DOD ?!?!?!?!?!

has anyone ever played this game from steam Day of Defeat, cuz i'm at friends house atm and i gave him my car for a while so i tried to play it and it looks kinda funny :D does anyone know if there are some pcws or leagues in it? must be fun to play with couple of guys on public as well

Wastage - There would be enough space for two.


e: its fun on lans :) like half life
Aboriginal pregnancy test.

Spread legs and insert a banana into the vagina.
Leave for 30 seconds.
Remove banana from vagina.
If banana is half eaten, there’s another fucking monkey on the way.
Yeah, played for a while, was fun pubbing etc
cs:s+cod2= DOD:source or w/e its called
i have it,its shit
ye and i liked it :)
in my opinio its a really REALLY REALLY bad. bad gameplay...bad everything just a lowgame imo
looked alright when i played dod:s on a steam free weekend though the hit detection is a bit wierd.

saw an epic fragmovie from it though - as someone said before: cs:s + cod:2 = dod:s
ye got it on steam, but just played it a few times, a friend of me used to play it.

i didnt like it at all, its really slow (even u can strafejump somehow) most of the weapons got uber recoil, ull need pitch of 20 to handle it, and hits with the k98 = insta death when u get hit.

try it yourself, best way to find out if u like it or not ^^
you are doing it wrong
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