swgold fps/lag problem

Everytime i played sw_goldrush_te lately i seem to lag out on the last stage cause of massive FPS-lag or net-lag. I took a few screenshots when watching at the bridge doing some arti's and as soon as the markers appear i just lag out. I cant play last stage at all anymore, this was only with 2 ppl on the server, so imagine how it is with 5v5. REMEMBER THIS ONLY HAPPENS HERE ON SWGOLD ON LAST STAGE, on any other map i have no problems AT ALL!

Screenshots :

image: 110llkp

image: 25k361w

image: 28qtgg8

Ive never had any problems with this before, but since a few weeks i just keep lagging out, sometimes its so bad my net just dies. This is without PB enabled on the server. PC specs you can find in my profile. Ive already updated every driver that could be related with it (gfx(tried multiple ones),mb,chipset etc). Im on Windows 7 Ultimate atm and never had problems untill a few weeks ago.

If anyone could help me it would be greatly appreciated and the person that helps me solve this will get a free bnc from me!
Some virus eating ur pc?
Clean your pc , delete old sw_goldrush.pk3 file , dll new one, reinstall pb! und check your config for any retarded net settings
already downloaded new .pk3, cleaned my pc, reinstalled PB eventhough its also on nopb servers, no retarded net settings since i didnt change anything in my config last few months apart from my sens. Scanned my pc a few times already, didnt get any weird stuff rly :<
Reinstall ET!?
why would i have to reinstall ET if its only on one part of a certain map. Any other maps i have no problems getting 125fps stable, and if its not that stable atleast i dont lag out. Only happens on swgold :(
I told you it wasn't our server!! :DD
can't help you though :S
format c:
reinstall gfx drivers
if you read my story, you couldve seen that i already tried multiple drivers, didnt work :(
buy new gfx
fuck me thats pretty bad hope u get it fixed
youre not the only one that hopes i get it fixxed, were fucked every time we play swgold cause of me :(((
don't lose first stage
check temperatures (cpu, gfx)
did that, temps are fine :<
Had the same shit years ago. But can't remember how I fixed it. :( Probably format c.
http://www.nvidia.co.uk/object/winxp_181.22_whql_uk.html installeer deze, als dat niet helpt. Probeer een keer je cmos te resetten

jij hebt altijd iets vaags of niet dan :D anyway ik ga naar school juu
drops till 102 fps, oh noes :-)

strange it's only in gold imho, be glad it's only in gold I'd say :P

considering u prolly have a 8GB memory laptop and quad core 5.0GHz; it kinda sux for SaTz
if it was only fps drops i wouldnt care, but since it goes together with massive lags as you can see on the screens its rly annoying and simply unplayable :(
what sound megs are you using
try different cfg or reinstall ET
get internet !
chance crosshair
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