Happy Birthday Fro<3

The legend and symbol of miAmi team - Fro is 20 yo! Jesse is going to be a Dj at his party tonight so wish them a great and crazy time! :) love you man <3
image: miami
What a cool song, so deepful
miami sucks
chewing chewing gum while singing?
You really don't care about what people say to you/about you do you? :D
nigga this is internet ;d i love trollin at this site :)
like look at this guy below, he took it serious, i just love it :D
It's funny how you say it, i remember you raging killerboy so hard by insulting him and stuff, you are just some wannabe trying to be 'most hated' but u actually fail hard at it, u think u are most hated but u aren't, i hope i didnt kill ur dream.
im not trying to because i am, and yes im a hater
fucking gangsta,iam scared! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Now i love you again johnny
Nice song yo'
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