mobile text time

any of u has problem with the time of ur text messages.

Getting a message from mates but its like saying its sent @ +1h or sometimes -5h etc
saw that enough people were having this problem, wondering if any of u had an solution for it.

so basicly , people send text - > I receive -> but the time that's stated there ain't right its saying 20.10 eventhough its 21.10 (and yes i am sure they send it at the exact time and not 1h ago)
call your crappy phone company ?
go to settings

sometimes you can change it there when you want to send the message
no probs with blackberry!
and you thought we will fix the satellite receipt of your phone ?
The time is set by the message centre whatever time it has set it will display that time when it gets to you phone
so smth is fucked up at that message center then ? Since I'm not the only one having the prob. Or somewhere in the communication between the center and my phone
yea the problem will be with the message centre of your phone network i'd say
Dave got bad mobile connection , that's it
only happens if you are on Tesco mobile
Didn't know suVi had a phone
Call your provider.. they should be able to fix it.
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