormke ook al hadde we haat gevoelens voor elkaar :) Je blijft een zalige kerel ! Gl met weekendje met je vriendin gaat je veel beter doen :) Ciaokes !
lold there goes your respect

so sad
that was at the start of EC when i did that.
everyone was involved in this decision, ross came up with the idea, i agreed, we asked teammates, they agreed, this is after we waited and gave some time obviously. so i wasnt the mastermind of this, but does it really matter, we just agreed
it wasnt dealt in the best possible manner, everything got a little out of hand and i feel bad for jere cos he is a great bloke.
Worm you suck :D <3... phantoms will take jere and eat his rifles!

Gl in future, but bit of a stupid reason cos you got a little bit of flame you leave? LOL

Ive taken more flame in 1 day than you have in 2 years :X
Ive taken more flame in 1 day than you have in 2 years :X

there is a reason for that isn´t it? :D
Ba t'a edit alors ftg
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