wallhack wtf!

Well just installed ET on my laptop and i can see sth like that :DDD also if theres someone behind this wall i can see shadow of his feet!
image: 20ab53s
image: 2s9u6x2
image: 2ro53sh
image: 15g2srl

and does anyone know how do I need to change config on laptop to get more fps, cuz its pretty awesome laptop and i get only around 50 max 60!
graphic driver? just guessing =) dont know anything about pre-installed laptops etc hehe
n1 selfbust
epic selfbust
epic selfbust
i tak oto zbanuja team poland zanim cokolwiek zagraja :[
fucking knew it n00n, ever since your match with rockit..
theres only one strange thing coming to my mind...

you re from Poland and your lagometer is a constant line...
does not compute
such a lagometer would be laggy for me
just put all setting from drivers on low/minimal and see if its still there
clicking on F12 should help, it does the trick for me
I get 125 fps @ my laptop
which one do you have?
Acer ASPiRE 5920G
intel core 2 duo processor 1.83 ghz or smth
nvidia geforce 8600m GT 512mb
e; nice cfg btw ^^
mine is a lil bit better even :D need to figure it out! vista?
ye vista, don't like it that much tho
i dont get wtf3
polish pcs have built-in wh, not too unexpected
r_depthbits ? I had a bug like this with low values and low colorbits etc.
doesnt work on opponent
n1 selfbust
seems like a graphicscard driver bug. i remeber something like that back then with ati and gothic.

upload ur cfg so we can reproduce it and find out what cvars are causing it
to get them removed from leagues!
Maybe those two warnings in 1st pic are related...
yea. . ati stuff
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